Release Build Checklist - my-swift-lab/firefox-ios GitHub Wiki

In BuddyBuild, for an ITC build:

  • Set schemes to Firefox / Firefox Beta
  • enable: build for archive
  • disable: only run tests
  • optional: disable tests
  • In Deployments tab, deploy the current branch to Apple

Git and source changes

  • Create new vXX.x branch
  • Update version number using
  • Update Client/Info.plist MozWhatsNewTopic
  • Update uses of SENTRY_DSN_BETA_XXX (Why? We should stop this step)


  • Create new product, like firefox-ios-200 for v20.0
  • Grab the private DSN URL from that product, add it to BuddyBuild env for SENTRY_DSN_BETA_XXX

App Store Connect

  • Ensure release is set to use a 7-day rollout
  • Copy translations from SUMO what's new for a given version.

Jira PI Request

Example ticket

Security Advisories


Checking for Advisories

Make sure that the security bugs have an updated tracking flag with the correct version number

  • cd ../secadv
  • ./ios_advisories (version) -- (I needed to do /Users/garv/Library/Python/2.7/bin/pip install requests first)

missing advisory.txt

Generate Advisory

  • cd foundation-security-advisories-private
  • pip install -r requirements.txt -- (/Users/garv/Library/Python/2.7/bin/pip in my case)

Generate the new advisory:

  • ls announce/2020 (and note the last file present there)
  • cd ../secadv
  • ./ios_advisories (version) > ../foundation-security-advisories-private/announce/2020/mfsa2020-<xx>.yml Hopefully there are no errors. If it has errors and you need help, contact [sec-team].
Double check the file:
Add and commit the file:
  • git add announce/2020/mfsa-<xx>.yml
  • git commit -m “Advisories for iOS Release Foo”
  • git push origin
Await Apple approval of App

Publish Advisory

When Apple has approved the app, and you are ready to release it to users, go to #release-coordination on Slack Link to your specific commit in foundation-security-advisories-private and ask for the advisory to be made public. Tag @tritter @dveditz for visibility