Configuration - RCChan5/BioLockJ GitHub Wiki

Configuration files contain all system properties, program inputs, cutoff values, external dependencies, and format specifications used during pipeline execution.
BioLockJ takes a single configuration file as a runtime parameter. Although all properties can be configured in one file, we recommend chaining default files through the pipeline.defaultProps option. This can often improve the portability, maintainability, and readability of the project-specific configuration files.

Our recommended approach is as follows:

1. Use to assign universal default values:

2. Use to assign envionment-specific defaults

3. Create a new configuration file for each pipeline to assign project-specific properties:

  • Set the BioModule execution order
  • Set pipeline.defaultProps =
  • Override and as needed
  • Example project configuration files can be found in templates.

A copy of each configuration file is stored in the pipeline root directory to serve as primary project documentation.

BioModule execution order

To include a BioModule in your pipeline, add a #BioModule line to the top your configuration file, as shown in the examples found in templates. Each line has the #BioModule keyword followed by the path to the jar file for that module. For example:

#BioModule biolockj.module.seq.PearMergeReads
#BioModule biolockj.module.classifier.wgs.Kraken2Classifier

BioModules will be executed in the order they are listed in here. A typical pipeline contians one classifier module. Any number of sequence pre-processing modules may come before the classifier module. Any number of report modules may come after the classifier module. In addition to the BioModules specified in the configuration file, BioLockJ may add implicit modules that the are required by specified modules. See Example Pipeline.

Summary of Properties

Properties are defined as name-value pairs. List-values are comma separated. Leading and trailing whitespace is removed so "propName=x,y" is equivalent to "propName = x, y".


Property Description
aws.profile String
aws.ram AWS memory applied through Nextflow. example value: "8 GB"
aws.stack String
aws.s3 String


Property Description
cluster.batchCommand The command to submit jobs on the cluster Cluster host address
cluster.jobHeader Job script header to define # of nodes, # of cores, RAM, walltime, etc.
cluster.modules List of modules to load before execution. Adds “module load” command to bash scripts
cluster.prologue Command(s) to run at the start of every script after loading cluster modules (if any)
cluster.runJavaAsScript Options: Y/N. If Y, each JavaModule will instantiate a clone of the application in direct mode on a job node via a single worker script to avoid overworking the head node where BioLockJ is deployed
cluster.validateParams Options: Y/N. If Y, validate cluster.jobHeader "ppn:" or "procs:" value matches script.numThreads


Property Description
demultiplexer.barcodeCutoff desc
demultimplexer.barcodeRevComp Options: Y/N. Use reverse compliment of metadata.barcodeColumn if demultimplexer.strategy = barcode_in_header or barcode_in_seq.
demultimplexer.strategy Options: barcode_in_header, barcode_in_seq, id_in_header, do_not_demux. Set the Demultiplexer strategy. If using barcodes, they must be provided in the metadata.filePath with in column name defined by metadata.barcodeColumn.


Property Description
docker.imgVersion By default, docker will always use 'latest', but advanced users may specify a different tag.
docker.user Docker Hub user name with the BioLockJ containers. By default the "biolockj" user is used to pull the standard modules, but advanced users can deploy their own versions of these modules and add new modules in their own Docker Hub account.
docker.saveContainerOnExit Y/N. If Y, property removed the default --rm flag on docker run command


Property Description
exe.awk Define executable awk command, if default "awk" is not included in your $PATH
exe.docker Define executable docker command, if default "docker" is not included in your $PATH
exe.gzip Define executable gzip command, if default "gzip" is not included in your $PATH
exe.humann2 Define executable humann2 command, if default "humann2" is not included in your $PATH
exe.humann2Params Optional humann2 parameters
exe.humann2JoinTableParams Optional parameters
exe.humann2RenormTableParams Optional parameters Define executable java command, if default "java" is not included in your $PATH
exe.javaParams Optional parameters
exe.kneaddata Define executable kneaddata command, if default "kneaddata" is not included in your $PATH
exe.kneaddataParams Optional kneaddata parameters
exe.kraken Define executable kraken command, if default "kraken" is not included in your $PATH
exe.krakenParams Optional kraken parameters
exe.kraken2 Define executable kraken2 command, if default "kraken2" is not included in your $PATH
exe.kraken2Params Optional kraken2 parameters
exe.metaphlan2 Define executable metaphlan2 command, if default "metaphlan2" is not included in your $PATH
exe.metaphlan2Params Optional metaphlan2 parameters
exe.pear Define executable pear command, if default "pear" is not included in your $PATH
exe.pearParams Optional pear parameters
exe.python Define executable python command, if default "python" is not included in your $PATH
exe.Rscript Define executable Rscript command, if default "Rscript" is not included in your $PATH
exe.vsearch Define executable vsearch command, if default "vsearch" is not included in your $PATH
exe.vsearchParams Optional vsearch parameters


