module.classifier.r16s - RCChan5/BioLockJ GitHub Wiki
biolockj.module.classifier.r16s is a sub-package of module.classifier.
Package modules extend ClassifierModuleImpl to cluster and classify 16S micbrobial samples for taxonomy assignment.
#BioModule biolockj.module.classifier.r16s.QiimeClosedRefClassifier
Description: This module picks OTUs using a closed reference database and constructs an OTU table via the QIIME script Taxonomy is assigned using a pre-defined taxonomy map of reference sequence OTU to taxonomy. This is the fastest OTU picking method since samples can be processed in parallel batches. Before the QIIME script is run, batches are prepared in the temp directory, with each batch directory containing a fasta directory with script.batchSize fasta files and a QIIME mapping file, created with awk, called batchMapping.tsv for the batch of samples. Inherits from QiimeClassifier.
- exe.awk
#BioModule biolockj.module.classifier.r16s.QiimeDeNovoClassifier
Description: This module runs the QIIME script on all fasta sequence files in a single script since OTUs are assigned by a clustering algorithm. Additional parameters for this script are set using exe.classifierParams. If qiime.removeChimeras = "Y", vsearch is used to find chimeric sequences in the output and the QIIME script is run to remove them from ./output/otu_table.biom. Inherits from QiimeClassifier.
- exe.vsearch
- exe.vsearchParams
- qiime.removeChimeras
#BioModule biolockj.module.classifier.r16s.QiimeOpenRefClassifier
Description: This module runs the QIIME script on all fasta sequence files in a single script since clusters not identified in the reference database are assigned by a clustering algorithm. Additional parameters for this script are set using exe.classifierParams. If qiime.removeChimeras = "Y", vsearch is used to find chimeric sequences in the output and the QIIME script is run to remove them from ./output/otu_table.biom. Inherits from QiimeClassifier.
- exe.vsearch
- exe.vsearchParams
- qiime.removeChimeras
#BioModule biolockj.module.classifier.r16s.RdpClassifier
Description: Classify 16s samples with RDP.
- rdp.db
- rdp.jar
- rdp.minThresholdScore
See also: Typical QIIME Pipeline