Sapphorian Economy - TrinianGames/Sapphory GitHub Wiki

Sapphory is the largest economy on Earth and the world's only significant power. Its GDP is approximately 1.3 Trillion Sapphorian Credits per year. The majority of this wealth is concentrated in the ruling class, with the rest of the population living a comfortable, but relatively austere life.


As an isolationist nation, Sapphory must produce everything it needs itself. The economy is highly diverse, with a large manufacturing base and vast swathes of land given over to agriculture. Less than 3% of the landmass of Sapphory is built up, with endless miles of fields in Wild Sapphory used as farmland for food and biofuel. Sapphory has no known oil reserves and insufficient lithium deposits for mass production of lithium-ion batteries, and thus there are no motor vehicles, which means freight must move on a series of canals and most transport is done by horse and cart. Most Sapphorian industry is based in the cities of Saparos, Okonrin and Silka, and the main financial and legal centre is in Sapphory City, as these areas of the economy naturally gravitate towards the centre of political power.


Sapphory does little trade with the outside world as most Sapphorians are loathe to leave the island, having been indoctrinated since they were schoolgirls to distrust men. There is also very little industry in the outside world, and few resources that Sapphory wants from it. Nonetheless, the Sapphorian port-city of Fivaviana serves as a hub for trade with the outside, and several dozen ships enter and leave each day. All ships arriving from the outside world are required to pass security checks at the checkpoint on Sentinel Island before being allowed to approach the mainland, as the Sapphorians practice paranoid security measures to prevent infiltration by men. Sapphory's main imports are exotic artefacts, spices and trinkets, while its exports include food, clothing and gold, all of which are plentiful on the island and harmless for the outside world to possess.


All Sapphorian Citizens over the age of 25 must pay tribute to the monarchy. This is tax by another name. The tribute system is comparatively straightforward, calculated as a percentage of the citizen's income, social status and the value of their home. All tribute must be paid directly by the citizen to the state, either in person or by standing order, as a central tenet of Sapphory's law is that citizens must be able to clearly see the cost of their government, as a hedge against the endless uncosted spending increases that eventually destroyed the economies of the ancient world. It is therefore against Sapphory's constitution for the government to levy any form of sales, income or other type of tax that citizens cannot clearly see.

Failure to pay tribute on time is a moderate-level criminal offence, and offenders are placed naked in the stocks. Slaves are exempt from Tribute, (as they are incapable of paying due to being legally unable to own anything,) and there is an additional levy to pay for slave owners. Members of the Nobility are exempt from all forms of Tribute.