Property Description
genMod.launcher Define executable language command if it is not included in your $PATH
genMod.param Any parameters that is needed for user's script
genMod.scriptPath Path where user script is stored


Property Description
humann2.disableGeneFamilies Options: Y/N. If Y, disable HumanN2 Gene Family report
humann2.disablePathAbundance Options: Y/N. If Y, disable HumanN2 Pathway Abundance report
humann2.disablePathCoverage Options: Y/N. If Y, disable HumanN2 Pathway Coverage report
humann2.keepUnintegrated Options: Y/N. If Y, keep UNINTEGRATED column in count tables (otherwise this column is dropped)
humann2.keepUnmapped Options: Y/N. If Y, keep UNMAPPED column in count tables (otherwise this column is dropped)
humann2.nuclDB Directory property may contain multiple nucleotide database files
humann2.protDB Directory property may contain protein nucleotide database files


Property Description
input.dirPaths List of directories containing pipeline input files
input.ignoreFiles List of files to ignore if found in * input.dirPaths*
input.requireCompletePairs Options: Y/N. Stop pipeline if any unpaired FW or RV read sequence file is found
input.suffixFw File name suffix to indicate a forward read
input.suffixRv File name suffix to indicate a reverse read
input.trimPrefix For files named by Sample ID, provide the prefix preceding the ID to trim when extracting Sample ID. For multiplexed sequences, provide any characters in the sequence header preceding the ID. For fastq, this value could be “@” if the sample ID was added to the header immediately after the "@" symbol.
input.trimSuffix For files named by Sample ID, provide the suffix after the ID, often this is just the file extension. Do not include read direction indicators listed in input.suffixFw/input.suffixRv. For multiplexed sequences, provide 1st character in the sequence header found after every embedded Sample ID. If undefined, “_” is used as the default end-of-sample-ID delimiter.


Property Description
kneaddata.dbs Path to database for KneadData program


Property Description
kraken.db Path to database for KRAKEN


Property Description
kraken2.db Path to database for KRAKEN2


Property Description
mail.encryptedPassword Encrypted password from email.from account. If BioLockJ is passed a 2nd parameter (in addition to the config file), the 2nd parameter should be the clear-text password. The password will be encrypted and stored in the prop file for future use. WARNING: Base64 encryption is only a trivial roadblock for malicious users. This functionality is intended merely to keep clear-text passwords out of the configuration files and should only be used with a disposable email.from account.
mail.from Notification emails sent from this account, provided email.encryptedPassword is valid
mail.smtp.auth Options: Y/N. Set the SMTP authorization property Email SMTP Host
mail.smtp.port Email SMTP Host
mail.smtp.starttls.enable Options: Y/N. Set the SMTP start TLS property Comma-separated email recipients list


Property Description
metadata.barcodeColumn Metadata column name containing the barcode used for demultiplexing
metadata.columnDelim Define column delimiter for metadata.filePath file, default = tab
metadata.commentChar Define how comments are indicated in metadata.filePath file, default = ""
metadata.fileNameColumn Column in metadata file giving file names used to identify each sample. Standard default: "InputFileName". Values should be simple names, not file paths, and unique to each sample. Using this column in the metadata overrides the use of input.trimPreifx and input.trimSuffix. For paired reads, give the forward read file and use input.suffixFw and input.suffixRv to link to the reverse file.
metadata.filePath Metadata file path, must have unique column headers
metadata.nullValue Define how null values are represented in metadata
metadata.required Options: Y/N. Require every sequence file has a corresponding row in metadata file
metadata.useEveryRow Options: Y/N. Requires every metadata row to have a corresponding sequence file


Property Description
metaphlan2.db Directory property containing alternate database. Must always be paired with metaphlan2.mpa_pkl
metaphlan2.mpa_pkl File property containing path to the mpa_pkl file used to reference an alternate DB. Must always be paired with metaphlan2.db


