Function; addAbility - HWRM/KarosGraveyard GitHub Wiki

addAbility(<rShipTable>, <sAbilityName>, ...see Abilities...)


  • Adds an ability to the ship, such as the ability to attack, cloak, or turn on a defense field. Found in ".ship" files.
  • Most abilities can either start out active or inactive. If inactive, the ability can be activated by researching an upgrade or building a subsystem (or by another ship using the addShipAbility function).


  • Depends on the ability. See below...


  • <rShipTable>: this will generally be a reference NewShipType.
  • <sAbilityName>: the name of the ability.
  • ... : Depends on the ability. See below...



addAbility(<rShip>, "MoveCommand",


addAbility(NewShipType, "MoveCommand", 1, 0)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <bOneShot>: can the ship move only a total of one times (e.g., platforms)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)


addAbility(<rShip>, "CanDock",


addAbility(NewShipType, "CanDock", 1, 0)`


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <bByPlayer>: can the player issue this command (otherwise, it can only be triggered via scripting)? (0 = no, 1 = yes)


addAbility(<rShip>, "CanLaunch")


addAbility(NewShipType, "CanLaunch")


  • No additional arguments.


addAbility(<rShip>, "ShipHold",


addAbility(NewShipType, "ShipHold", 1, 40, 10, "rallypoint", "Fighter, Corvette, Utility", 35, {Fighter = "12"}, {Corvette = "75"})


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active) Note: this determines whether ships can dock and collectors come to this ship for resource dropoff. Also required for autolaunch.
  • <fDropoffRate>: the number of RUs that can be unloaded here per second. Note: for Hgn_carrier/Vgr_resourcecollector, 40 -> 5 s, 4 -> 50 s.
  • <iShipholdSize>: the total number of ships that can dock within the shiphold.
  • <sEffectName>: the name of the effect to use for the rally point.
  • <sDockFamilies>: a comma-separated list of dock families that may stay in the shiphold when docked.
  • <fRepairRate>: the number of HP repaired per second (or per turn. dunno).
  • <tRepairRateException1> through <tRepairRateException4>: exceptions that override <fRepairRate> for the specified dock family.


addAbility(<rShip>, "ParadeCommand",


addAbility(NewShipType, "ParadeCommand", 1)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)


addAbility(<rShip>, "WaypointMove")


addAbility(NewShipType, "WaypointMove")


  • No additional arguments.


addAbility(<rShip>, "CaptureCommand",


addAbility(NewShipType, "CaptureCommand", 1, -50)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <fLatchOffset>: offset from target's latch point.


addAbility(<rShip>, "SalvageCommand",


addAbility(NewShipType, "SalvageCommand", 1)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)


addAbility(<rShip>, "HyperspaceCommand",


addAbility(NewShipType, "HyperSpaceCommand", 0, 1, 600, 1200, 0, 3)


<bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
<fCostFactor>: multiplier for the cost of hyperspace.
<fCostMin>: minimum RU cost of hyperspacing.
<fCostMax>: maximum RU cost of hyperspacing.
<fRecoveryTime>: hyperspace recovery time. Note: this is kind of vague. -Mikali - this denotes time it takes till the ship responds to orders after arrival - Daton
<fTransitTime> hyperspace transit time. Note: this is kind of vague. -Mikali - this denotes time it takes for the ship to arrive at the destination once it starts moving - Daton


addAbility("NewShipType", "CanAttack",
  <tStyleException1>, ...,


addAbility(NewShipType, "CanAttack", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.35, 1.5, "Fighter, Corvette, Frigate, Utility, SmallCapitalShip, BigCapitalShip", "Frontal", {Fighter = "MoveToTargetAndShoot"}, {Corvette = "MoveToTargetAndShoot"}, {Munition = "MoveToTargetAndShoot"}, {SubSystem = "FrontalVsSubSystem"})


<bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
<iNumberOfShips>: the number of ships in micro formations that ships form in combat (a value of 2 would cause the fighters to break in pairs).
<bKamikaze>: can the ship use kamikaze tactics? Note: evillejedi's hotkey functions enable the player to use this in game, see this thread.
<bInterpolate>: can the ship interpolate targets?
<fSplitDelay>: the delay between formation splitting (in seconds).
<fDistanceMultiplier>: the distance multiplier from target before attack styles get control.
<sAttackFamilies>: a comma-separated list of attack families, in order of highest to lowest attack priority.
<sAttackStyle>: the default method (style) that the ship will use to engage all targets.
<StyleException1> thru <tStyleExceptionN>: exceptions that override <sDefaultAttack> for the specified family.


addAbility(<rShip>, "GuardCommand",


addAbility(NewShipType, "GuardCommand", 1, 3000, 1000)


<bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
<fGuardRadius>: the radius from the guarded ship within which an enemy ship fall for the guarding ship to pursue it.
<fGuardDistance>: the distance from the guarded ship that the guarding ship will hover.


addAbility(<rShip>, "Harvest",


addAbility(NewShipType, "Harvest", 1, 300, 4, 8)


<bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
<fCapacity>: the ship can carry this many RUs before having to go unload.
<fHarvestRate>: the collector can harvest this many RUs per second.
<fHarvestRadius>: the distance from the resource object that the ship will hover while harvesting.


addAbility(<rShip>, "CanBuildShips",


addAbility(NewShipType, "CanBuildShips", 1, "Fighter_Vgr,  Corvette_Vgr,  Utility_Vgr,  Frigate_Vgr,  SubSystem_Vgr,  Platform_Vgr,  Shipyard_Vgr,  Probe_Vgr", "Utility,  Fighter,  Corvette,  Frigate,  Platform,  SubSystemModule,  SubSystemSensors,  Capital")


<bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
<sBuildFamilies>: a comma-separated list of build families that the ship can build.
<sDisplayFamilies>: a comma-separated list of display families that the ship can build.


addAbility(<rShip>, "FormHyperspaceGateCommand",


addAbility(NewShipType, "FormHyperspaceGateCommand", 1, 1000, 500, 1000, 0)


<bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
<fEnterRadius>: the radius from the gate that ships will enter.
<fExitRadius>: the radius from the gate that ships will exit.
<fCostToLink>: the cost to link two gates.
<fCostToJump>: the cost to jump, per squadron.


addAbility(<rShip>, "HyperSpaceViaGateCommand",


addAbility(NewShipType, "HyperspaceViaGateCommand", 1, 3, 1, 0.3)


<bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
<fTransitTime>: hyperspace transit time.
<fCostMultiplier>: multiplier for the cost of using a gate. Multiply this by the gate's cost to work out how much using a gate costs.
<fDamageMultiplier>: damage due to gate destruction. Multiply this by the max health to ge the damage taken if we are in hyperspace and the gate blows up.


addAbility(<rShip>, "CanBeCaptured",


addAbility(NewShipType, "CanBeCaptured", 160, 0.1)


<fCaptureTime>: the amount of time it takes for the ship to be captured.
<fSlowFactor>: the ship is slowed by this factor when being captured.


addAbility(\<rShip\>, "CanBeSalvaged")


addAbility(NewShipType, "CanBeSalvaged")

Note: Function used in single player mission to salvage offline Mover. See file kpr_mover_salvage.ship for example. Also note that dock family is set to large salvage. not sure if that makes a difference to functionality though. -nyram


No additional arguments.


addAbility(<rShip>, "SensorPing",


addAbility(NewShipType, "SensorPing", 0, 1, 10, 2.5)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <bInfinitePing>: Set this to true if sensor-ping extends the ship's primary sensor range to infinity. Set this to false if the primary sensor range is only extended to the secondary sensor range.
  • <fPingDuration>: the amount of time the ping lasts (in seconds).
  • <fDetectionStrength>: the anti-cloak detection strength.


addAbility(\<rShip\>, "CanBeRepaired")


addAbility(NewShipType, "CanBeRepaired")


  • No additional arguments.


addAbility(<rShip>, "RepairCommand", <bIsActive>, <fHoverDistance>, <fRepairRate>, <tRepairException1>, ..., <tRepairExceptionN>)


addAbility(NewShipType, "RepairCommand", 0, 500, 9, {SuperCap = "18",}, {Flagship = "18",})


