C Shock - SFG-CUHK/scorpio-test-cases GitHub Wiki

The ion-neutral C-shock was presented by Wardle (1990), Tóth (1994) and used as a test case problem for two-fluid codes in Tóth (1994), Tilley & Balsara (2008), etc. The problem initially consists of uniform profile of both ion and neutral flow within a one-dimensional grid. One end of the grid is a reflecting boundary, while the other end used an inflow boundary condition. The fluids (and the inflow) flows toward the reflective boundary with a supersonic speed, and sup-Alfvenic for the ions, and result in a continuous (C) type shock at the reflective boundary. Below is the initial conditions of the simulation.

Parameter Setting Parameter Setting
lx 0.02 Nx 512
Gammai 5/3 Gamman 1.0001
rhoi 0.0074 rhon 3.45
CFLi 0.6 CFLn 0.6
B 0.344 vi, vn -2.2605
Solveri HLLMHD Solvern HLLCHD
Flux-limiter minmod tend 0.01636

Below is the density profile of the simulation compare with Tilley & Balsara (2008).

Result of the C-shock, simulated with Scorpio.

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