Property Description
multiplexer.gzip Options: Y/N. If Y, gzip the multiplexed output


Property Description
pipeline.copyInput Options: Y/N. If Y, copy input.dirPaths into a new directory under the project root directory
pipeline.defaultDemultiplexer Assign module to demultiplex datasets. Default = Demultiplexer
pipeline.defaultFastaConverter Assign module to convert fastq sequence files into fasta format when required. Default = AwkFastaConverter
pipeline.defaultSeqMerger Assign module to merge paired reads when required. Default = PearMergeReads
pipeline.defaultStatsModule Java class name for default module used generate p-value and other stats
pipeline.defaultProps Path to a default BioLockJ configuration file containing default property values that are overridden if defined in the primary configuration file
pipeline.deleteTempFiles Options: Y/N. If Y, delete module temp dirs after execution
pipeline.disableAddImplicitModules Options: Y/N. If Y, implicit modules will not be added to the pipeline
pipeline.disableAddPreReqModules Options: Y/N. If Y, prerequisite modules will not be added to the pipeline.
pipeline.downloadDir The pipeline summary includes an scp command for the user to download the pipeline analysis if executed on a cluster server. This property defines the target directory on the users workstation to which the analysis will be downloaded.
pipeline.env Options: aws, cluster, local. Describes runtime environment
pipeline.limitDebugClasses used to limit classes that log debug statements
pipeline.logLevel Options: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. Determines Java log level sensitivity
pipeline.permissions Set chmod -R command security bits on pipeline root directory (Ex. 770)
pipeline.userProfile Bash users typically use ~/.bash_profile (the standard default).


Property Description
qiime.alphaMetrics Options listed online:
qiime.params Optional parameters passed to qiime scripts
qiime.pynastAlignDB File property to define ~/.qiime_config pynast_template_alignment_fp. If supplied, qiime.refSeqDB and qiime.taxaDB must also be supplied and all three must share some parent directory.
qiime.refSeqDB File property to define ~/.qiime_config pick_otus_reference_seqs_fp and assign_taxonomy_reference_seqs_fp. If supplied, qiime.pynastAlignDB and qiime.taxaDB must also be supplied and all three must share some parent directory.
qiime.removeChimeras Options: Y/N. If Y, remove chimeras after open or de novo OTU picking using exe.vsearch
qiime.taxaDB File property to define ~/.qiime_config assign_taxonomy_id_to_taxonomy_fp. If supplied, qiime.pynastAlignDB and qiime.refSeqDB must also be supplied and all three must share some parent directory.


Property Description
r.colorBase This is the base color used for labels & headings in the PDF report
r.colorHighlight This color is used to highlight significant OTU plot titles
r.colorPalette palette argument passed to get_palette {ggpubr} to select colors for some output visualiztions
r.colorPoint Sets the color of scatterplot and strip-chart plot points
r.debug Options: Y/N. If Y, will generate R Script log files
r.excludeFields List metadata columns to exclude from R script reports
r.nominalFields Explicitly override default field type assignment to model as a nominal field in R
r.numericFields Explicitly override default field type assignment to model as a numeric field in R
r.pch Sets R plot pch parameter for PDF report
r.pvalCutoff Sets p-value cutoff used to assign label r.colorHighlight
r.pValFormat Sets the format used in R sprintf() function
r.rareOtuThreshold If >1, R will filter OTUs below value provided. If <1, R will interperate the value as a percentage and discard OTUs not found in at least that percentage of samples
r.reportFields Override field used to explicitly list metadata columns to report in the R scripts. If left undefined, all columns are reported
r.saveRData Options: Y/N. If Y, all R script generating BioModules will save R Session data to the module output directory to a file using the extension ".RData"
r.timeout Sets # minutes before R Script will time out and fail


Property Description
r_CalculateStats.pAdjustScope Options: GLOBAL, LOCAL, TAXA, ATTRIBUTE. Used to set the p.adjust "n" parameter for how many simultaneous p-value calculations
r_CalculateStats.pAdjustMethod Sets the p.adjust "method" parameter


