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Source hierarchy

This is an overview of the files used in the "Dancing Onigiri (CW Edition)" source. Please see below for information on setting up a chart.

1st layer 2nd layer Required Description
css danoni_main.css * Used for arrow color change, result motion, etc. It is recommended to separate this css from the page-specific css, as changes are sometimes made at the time of version upgrades.
danoni --- Dancing Onigiri's sample page.
img --- * Image files. A set of arrows, AA characters, etc.
img cursor.svg(png) * Cursor on key configuration screen
img frzbar.svg(png) * Freeze-arrow bar, life gauge body
img borderline.svg(png) * An image showing the border position when the quota-based gauge is used.
img arrow.svg(png) * Arrow body
img arrowShadow.svg(png) * For backside drawing of arrows. Used with Freeze Arrow.
img c.svg(png) * AA(c)
img giko.svg(png) * AA(giko)
img iyo.svg(png) * AA(iyo)
img monar.svg(png) * AA(monar)
img morara.svg(png) * AA(morara)
img onigiri.svg(png) * AA(onigiri)
img aaShadow.svg(png) * For drawing the back side of AA characters. Used with Freeze Arrow.
js --- * Many of the sources for Dancing Onigiri "CW Edition" are listed here. "danoni_main.js" is required. Other custom files can be renamed or configured for each work. You can configure them in chart settings#customjs.
js lib/danoni_constants.js * Constant management file, which may be updated as a set with "danoni_main.js".
js lib/danoni_legacy_function.js Past compatibility function, not needed unless used in custom.
js lib/danoni_localbinary.js Default image set for local startup. This file does not need to be uploaded to the server.
js danoni_main.js * Main source, used in combination with "danoni_main.css". This file is usually replaced with the new version every time the version is upgraded. If you want to modify it, we recommend you to use the following custom file.
js template/danoni_setting.js User common settings, added from ver 3.0.0. Used for items that are common to all works. When you use it, place it directly under "js/".
js template/danoni_custom.js User customization source 1 (common customization), called from danoni_main.js. When you use it, place it directly under js/. It is possible to change the name and location, but in that case, you must set them in chart settings#customjs.
js template/danoni_custom2.js Source for user customization, part 2 (customization by work). Called from "danoni_main.js". Use is optional. When using it, it must be set in chart settings#customjs before it can be used.
music --- * Storage location for music files. It can be changed by work at chart settings#musicFolder, and from v10, you can specify the current directory by specifying (...) in front of the file name to specify the current directory.
music nosound.mp3 * A silent file that is included from the beginning.
skin --- * Location of the css/js files for the skin. The file is in the form of "danoni_skin_XXX.css".
skin danoni_skin_default.css * Default skin
skin danoni_skin_default.js Default skin extension
skin danoni_skin_light.css White background skin
skin danoni_skin_light.js White background skin extension
skin danoni_skin_skyblue.css Sky blue skin
skin danoni_skin_skyblue.js Sky blue skin extension
skin danoni_skin_background.css Skin template for background
skin danoni_skin_background.js Skin extended template for background
skin danoni_skin_blank.css Second skin template
skin danoni_skin_blank.js Second skin extended template

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