Changelog v33 - cwtickle/danoniplus-docs GitHub Wiki

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<- v34 | v33 | v32 ->
(πŸ”– 21 Releases )

πŸ”ƒ Files changed (v33)

Directory FileName Last Updated
/js danoni_main.js πŸ“₯ v33.7.8
/js/lib danoni_constants.js πŸ“₯ v33.6.0
/css danoni_main.css πŸ“₯ v33.2.0
/skin danoni_skin_default.css
πŸ“₯ v33.0.0
Changed file list before v32
Directory FileName Last Updated
/js/lib danoni_localbinary.js πŸ“₯ v15.1.0
/img aaShadow.svg
πŸ“₯ v15.1.0

⭐ New Features / πŸ› οΈ Improvements / 🐞 Bug Fixes
( Files changed: βšͺ danoni_main.js / πŸ”΅ danoni_constants.js / πŸ”΄ css files )

[Warning] Defect information for unsupported versions

v33.7.8 (2024-04-03)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue with key presses not moving to visible screen position when object is off screen in key config screen. ( PR #1634 ) <- πŸ’₯ v30.0.1

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v35.5.0

v33.7.7 (2024-03-17)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue where the next freeze arrow would not respond to a key press when the end and start points of the freeze arrow were close to each other. ( PR #1627, #1628 ) <- πŸ’₯ v29.0.1

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v35.4.3

v33.7.6 (2024-01-28)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue with transparency not being applied when the color code was set to 0x beginning with the background arrow on the title screen. ( PR #1609 ) <- πŸ’₯ v33.5.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v34.7.1

v33.7.5 (2023-11-05)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Improved problem with right shift key not working in some environments. ( PR #1593 ) <- πŸ’₯ v16.0.0
  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue in which the "keyGroupOrder" settings were not applied correctly when the settings of other chart's "keyGroupOrder" settings were empty. ( PR #1591 ) <- πŸ’₯ v33.5.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v34.5.1

v33.7.3 (2023-10-29)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue with color change not being applied to some lanes. ( PR #1582 ) <- πŸ’₯ v33.5.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v34.4.0

v33.7.2 (2023-10-21)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 B) Fixed an issue with "HitPosition" setting not working. ( PR #1579 ) <- πŸ’₯ v31.0.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v34.3.2

v33.7.1 (2023-10-13)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 B) Fixed an issue with quota specified in "difData" not being applied. ( PR #1575, Issue #1574 ) <- πŸ’₯ v32.6.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v34.3.0

v33.7.0 (2023-09-08)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Added setting for screen position adjustment in common setting file. ( PR #1559 )
  • 🐞 B) Fixed an issue with preblankframe being calculated incorrectly when empty lanes exist. ( PR #1558 ) <- πŸ’₯ v33.5.0

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v33.6.0 (2023-09-07)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Implemented the ability to adjust window height and Y-coordinate. ( PR #1556 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅
❀️ LaV ( @lvenier )

v33.5.1 (2023-09-05)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Changed the separator character from ; to ;; in gradient notation when specifying outside of a gradient. ( PR #1554 )
  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue in which color name + transparency could not be specified due to inconsistencies in gradient notation specifications. ( PR #1554 ) <- πŸ’₯ v33.0.0

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v33.5.0 (2023-09-02)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Added preview function of result images for posting on SNS. ( PR #1550 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Refactor the source code. ( PR #1551 )

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v33.4.1 (2023-08-28)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 B) Fixed an issue where the display position of the background and mask may shift when the shortcut key area is enabled. ( PR #1548 ) <- πŸ’₯ v33.4.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ

v33.4.0 (2023-08-27)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Added a setting for the display of unusual shortcut keys in playing window and their display area. ( PR #1544 )
  • ⭐ Corresponds to the lower abbreviation of the custom key type position. ( PR #1546, Issue #1545 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅
❀️ izkdic

v33.3.0 (2023-08-22)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Added setting to enable or disable Canvas background for default skin. ( PR #1539 )
  • ⭐ Added setting to display custom variables for result images. ( PR #1541 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Variables that should be defined as boolean in the common configuration file settings are changed from string type to boolean type. ( PR #1542 )
  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue where the URL of the music file reference displayed in case of an error is different from the actual one. ( PR #1540 ) <- πŸ’₯ v29.4.1

v33.2.0 (2023-08-20)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Add a common border uniformly at the top and bottom of the screen. ( PR #1537 )
  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue when using "stockForceDel" if the search target to be excluded is undefined. ( PR #1536 ) <- πŸ’₯ v25.0.0

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❀️ izkdic, MFV2 ( @MFV2 )

v33.1.4 (2023-08-19)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 B) Fixed an issue with key type changes not reflecting adjustment and playbackRate. ( PR #1534 ) <- πŸ’₯ v30.0.1

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ
❀️ MFV2 ( @MFV2 )

v33.1.3 (2023-08-15)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 C) Fixed an issue where escaping characters in the text for copying the result image were not being returned. ( PR #1532 ) <- πŸ’₯ v33.1.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ
❀️ izkdic

v33.1.2 (2023-08-14)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 B) Fixed an issue in judging when the end point of a freeze arrow and the beginning point of the next freeze arrow are close to each other. ( PR #1530, Issue #1529 ) <- πŸ’₯ v29.0.1

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ
❀️ ぷろろーぐ ( @prlg25 ), SKB ( @superkuppabros ), ι•·ζœˆ

v33.1.1 (2023-08-04)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ The gradient specification was dropped in the display area around the judgment. ( PR #1526 )
  • 🐞 B) Corrected frame calculation errors in background motion, mask motion and CSS skin changes. ( PR #1527 ) <- πŸ’₯ v33.0.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΄

v33.1.0 (2023-08-03)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Implemented image copy function for SNS posting on the results screen. ( PR #1521, #1524 )
  • 🐞 B) Fixed an issue that prevented Firefox from starting when loading CSS files outside the domain. ( PR #1522 ) <- πŸ’₯ v33.0.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅

v33.0.0 (2023-07-29)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Implemented the ability to temporarily change CSS skins. ( PR #1519 )
  • ⭐ Gradient specifications have been extended to include more than just gradients. ( PR #1519 )
  • ⭐ Separate CSS classes for combo display, Fast, Slow, Estimated Adjustment, Excessive display, chart detail screen background, chart selector screen background. ( PR #1519 )

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πŸ“” Documentation

<- v34 | v33 | v32 ->

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️