module.implicit - RCChan5/BioLockJ GitHub Wiki

biolockj.module.implicit modules are added to BioLockJ pipelines automatically if needed.
Implicit modules are ignored if included in the Config file unless project.allowImplicitModules=Y

This package contains the following sub-packages:

  1. module.implicit.parser contains ParserModule interface & ParserModuleImpl superclass.
  2. module.implicit.parser.r16s contains 16S parser modules.
  3. module.implicit.parser.wgs contains WGS parser modules.
  4. module.implicit.qiime contains QIIME Script wrappers.


(added by BioLockJ) #BioModule biolockj.module.implicit.ImportMetadata

Description: Demultiplex samples into separate files for each sample.


  • demultiplexer.barcodeCutoff
  • demultiplexer.barcodeRevComp
  • demultiplexer.strategy
  • metadata.filePath


(added by BioLockJ) #BioModule biolockj.module.implicit.ImportMetadata

Description: Required 1st module in every pipeline.
If metadata.filePath is undefined, a new metadata file will be created with only a single column "SAMPLE_ID".
The imported file is converted to required BioLockJ metadata format: tab-delimited, with unique column headers, and empty cells are now populated with metadata.nullValue or "NA" if undefined.


  • metadata.columnDelim
  • metadata.commentChar
  • metadata.filePath
  • metadata.nullValue


(added by BioLockJ) #BioModule biolockj.module.implicit.RegisterNumReads

Description: Add "Num_Reads" column to metadata file to document the total number of reads per sample.


  • report.numReads

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