Page Index - Pyosch/powertac-server GitHub Wiki
105 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Welcome to the Power TAC Server Wiki
- Introduction
- Resources
- Getting Started
- Development Policies
- Game Design
- Architecture
- Models
- Tournaments and Experiments
- Roles and Tasks
- History
- 3 December 2010
- Accounting transactions story
- Architecture
- Backend server controller
- Broker login story
- Broker Tournament Login
- Building a customer model
- Charging for peak demand
- Coding guidelines
- Competition control timeslot process
- Controllable capacity
- Customer model structure
- Customer models
- Customer start of timeslot
- Customer Stories
- CustomerInfoCommand
- Deployment configurations
- Development policies
- Development Roadmap
- Distribution Utility start of timeslot
- Electric forklift trucks
- Energy Price Data Instructions
- Exception types
- Experiments
- Expire tariff
- Factored Customers
- Forward market trading story
- Genco
- Getting started
- Getting started Grails
- Grid integration
- Groovy to java conversion
- History
- IncomingBrokerMessageProcessing
- Initial subscription
- Jan Feb 2011 milestones
- Java and groovydoc APIs
- Java api documentation
- Load profiles
- Logging and exception handling
- Market based balancing story
- Minnesota Power TAC meetings
- Models
- Naming conventions for communication channels
- New hourly charge
- Original server communication
- Performance summaries
- Plugin development getting started
- Population models for storage types
- Power consumption and production story
- Publish tariff
- PublishTariffCommand
- R broker
- Refactor relations
- Refactoring decisions
- Refactoring tasks
- Repository design
- Research configuration deployment
- RevokeTariffCommand
- Role concept
- Roles and tasks
- Scenarios
- Server Communication
- Server configuration
- Server refactoring
- Server structure
- Setting a Jenkins Server up to run game simulations
- Spring testing
- Start of game
- State logging
- Storage model
- SubmitShoutCommand
- Switch Subscription
- Tariff publication story
- Tariff representation
- Tariff subscription story
- Tariffs and contracts
- Team Meetings
- Time management
- TimeslotCommand
- Tournament Installation
- Tournament Scheduler
- Tournament Scheduler Improvement
- Tournament Scheduler; Efficiency and Predictability
- Tournaments and Experiments
- UpdateTariffCommand
- Using maven
- Visualizer refactoring
- Visualizer architecture
- Visualizer update
- Weather Data Instructions
- Wholesale market transactions
- Wholesale power story