Property Description
r_PlotEffectSize.parametricPval Options: Y/N. If Y, the parametric p-value is used when determining which taxa to include in the plot and which should get a (*). If N (default), the non-parametric p-value is used.
r_PlotEffectSize.disablePvalAdj Options: Y/N. If Y, the non-adjusted p-value is used when determining which taxa to include in the plot and which should get a (*). If N (default), the adjusted p-value is used.
r_PlotEffectSize.excludePvalAbove Options: [0,1], Taxa with a p-value above this value are excluded from the plot.
r_PlotEffectSize.taxa Override other criteria for selecting which taxa to include in the plot by specifying wich taxa should be included
r_PlotEffectSize.maxNumTaxa Each plot is given one page. This is the maximum number of bars to include in each one-page plot.
r_PlotEffectSize.disableCohensD Options: Y/N. If N (default), produce plots for binary attributes showing effect size calculated as Cohen's d. If Y, skip this plot type.
r_PlotEffectSize.disableRSquared Options: Y/N. If N (default), produce plots showing effect size calculated as the r-squared value. If Y, skip this plot type.
r_PlotEffectSize.disableFoldChange Options: Y/N. If N (default), produce plots for binary attributes showing the fold change. If Y, skip this plot type.


Property Description
r_PlotMds.numAxis Sets # MDS axis to plot
r_PlotMds.distance distance metric for calculating MDS (default: bray)
r_PlotMds.reportFields Override field used to explicitly list metadata columns to build MDS plots. If left undefined, all columns are reported


Property Description
rarefyOtuCounts.iterations Positive integer. The number of iterations to randomly select the rarefyOtuCounts.quantile of OTUs
rarefyOtuCounts.lowAbundantCutoff Minimum percentage of samples that must contain an OTU.
rarefyOtuCounts.quantile Quantile for rarefication. The number of OTUs/sample are ordered, all samples with more OTUs than the quantile sample are subselected without replacement until they have the same number of OTUs as the quantile sample
rarefyOtuCounts.rmLowSamples Options: Y/N. If Y, all samples below the rarefyOtuCounts.quantile quantile sample are removed


Property Description
rarefySeqs.max Randomly select maximum number of sequences per sample
rarefySeqs.min Discard samples without minimum number of sequences


Property Description
rdp.db File property used to define an alternate RDP database file
rdp.jar File property for RDP java executable JAR
rdp.minThresholdScore Required RDP minimum threshold score for valid OTUs


Property Description
report.logBase Options: 10/e. If e, use natural log (base e), otherwise use log base 10
report.minCount Integer, minimum table count allowed. If a count less that this value is found, it is set to 0.
report.numHits Options: Y/N. If Y, and add Num_Hits to metadata
report.numReads Options: Y/N. If Y, and add Num_Reads to metadata
report.scarceCountCutoff Minimum percentage of samples that must contain a count value for it to be kept.
report.scarceSampleCutoff Minimum percentage of data columns that must be non-zero to keep the sample.
report.taxonomyLevels Options: domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. Generate reports for listed taxonomy levels


Property Description
script.batchSize Number of sequence files to process per worker script
script.defaultHeader Used to set shebang line to define scripts as bash executables, such as "#!/bin/bash"
script.numThreads Integer value passed to any module that takes a number of threads parameter
script.permissions Set chmod command security bits on generated scripts (Ex. 770)
script.timeout Integer, time (minutes) before worker scripts times out.


Property Description
seqFileValidator.requireEqualNumPairs Options: Y/N. default Y.
seqFileValidator.seqMaxLen maximum number of bases per read
seqFileValidator.seqMinLen minimum number of bases per read


Property Description
trimPrimers.filePath Path to file containing one primer sequence per line.
trimPrimers.requirePrimer Options: Y/N. If Y, TrimPrimers will discard reads that do not include a primer sequence.


Property Description
validation.compareOn Which columns in the expectation file should be used for the comparison. Options: name, size, md5. Default: use all columns in the expectation file.
validation.disableValidation Turn off validation. No validation file output is produced. Options: Y/N. default: N
validation.expectationFile File path to the table of expectations. If a directory is given, BioLockJ will look for a file named after the module being evaluated.
validation.reportOn Which attributes of the file should be included in the validation report file. Options: name, size, md5
validation.sizeWithinPercent What percentage difference is permitted between an output file and its expectation. Options: any positive number
validation.stopPipeline If enabled, the validation utlility will stop the pipeline if any module fails validation. Options: Y/N