Symbolicating - my-swift-lab/firefox-ios GitHub Wiki

Make sure /Applications/ is the same version as was used to compile the version of Firefox that you are trying to symbolicate.

Go to BuddyBuild and hit the Download dSYM link for the build that you are trying to symbolicate. Run tar xvfz on that file. It doesn't matter where you keep the unarchived files, the symbolicatecrash uses Spotlight to find them it seems.

export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"

To symbolicate a single crash:

/Applications/ my.crash > my.symbolicated.crash

To symbolicate all crashes that you previously downloaded via Xcode's Crash Navigator:

for crash in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Products/org.mozilla.ios.Firefox/7.0\ \(2330\)/Crashes/AppStore/*.xccrashpoint/DistributionInfos/all/Logs/*.crash; do
  echo "${crash##*/}"
  /Applications/ "$crash" > "${crash##*/}"