Home - SFG-CUHK/scorpio-test-cases GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the scorpio wiki!

Scorpio is developed in CUHK (Physics) to study of processes of star formation, planet formation and galaxy evolution. It is a 2D/3D adaptive mesh-refinement (AMR) code parallelized with MPI. This code is equipped with variant grid-based HD/MHD Riemann solvers and Poisson solvers. It is especially suitable for studying self-gravitating, magnetized fluids in the Universe.

Test Cases

Below are some standard HD/MHD, with(out) AD test cases.

  1. Double Mach reflection

  2. 2D HD blast wave

  3. Orszag-Tang vortex

  4. 3D MHD Blast Wave

  5. 2D MHD Rotor

  6. C Shock

  7. 2D AD MHD Blast Wave