Double Mach Reflection - SFG-CUHK/scorpio-test-cases GitHub Wiki

Double Mach reflection is a stand test case for 2D HD simulation. It was first described by PaulWoodward (1984) to verify the robustness of the hydrodynamic numerical scheme and is generally being used in the fluid simulation community ( Athena++, PLUTO, etc). It describes the picture when the shock wave interacts with the boundary at a certain angle.

We performed the test case using Scorpio hydrodynamic module with the generally acknowledged setting.

Parameter Setting Parameter Setting
lx 3.25 ly 1.00
Nx 520 Ny 160
Gamma 1.4 CFL 0.7
Solver HLLC Flux-limiter minmod
tend 0.2

Here lx, ly are the length of the simulation domain, Nx, Ny are the resolution of the boxes, Gamma is the adiabatic gamma and CFL is the Courant number. The HLLC solver is applied for the Riemann problem, and the minmod flux limiter is used to ensure the TVD properties. The test case end at tend, the initial density and velocity field are set below. The initially static gas is filled with density = 1.4, and energy density = 2.5. On top of that, starting from x=1/6, a shock with Mach number M=10 and density den=8 is propagating with theta. The result is shown in the figure below.

Figure 1. Result of the double Mach reflection, simulated with Scorpio

The simulation result is expected, and the features of the double Mach reflection problem are well resolved by Scorpio (Friedmann 2014).

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