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <fHoverDistance>: the ship will remain this far from the target when not repairing.
  • <fRepairRate>: number of HP restored per turn (1 turn = 0.1 seconds).
  • <tRepairException1> thru <tRepairExceptionN>: overrides <fRepairRate> for the named dock family.


addAbility(<rShip>, "CloakAbility",


addAbility(NewShipType, "CloakAbility", 1, 2, 2000, 0, 1, 100, 0.6, 200)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <iCloakNumber>: value of cloaking. note: this is kind of vague. -Mikali In tuning.xls, they say it is assessed against the enemy sensor detection strength to determine if the ship is detected -SunTzu
  • <fCloakRadius>: the radius within which other ships will also be cloaked.
  • <fEnergyCutoff>: if the remaining energy is this much or lower, the ship will decloak.
  • <fEnergyUsage>: amount of energy used per second while cloaked.
  • <fEnergyCost>: amount of energy used to initiate cloak.
  • <fEnergyRegen>: amount of energy recharged per second.
  • <fEnergyMinimum>: minimum amount of energy required for the ship to cloak.


addAbility(<rShip>, "SpecialAttack",


addAbility(NewShipType, "SpecialAttack", 0, "EMP")


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <sAttackName>: the name of the special attack.


addAbility(<rShip>, "RetireAbility", <bIsActive>, <bDisabledByRace>)


addAbility(NewShipType, "RetireAbility", 1, 1)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <bDisabledByRace>: is the ability disabled when in the possession of a player of another race? (0 = no, 1 = yes)


addAbility(<rShip>, "MinelayerAbility",


addAbility(NewShipType, "MinelayerAbility", 1, 3.5)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <bTimeToLay>: the amount of time required to lay a mine (in seconds).
    Note: this ability must be enable if you want the ship able to shoot attackable missile


addAbility(<rShip>, "DefenseFieldAbility",


addAbility(NewShipType, "DefenseFieldAbility", 1, 0, 1200, 200, 200, 1, 0.6, 0, "defensefield_sphere_spray")  


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <bIsEngaged>: is the defense field turned on by default? (0 = field begins off, 1 = field begins on)
  • <fFieldRadius>: the radius within which other ships will be defended.
  • <fEnergyUsage>: amount of energy.
  • <fEnergyCutoff>: if the remaining energy is <=[maximum - this] , you can disengage manually the ability.
  • <fEnergyCost>: amount of energy used per second (if set to 1, it uses 10 per second).
  • <fEnergyRegen>: amount of energy recharged per second when ability is off.(if set to 1 it recharges 10 per second)
  • <fEnergyMinimum>: if the remaining energy is >=[maximum - this] , you can engage the ability.
  • <sEffectName>: the name of the effect that determines the appearance of the field.


addAbility(<rShip>, "DefenseFieldShieldAbility",


addAbility(NewShipType, "DefenseFieldShieldAbility", 0, 1200, 0, 0)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <fShieldRadius>: the radius within which other ships are protected (should be the same as the <fFieldRadius> of the defense field ability.
  • <fDustCloudMultiplier>: the amount of damage the ship receives fron dust clouds is factored by this amount.
  • <fNebulaMultiplier>: the amount of damage the ship receives from nebulae is factored by this amount.


addAbility(<rShip>, "HyperspaceInhibitorAbility",


addAbility(NewShipType, "HyperspaceInhibitorAbility", 0, 12000)


  • <bIsActive>: is the ability active by default? (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
  • <bInhibitorRadius>: the radius within which other ships are affected by the ability.


todo; needs documenting

addAbility(<rShip>, "CanBeSalvageCaptured",






addAbility(NewShipType,"CustomCommand",1,"Missile",1,0,600, 0, 1, 20,100,"data:ship/Ben_RuCarrier/Ben_RuCarrier.lua","Start_Ben_RuCarrier","Do_Ben_RuCarrier","Finish_Ben_RuCarrier","Ben_RuCarrier",0.2,1,1,0)


