Main Chars - jjppof/goldensun_html5 GitHub Wiki

Database file for main chars. See an example. This json file is an array of objects, each object corresponds to a main char.


  • key_name [string]: char unique key_name.
  • name [string]: char name.
  • hp_curve [array]: array of HP values for each level.
  • pp_curve [array]: array of PP values for each level.
  • atk_curve [array]: array of attack values for each level.
  • def_curve [array]: array of defense values for each level.
  • agi_curve [array]: array of agility values for each level.
  • luk_curve [array]: array of luck values for each level.
  • exp_curve [array]: array of required experience for each level.
  • starting_level [number]: starting level of the char.
  • base_level [object]:
    • venus [number]: base venus level of the char.
    • mercury [number]: base mercury level of the char.
    • mars [number]: base mars level of the char.
    • jupiter [number]: base jupiter level of the char.
  • base_power [object]:
    • venus [number]: base venus power of the char.
    • mercury [number]: base mercury power of the char.
    • mars [number]: base mars power of the char.
    • jupiter [number]: base jupiter power of the char.
  • base_resist [object]:
    • venus [number]: base venus resistance of the char.
    • mercury [number]: base mercury resistance of the char.
    • mars [number]: base mars resistance of the char.
    • jupiter [number]: base jupiter resistance of the char.
  • innate_abilities [array]: array of innate abilities key names.
  • in_party [boolean]: if true, this char is in the party.
  • battle_scale [number]: this char battle sprite scale factor, 0 is 0%, 1 is 100%.
  • battle_shadow_key [string]: the battle shadow key in assets\images\spritesheets\battle\battle_shadows.json.
  • status_sprite_shift [number]: the shift from the char battle sprite top that will be applied to the status sprite.
  • weapon_sprite_shift [number]: the shift from the char battle sprite top that will be applied to the weapon sprite.
  • djinn [array]: array of the initial djinni key names.
  • items [array]: array of the initial items.
    • key_name [string]: item key name.
    • quantity [number]: the item quantity. Optional property. Default value is 1.
    • equipped [boolean]: whether the item is equipped or not. Optional property. Default value is false.
  • battle_animations_variations [object]: whether this char has a battle animation variation for an ability.
    • {[ability key name] : [battle animation key name]}: create one of this pair for each variation.
  • weapons_sprites [object]: an object of objects describing the weapons sprites of this NPC. The key of each internal object should be the weapon type:
    • spritesheet [object]: the spritesheet paths:
      • image [string]: the spritesheet image relative path.
      • json [string]: the spritesheet json relative path.