Page Index - haven1433/HexManiacAdvance GitHub Wiki
57 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Basic Tutorial 01: Pokemon Editing
- Basic Tutorial 02: Pokedex Editing
- Basic Tutorial 04: Editing Shiny Odds
- Basic Tutorial 10: Starter Pokemon Editing
- Basic Tutorials (Miscellaneous)
- Decapitalization Explained
- Developer Guide
- Editing the World Map ⁄ Town Map
- Entrance Abilities
- Everything You Need for Event Scripting in HexManiacAdvance
- Evolution Editing
- Expanding Starters in Emerald
- Formats
- Getting HexManiacAdvance to recognize extra pokemon added with PGE
- Glossary
- Haven's Unofficial Build Of Leon's Dynamic Pokemon Expansion Complete FireRed Upgrade Rombase
- HexManiac Automation Scripts
- Legendary Pokémon Encounters
- List of Auto Anchors
- List of Utilities and Scripts
- Making Scripts Callable from Items
- Move Expansion Explained
- Overview of the Interface
- Overworld Scripting ‐ A Complete Example
- Overworld Scripting ‐ Flags
- Overworld Scripting ‐ Getting Started
- Overworld Scripting ‐ Map Header Scripts
- Overworld Scripting ‐ Script Events
- Overworld Scripting ‐ Scripting Basics
- Overworld Scripting ‐ Specials
- Overworld Scripting ‐ Using Templates
- Overworld Scripting ‐ Variables
- Pixilate Style Abilities
- Pointers and Anchors
- Pokedex Conversion Explained
- Pokemon Expansion Explained
- Pokemon Moves
- Rom Expansion Explained
- Rom Overview Explained
- Scripts Expand Overworld Sprites
- Scripts Fairy Type
- Scripts ‐ Combat Items
- Scripts ‐ Item Effect to Change Secondary Type
- Scripts ‐ Physical Special Split
- Scripts ‐ Tutor Items
- Silent Pokémon Evolutions Tutorial
- Sorting Level Up Moves Explained
- Tileset Animations Explained
- TOML and You: How Metadata works
- Trainer Encounters
- Tutor Expansion Explained
- Tutorials
- Understanding the User Interface
- User Guide
- What are HMA Scripts?
- Аnimation Scripting Tutorials