Changelog v23 - cwtickle/danoniplus-docs GitHub Wiki

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<- v24 | v23 | v22 ->
(πŸ”– 15 Releases )

πŸ”ƒ Files changed (v23)

Directory FileName Last Updated
/js danoni_main.js πŸ“₯ v23.5.6
/js/lib danoni_constants.js πŸ“₯ v23.5.5
Changed file list before v22
Directory FileName Last Updated
/js/lib danoni_localbinary.js πŸ“₯ v15.1.0
/css danoni_main.css πŸ“₯ v21.4.2
/img aaShadow.svg
πŸ“₯ v15.1.0
/skin danoni_skin_default.css

⭐ New Features / πŸ› οΈ Improvements / 🐞 Bug Fixes
( Files changed: βšͺ danoni_main.js / πŸ”΅ danoni_constants.js / πŸ”΄ css files )

[Warning] Defect information for unsupported versions

v23.5.6 (2022-01-29)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 Fixed an issue with shuffle/color group changes not being reflected. ( PR #1215, Gitter 2022-01-29 ) <- πŸ’₯ v23.5.4

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v25.5.2

v23.5.5 (2022-01-26)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Corrected a double definition point and an error in the definition comment. ( PR #1209 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅ / 🎣 v25.5.1

v23.5.4 (2021-12-13)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Refactor the source code around shuffle groups and color groups. ( PR #1176, #1177, #1178 )
  • 🐞 Fixed a color scheme problem on 9Akey(Pattern: 1) when passing through 9Bkey while moving key pattern on 9Akey. ( PR #1174, #1175 ), Gitter 2021-12-12 ) <- πŸ’₯ v22.4.1
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue in which color changes to other KeyPatterns could be reflected when temporarily changing the arrow color on the Key Configuration screen. ( PR #1174 ) <- πŸ’₯ v22.4.1
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue that could stop at the title screen when musicUrl is not specified. ( PR #1151 ) <- πŸ’₯ v23.0.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v24.5.1

v23.5.2 (2021-10-27)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 Fixed an issue in which arrowMotionData was not reflected correctly when reversed. ( PR #1146 ) <- πŸ’₯ v23.4.1

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ / 🎣 v24.0.1

v23.5.1 (2021-10-16)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 Fixed an issue that sometimes stopped at the settings screen when there were no saved key configurations. ( PR #1139, Gitter 2021-10-16 ) <- πŸ’₯ v23.5.0

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❀️ aconite

v23.5.0 (2021-10-14)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Changed so that Reverse/Scroll/AutoPlay/Key Patterns are inherited if the key is the same when the chart is changed. ( PR #1136 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Eliminated grace frames for retry keys during play. ( PR #1137, Gitter 2021-10-14 )
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue that the key pattern does not change to "Self" when the data save is enabled and when returning to the key configuration screen after playing when starting directly from the Display screen or key configuration screen. ( PR #1136 ) <- πŸ’₯ v4.6.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅
❀️ goe (@goe0)

v23.4.1 (2021-10-04)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where some arrows were not displayed when arrow data was not in ascending order. ( PR #1134, Gitter 2021-10-03 ) <- πŸ’₯ initial

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❀️ izkdic

v23.4.0 (2021-10-02)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Implementation of Rank AP. ( PR #1123 )
  • ⭐ Displayed the name of the chart on the play screen and revised the layout accordingly. ( PR #1124, #1126, Gitter 2021-09-24 )
  • ⭐ Added play button on key config screen, modified layout. ( PR #1125, Gitter 2021-09-26 )
  • ⭐ Added ability to rename custom key types. ( PR #1128 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Changed to automatically adjust the credit font size on the play screen when the music title is long. ( PR #1124 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Changed to automatically adjust credit font size on title screen. ( PR #1124 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Fixed wrong image links in sample html. ( PR #1129 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Add ( PR #1130 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Changed initial color of lyrics display (word_data) to CSS. ( PR #1131 )

