String Export l10n - my-swift-lab/firefox-ios GitHub Wiki

A. Before doing any of this and its your first time.

B. If its not your first time

  • vnc to L10N machine: vnc:// This has Xcode 8 which is needed (why?) to do the export process
  • cd firefox-ios folder that contains the firefox-ios app from // Assuming firefox-ios repo is checked out
  • git pull origin main // gets the changes for firefox-ios repo
  • checkout // if the scripts itself doesn't exist or SKIP if they are already there
  • rm -rf firefoxios-l10n // if it exists
  • ios-l10n-scripts/ // this checks out firefoxios-l10n
  • cd firefoxios-l10n // Once firefoxios-l10 is checked out and all strings are built
  • git config --local credential.helper "" // Clear the credentials
  • Add your remote from forked repo: git remote add update https://THIS_IS_YOUR_FORKED_firefoxios-l10n_URL
  • Push the branch: git push update YOUR_BRANCH_NAME // Should be similar to 20200706_1638 (timestamp) that is given in the terminal

C. Note

  • If you are using 2-FA then make sure to generate a token instead of your password and give it repo read / write at (check off repo, read: packages, write: packages, which worked for me.) Copy that token, then when prompted, enter your username, and at the password prompt use the token.
  • Make PR towards firefoxios-l10n and make sure to check that there are changes for the string. Ex PR -