Аnimation Scripting Tutorials - haven1433/HexManiacAdvance GitHub Wiki

These tutorials are centered around creating and editing move animations for the Generation III handheld games. All move animations use their own scripting language (denoted by the `asc` formatting in Hex Maniac Advance) to configure their appearance during battles. These tutorials are in no particular order.

Expanding Move Particles (video)

Some moves from later generations might not necessarily use the existing graphics, so adding more of them to the game is an option to make their animations stand out. However, moving this table to another location would cause a few problems, such as messing up Groudon's rocks in the introduction scene and the sparkle animation when sending out a shiny Pokémon. This tutorial demonstrates solving those problems.

Recoloring Move Particles (video)

This tutorial demonstrates making a few later-generation move animations that are based off of existing animations, but with recolored graphics. Expanding the table of move particles is recommended to avoid jeopardizing vanilla moves' animations. Not all move animations can be used with different particle colors because of limitations with the createvisualtask command (as opposed to the lax createsprite command).