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❀️ goe (@goe0), SKB (@superkuppabros), izkdic, aconite

v23_0007 v23_0008

v23.3.1 (2021-09-24)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Changed Reverse to R key and Scroll to Up/Down key for shortcut keys on the settings screen. ( PR #1120, #1121 )
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue with the reverse shortcut key (R key) that caused it to move in the background even when extended scrolling was present. ( PR #1120 ) <- πŸ’₯ v19.5.0
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue in which the left key of "Reverse" and some of the label buttons could not be pressed when Scroll was disabled. ( PR #1120 ) <- πŸ’₯ v10.2.1
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue in which the left and right Reverse keys could not be pressed when Scroll is enabled and there is no extended scroll such as 9ikey or 17key. ( PR #1120 ) <- πŸ’₯ v23.0.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅

v23.3.0 (2021-09-23)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Added key patterns using the left side of the keyboard for 12 and 14 keys. ( PR #1117, Gitter 2021-09-23 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Correction of on-mouse description of Adjustment on the settings screen, code correction. ( PR #1116 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅
❀️ aconite


v23.2.0 (2021-09-20)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Changed Adjustment button and shortcut key specifications in the settings screen. ( PR #1114, Gitter 2021-09-20 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Supports three simultaneous shortcut keys. ( PR #1114 )

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❀️ aconite, izkdic, apoi, FUJI, ぷろろーぐ (@prlg25), γ™γšγ‚ (@suzme)


v23.1.1 (2021-09-17)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • πŸ› οΈ Revised orbit calculation method when Motion is Boost. ( PR #1111 )
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where the end position was shifted when the freeze arrow was pressed again. ( PR #1110 ) <- πŸ’₯ initial
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue with overall misalignment when freeze arrow is released. ( PR #1110 ) <- πŸ’₯ initial
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where the end position would shift if the freeze arrow was started early when Motion was set to Boost or Brake. ( PR #1110 ) <- πŸ’₯ initial
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue where if you started pressing freeze-arrow late, it would be judged N.G. even if you pressed all the way to the end, only if the next freeze-arrow existed immediately after the end. ( PR #1110 ) <- πŸ’₯ v5.12.1

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ
❀️ goe (@goe0)


v23.1.0 (2021-09-11)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Added "note" as an additional image set for ImgType, and added various settings. ( PR #1108 )
  • ⭐ Support for changing the position of ImgType Original freely. ( PR #1105 )
  • ⭐ Added 7ikey as another key mode for 7key ( PR #1106 )
  • ⭐ Changed speed setting to be limited to shortcut keys in 0.05x increments. ( PR #1107 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Numeric keypad support for operations assigned to the Enter key. ( PR #1104 )
  • πŸ› οΈ For Adjustment settings, 0.1 frame increments are limited to shortcut keys only. ( PR #1107 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Replaced shadow arrow (arrowShadow.png) in image set "classic ( PR #1108 )

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❀️ goe (@goe0)


v23.0.1 (2021-09-06)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • 🐞 Fixed an issue in which Adjustment did not work for some blankFrames and chart data with extremely small number of frames. ( PR #1102, Issue #1101 ) <- πŸ’₯ v23.0.0

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺ
❀️ γ™γšγ‚ (@suzme), aconite

v23.0.0 (2021-09-04)

GitHub Releases (by Release) GitHub commits since tagged version (branch)

  • ⭐ Added the ability to set Adjustment in pseudo 0.1 frame increments. ( PR #1096, Gitter 2021-09-01, 04 )
  • ⭐ Adjustment (screen) increments changed (inner: 1->0.5f, outer: 5 -> 3f). ( PR #1096 )
  • ⭐ Adjustment (screen) can now be adjusted by 0.1f using the label button or Alt + "+" or "-". ( PR #1096 )
  • ⭐ Changed to allow multiple default image sets (ImgType) to be specified. ( PR #1097 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Adjustment (screen) units changed to show. ( PR #1099 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Changed to display a warning message when a file is started directly and the sound source data is not encoded. ( PR #1098 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Refactor the source code in on-mouse descriptions for Speed, Adjustment. ( PR #1099 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Added buttons to turn right and left when changing default image set. ( PR #1097 )
  • πŸ› οΈ Unify default character encoding of sample HTML to UTF-8. ( PR #1094 )
  • 🐞 Fixed an issue with arrow image in classic directory not being transparent png. ( PR #1097 )

πŸ“ Tree / ↕️ Diffs / ▢️ Preview / πŸ“₯ Download ( zip / tar.gz ) βšͺπŸ”΅
❀️ γ™γšγ‚ (@suzme), aconite, izkdic

v23_0001 v23_0002

πŸ“” Documentation

<- v24 | v23 | v22 ->

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️