togglefloating - bakkeby/dusk GitHub Wiki

Function Expected argument Default keybindings
togglefloating N/A Super+g or Super+Alt+middle click

togglefloating is a function that switches between tiled and floating mode for a client:

  • if a client is tiled when this function is called then it will become floating and the remaining tiled clients will be arranged to cover the available gap that the now floating window left behind
  • if a client is floating when this function is called then it will become tiled and all tiled clients will be arranged to give room for the new tiled client

When moving from tiling to floating mode the size and position depends on two things:

  • if a saved size and position exists for the client then those will be restored
  • otherwise the window will be centered and take up 80% of the screen


The latter makes for a "semi-fullscreen" feature which can be handy depending on the workflow. This is controlled by the toggle_float_pos setting in config.h. Refer to floatpos for further details on configuration options should you need it.

This feature can also be explicitly triggered with the keybinding of Super+Ctrl+g.

External command:

duskc run_command togglefloating  # switches between tiled and floating mode for selected client

Back to Functions > Floating.

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