rotatestack - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Function Expected argument Default keybinding
rotatestack 1 or -1 Super+Shift+scroll wheel

The rotatestack function rotates all visible clients clockwise or counter-clockwise with the aim of bringing the desired client into the master area of the layout.


The idea comes from that clients are arranged in a linked list and it is therefore easy to implement.


  • rotate all clients clockwise
  • rotate all clients counter-clockwise

This feature is available through Super+Shift+mouse scroll wheel when the mouse pointer is on top of a client window.

There are no default keybindings for this function, but they can be set if required in config.h.

//	{ KeyPress,   MODKEY,    XK_,     rotatestack,    {.i = +1 } }, // rotate all clients (clockwise)
//	{ KeyPress,   MODKEY,    XK_,     rotatestack,    {.i = -1 } }, // rotate all clients (counter-clockwise)

External commands:

duskc run_command rotatestack 1   # rotate all clients (clockwise)
duskc run_command rotatestack -1  # rotate all clients (counter-clockwise)

Also see inplacerotate and zoom.

Back to Functions > Tiled.

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