Developer Guide: Setting Up Eclipse PDT - nilakshdas/ThinkUp GitHub Wiki
Eclipse PDT is a free, cross-platform, full-featured PHP IDE that offers class browsing, code formatting, and method completion.
- Set indentation to spaces: To easily generate code that complies with ThinkUp’s indentation-by-spaces style (as per the Code Style Guide), in your project’s preferences panel, under PHP>Code Style>Formatter, set the “Tab Style” to spaces, and indentation size to 4.
- Add word wrap: Insane but true: Eclipse does not support word wrap natively. Use this experimental add-on to enable it. (via Stack Overflow). Once the plugin’s installed and you’ve restarted, right-click on a file and select “Virtual word wrap” to enable it.
- Show whitespace: See whether you’re using tabs or spaces; go to Window>Customize Perspective and under Editor Presentation check off “Show Whitespace Characters.” A button will appear on your toolbar that you can press to show spaces and tabs.
- Set your author name: In Preferences…>PHP>Code Style>Code Templates, expand Comments and choose “Types.” Click the edit button to set what the @author tag auto-fills when you’re commenting your code.
- Show a max line length ruler: In the Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors. Check “Show print margin” and enter the max line length (currently 120 as per the style guide).
- Run regression tests in Eclipse: Here’s how to install the SimpleTest plugin in Eclipse to run tests in the IDE. (Note from Gina: this plugin doesn’t work on my Mac or PC; when I choose “Run as>SimpleTest” nothing happens.)
Install Mylyn plugin for Github: If you want to browse and update issues in Eclipse, install this plugin
Find your GitHub API Key in Account Settings under the Account Admin tab.
- Ctrl+Shift+F to format your code
- Ctrl+/ to comment a block of code (hit it again to uncomment)
- Ctrl+O to hop to member
- Ctrl+L to go to line number
- Ctrl+Spacebar for method completion
- More Eclipse keyboard shortcuts
- Boosting your productivity in Eclipse using shortcuts