Configuration: Settings for Developers - nilakshdas/ThinkUp GitHub Wiki

**NOTE: ** These settings for the file are probably only used if you're troubleshooting or doing development on ThinkUp.

  • Core Developer Configuration Settings: These are the basic changes you can make to get more insights and information about your ThinkUp application and environment.
  • Database Settings for Running Tests: You'll need to define database connection information for ThinkUp to use if you want to run the code test suite without disturbing your real application data.
  • Also see: Configuration: Settings for standard ThinkUp configuration.

Core Developer Configuration Settings

Log Location

Putting in a file system path for this setting will cause ThinkUp to start logging all of its activity in detail, which can be very helpful for debugging errors or if you just want more information on what's going on. Also see Configuration: Enable the crawler's verbose developer log

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['log_location']
  • Default value: false

SQL Query Log Location

In addition to the application log, above, you can log every SQL query that ThinkUp makes to its database. To do so, provide a file system path to where ThinkUp should store these logs. By default, the "null" value means these logs are not recorded.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['sql_log_location']
  • Default value: null

Slow SQL Query Timing

If the SQL Query Log is enabled (see above), ThinkUp can also keep track of queries which take a particularly long time. How long is "particularly long"? Well, it's up to you; This variable lets you define that, in seconds and tenths of a second.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['slow_query_log_threshold']
  • Default value: 2.0

Enable Debugging

This simple true/false setting determines whether ThinkUp will show detailed information about its operation right within the user interface of the app while you're working with it. That's handy if you want more performance data right from your web browser.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['debug']
  • Default value: true

Enable Profiler

This setting determines whether ThinkUp shows its peformance profiling data.

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['enable_profiler']
  • Default value: false

PDO Database Character Set

If you'd like to explicitly set the character set of your PDO object's database connection (presumably to utf8), you can do so with this value. Otherwise, ThinkUp won't explicitly define the character set. If you have no idea what this is, don't worry, you don't need it.

  • Configuration variable:$THINKUP_CFG['set_pdo_charset']
  • Default value: false

Database Settings For Running Tests

Define these settings so that ThinkUp can make a separate database when it needs to run its code tests. That keeps the data in your primary database safe. These work just like the same values for your non-test data.

**IMPORTANT: **Make sure these values go within the block of code at the end of that looks like:

if ((isset($_SESSION["MODE"]) && $_SESSION["MODE"] == "TESTS") || getenv("MODE")=="TESTS") {


Database User Name

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_user']
  • Default value: your_test_database_username

Database Password

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_password']
  • Default value: your_test_database_password

Database Name

(This isn't your name, it's the name of the database where ThinkUp stores its information.)

  • Configuration variable: $THINKUP_CFG['db_name']
  • Default value: thinkup_tests