Tiled - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

A tiled window is a window that is automatically sized and positioned by the window manager.

Windows are typically arranged as non-overlapping tiles that collectively cover the entire workspace area, hence the term "tiling window manager" was coined.

This is the opposite of floating windows which are freely placed and sized by the user.


Refer to the Layout topic for details on how client windows are tiled / arranged.

Above and beneath

By default and in general tiled windows are placed beneath floating windows.

This has to do with the nature of tiled windows occupying the entire workspace area which would make it difficult to get to other windows that are placed beneath them. As such tiled windows are arranged at the bottom and floating windows are placed on top.

To be more specific in X no two window are on the same "level"; all windows have a stacking order which dictates which window is shown on top of others. The point of reference for the window manager is the primary (first) bar on each monitor. Tiled windows are placed below this bar while floating windows are placed above it.

A semi-exeption to this rule is that if the FocusedOnTop functionality is enabled then tiled windows will display on top of floating windows as long as they are focused. Once a tiled window loses focus it is placed back beneath floating windows.


It is possible to have indicators for tiled windows similar to how there are indicators for floating windows.

This is controlled by the indicators setting in config.h:

	[IndicatorTiled] = INDICATOR_NONE,

Refer to the Bar Indicators page for options.


Here is a list of functions relating to tiled windows.

Function Description
dragcfact Adjusts the tiled size of a client window compared to other clients within the same area
dragmfact Adjusts the master area size of the layout compared to the stack area(s)
dragwfact Adjusts the size of the workspace compared to other workspaces when viewing multiple side-by-side
incnmaster Increases or decreases the number of clients in the master area
incnstack Increases or decreases the number of clients in the primary stack area for dual stack layouts
rotatestack Rotate all clients around to have the desired client become the master window
inplacerotate Rotates all clients around within their respective area (master or stack)
placedir Directional movement of clients rather than just up and down the stack
placemouse Change the tiled position of a window using the mouse
pushup Push a client up the client stack on a workspace
pushdown Push a client down the client stack on a workspace
setcfact Increases or decreases the size of the client respective to other client windows in the same area
setmfact Increases or decreases the size of the master area
setwfact Increases or decreases the size of the workspace relative to other workspaces when viewing multiple
stackpush Push clients to specific positions in the client stack on a workspace
stackswap Swap clients at specific positions in the client stack on a workspace
togglefloating Makes clients switch between tiled and floating mode
transfer Move a client between master and stack areas while adjusting nmaster
transferall Swap all clients between master and stack areas while adjusting nmaster
zoom Moves the currently selected client to become the new master


Here is a list of functionality that is directly related to tiled windows.

Functionality Description
AutoReduceNmaster Automatically reduce the number of master clients if one is closed
CenterSizeHintsClients Center tiled clients subject to size hints within their tiled area
FocusedOnTop Allows focused window to stay on top of other windows
ResizeHints Respect size hints also when windows are tiled
NoBorders Show no window border when only one client is shown
SmartLayoutConversion Automatically adjust layout based on monitor orientation when moving a workspace from one monitor to another
SmartGaps Enables no or increased gaps when there is only one visible window
SmartGapsMonocle Enforces no gaps in monocle layout

Also see the Floating topic.

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