Param Type Description
bEnabled number (boolean) Is the ability enabled ('active') by default? Possible values are 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled
sName string The name of the ability, although this value is not used by the UI.
fUnknown1 number (boolean?) Unknown value, usually set to 1.
fUnknown2 number (boolean?) Unknown value, usually set to 0.
fCapacity number The maximum energy of the ability
fEnergyCutoff number Energy level at which manual de-activation is allowed. Somewhat strangely, this value is actually fCapacity - fEnergyCutoff, for example if we have a max capacity of 1000, and this value is set to 800, manual de-activation is possible at 1000 - 800 = 200
fEnergyCost number Energy cost every tick (every 0.1 seconds). Multiply this by 10 for energy/s.
fEnergyRegen number Energy regen every tick (every 0.1 seconds). Multiply by 10 for energy/s
fEnergyMinReactivate number Refers to the minimum energy required to activate the ability. Somewhat strangely, this value is actually fCapacity - fEnergyMinReactivate, for example if we have a max capacity of 1000, and this value is set to 800, the minimum activation energy is 1000 - 800 = 200
sCustomCodePath string The file path to the script file containing the start/do/finish functions for the ability.
sFuncStart string The name of the 'start' function, which is invoked upon the ability being activated. Called once. Typically named Start_<race>_<ship>, e.g Start_Kus_Scout, but can be any name you want.
sFuncDo string The name of the 'do' function, which is repeatedly invoked through the duration of the ability. The time between 'do' calls is set with the fFuncDoInterval param (below). Typically named Do_<race>_<ship>, e.g Do_Kus_Scout, but can be any name you want.
sFuncFinish string The name of the 'finish' function, which is invoked when the ability ends. Called once. Typically named Finish_<race>_<ship>, e.g Finish_Kus_Scout, but can be any name you want.
sCustomGroupName string The name of the sobgroup containing the ship using the ability. This will be set as the value of the first param (typically called CustomGroup) in the 'start'/'do'/'finish' functions.
fDoFuncInterval number The interval (in seconds), between calls to the 'do' functio, referred to by sFuncDo (above).
iIconIndex number (int) Referring to the commandID for the UI definition in /ui/newui/commanduidefines.lua
bLatent number (boolean) Whether or not the ability can be used while performing other actions, such as moving/attacking/docking etc.
bFatal number (boolean) Whether or not the the ship will explode upon energy depletion (for example, HW1 gravwell generators).


Related Pages


Information Provided by mecha

Added function description.
Added CanAttack example.
Improved or added descriptions to almost all arguments for CanAttack, CloakAbility, DefenseFieldAbility, and DefenseFieldShieldAbility.
Fixed double-double quote typo with ability names.
Fixed CloakAbility example.

--RangerHW (2003-10-08 11:18:59)

Fixed 3rd argument for CanAttack. Even though it's obsolete, it's still in there. Info from original post by Mecha.

--TmPhoenix (2003-10-12 15:33:48)

Is the CanAttack ability limited to eight exceptions?

--Mikali (2004-01-24 18:23:13)

Where can I find a full list of abilities?

--Mikali (2004-01-24 18:50:06)

Can't change the DefenseFieldAbility. There are errors in it. Here are the correct arguments:
1. Ability Enabled By Default (Boolean)
2. Field On By Default (Boolean)
3. Radius to Defend Other Ships
4. Energy Reserve (Energy available in storage)
5. Min Energy Before Enabled (Minimum amount of energy needed before the ship can turn on the field.)
6. Energy Consumption Rate (Amount of energy used per unit time to maintain the field.)
7. Recharge Rate (Amount of energy recharged per unit time.)
8. Unknown
9. Effect File Name (Determines the appearance of the field based.)

--PaulTWang (2004-10-24 21:24:21)

I just realized how strangely the developer programmed this ability. Read the DefenseFieldAbility comment page for my updated list.

--PaulTWang (2004-10-24 22:22:04)

DefenseFieldAbility now corrected (2005-11-15 11:27:53)

Removed the hesitation about kamikaze attacks. They do work.

--SunTzu (2006-01-18 15:23:46)

While tweaking cloaking on a ship, I noticed the <fEnergyCutoff> on CloakAbility is wrong. It should be <fMaxEnergy> or something similar.

--PaulDiederich (2006-05-12 21:00:23)

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