Page Index - my-swift-lab/firefox-ios GitHub Wiki
25 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Activity Stream Telemetry
- Adding Glean Telemetry Events
- Automated UI Tests
- Bitrise General Info
- Crash Reporting with Sentry
- Developing Firefox for iOS 🦊
- Developing with local Carthage dependency
- Firefox iOS contribution (Starter Guide)
- FxScreenGraph and XCUITest
- History Restoration in WKWebView (and Error Pages)
- Install Tracking in Firefox for iOS with the Adjust SDK
- Leanplum A B test setup
- Mozilla's Telemetry Service Pings
- Release Build Checklist
- Rust Integration Notes
- Screenshot Tests
- Screenshots for Localization
- Script Injection in Firefox
- String Export l10n
- Swift Style Guides
- Symbolicating
- WKWebView navigation and security considerations
- WKWebView 히스토리 복원 테스트
- Writing a first XCUI test from the scratch