RotateLabel - Helmut-Ortmann/EnterpriseArchitect_hoTools GitHub Wiki
You want to rotate Labels. hoTools toggles through non, clockwise, anticlockwise.
- Port
- Required and Provided Interface
aligned with two Clicks?
hoTools support the following features:
- Port summary
- Show and Hide Port ('SP', 'HP', 'SPL', 'HPL', 'HPT')
- Rotate Port Label ('RL')
- Default Port Label layout ('AL', 'AL2')
- Move Port ('<','>', '/','/')
- Move Port Label ('<L','>L', '/\L','/L')
- Locate Part or Port Type
Often you may achieve the same result by 'AL' or 'AL2' (Aline Port according to default 1 or 2)
- Select
- Click on RL (Rotate Label)