Page Index - jjppof/goldensun_html5 GitHub Wiki
37 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Introduction for users
- Helpful tips for debugging your game
- Abilities
- Adding Interactable Objects to the map
- Adding NPCs to the map
- Animated Tiles
- Battle animations
- BGMs
- Classes
- Creating a simple map
- Creating spritesheets with Texture Packer or Free texture packer
- Djinn
- Enemies
- Enemies Parties
- Game Events
- Game initialization settings
- General properties
- Interactable objects (DB)
- Interactable objects (Map)
- Interactable Objects summary
- Introduction for developers
- Items
- Main Chars
- Main chars battle sprites explanation
- Maps
- NPCs (DB)
- NPCs (Map)
- Random battles
- Shopkeep dialog
- Shops
- Special NPCs
- Storage
- Summons
- Tile Events
- What's a JSON file
- Windows Menus hierarchy