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Mob File

The mob file contains all the information on NPCs in an area.

Mob File Format

Mob Format Example Mob
#Vnum #70000
Keywords~ leper~
Short Description~ the &+Wleper&N~
Long Description~ A &+Wleper&N stands nearby, rotting.~
Description~ The leper wears a cloth over his face to prevent anyone seeing his deformities or loss of skin. His eyes look at you sadly, almost begging you to give him a quick end to it all.&N
~ ~
(Action Flags) (Affect1 Flags) (Affect2 Flags) Alignment S 34 0 0 -200 S
Race Height Weight (Hated Races) PE 0 0 PB.EA.EW.EF
Level Thac0 AC (Hit Points) Damage 12 3 59 12d25+30 2d6+1
Coins Experience 4800
(Loading Position) (Default Position) Sex Class (Magic Resistance) Prestige 131 131 1 0 50 3
POWER:1 (Optional power line. Only if the mob will have one assigned) POWER: Melfs Acid Arrow, Spook
TEMPLATE: (Optional templates line.) TEMPLATE: incorporeal, feral, Size+1
FLAGS: name, name FLAGS: archer, aggressive, sentinel
EQUIPMENT: vnum, vnum EQUIPMENT: 41209, 91237
AFFECTS: name, name AFFECTS: sneak, hide, fireshield


  • First Line: The following code must always be the first line of the mob file: <*> File Version 1 <*>
  • Last line: The mob file must have a blank line at the end.
  • Dev Features:
    • EQUIPMENT: This line will automatically equip the item vnums you list in this field, regardless of maxload. Any time the mob loads, it will load whatever you set here.
    • FLAGS: This line will automatically assign any flags named in this field, as though they were assigned via the Act/Aff bitvector fields above.
    • AFFECTS: This line is like the flags line and will accept flags from Affect1, Affect2, and Affect3.

1: The above is the order for the power, templates, flags, equipment, and affects assignment lines in a mob, if you reverse them they will not work so keep this in mind if you find that something is not appearing correctly on stat or when you switch into it.

Mob General


The Vnum is a number unique to each mob within the range assigned to your zone.

  • The Vnum entry always begins with a hash #


Keywords are the words that players will use to target the mob with actions.

  • Multiple keywords may be listed, separated by a space on the same line.

  • At least one of the keywords should be used in the Long Description below, so that players know how to interact with the mob at first sight.

  • This line ends with a tilde ~

  • There are some special keywords your mobs may use to define a set of specific characteristics. Some examples of these are in the race list others can be found here.

  • NOTE: The first keyword will be the one displayed during combat.

  • Example:

    T: Silvanus TC: excellent E: orc EC: few wounds P: std >

Short Description

The Short Description is the name of the mob that will be used in sentences such as combat and actions that involve the mob.

  • ANSI Color works in this entry.
    • Always end with a Normalizing ANSI Code &N
    • Begin the line using &+ instead of &c to start the first ANSI Code will allow the game to utilize capitalization when the mob's Short Description is used in the beginning of a sentence.
  • This line ends in a tilde ~

Long Description

The Long Description is a sentence that appears in the room a mob is in.

  • Should be a complete sentence, with proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.
  • Normally contains at least one of the mob's Keywords, so that players can interact with them.
  • ANSI Color works in this entry.
  • This line ends in a tilde ~


The Mob Description is a paragraph describing what you see when you take the time to look directly at a mob.

  • Should be at least 5 lines.
  • Should use complete sentences, with proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.
  • Indentation is NOT used to begin this paragraph.
  • Do NOT include any actions in this entry, those will go in the Soc File as echoes.
    • Try to stay as objective as possible in this entry, you don't know whether they will be fighting/sleeping/standing when a player looks at them. So just describe the physical appearance without regard to actions or personality.
  • ANSI Color works in this entry.
  • End this entry with a new line consisting of a lone tilde ~

Action Flags

Select all the Action Flags you want for your mob and add them up into a single sum.

Affect Flags

Select all the Affect1 Flags you want for your mob and add them up into a single sum. Do the same for Affect2 Flags to create a second sum.


Alignment Scale:

Alignment Value
Lawful Good Alignment between 800 and 1000
Neutral Good Alignment between 600 and 800
Chaotic Good Alignment between 400 and 600
Lawful Neutral Alignment between 200 to 400
True Neutral Alignment between -200 and 200
Chaotic Neutral Alignment between -400 and -200
Lawful Evil Alignment between -600 and -400
Neutral Evil Alignment between -800 and -600
Chaotic Evil Alignment between -1000 and -800


Select your mob's race from the Race Table and place the abbreviation here.

Height and Weight

The height and weight fields are no longer used. Simply put a zero 0 for each of them.

Hate Flags

Select the races that your mob will attack from the Race Table and list the abbreviations for each one here separated by a period .

  • NOTE: Separate each race with a period ., but no spaces, as seen in the above example.

  • NOTE2: Hated races must be one of the first 88 races in the table.


Set the mob's level. This will influence many of the mobs stats such as hp and damage.

  • Levels 1-59 are possible.

Thac0, AC, HP, Damage, Coins, and Experience

These fields are not normally used. The mob converter generates these values when the game is booted.

  • Just input the following to allow the mob converter to determine the values:
0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
  • NOTE: If you must fine tune one of these values for a particular mob, you can put in specific values here. But if you put a non-zero for one of them, you will need to set them all, as the mob converter will ignore this mob once it sees a non-zero value. You will need to seek approval from an appropriate staff member for making non-standard mobs this way.

    • If you decide to fine tune one of these values, you will have to fine tune them all, this means that when you want your mobs to have 0 coins (and if you have that mob involved in coin quests, you MUST do this) you must set them all.
  • Damage and HP are defined by dice values 0d0+0 and are essentially (dice num)d(dice size)+(set number, be it damroll, or HPA) Note that on damage 0d0 refers to the barehanded damage value. The standard values for Damage and HPs both of these are as follow:

    • For levels 01-05: Damage dice 1d7+0 Hitpoints (npc level)d20+(npc level) We'll call this variable HPA
    • For levels 06-10: Damage dice 1d6+0 Hitpoints (npc level)d20+(npc level)
    • For levels 11-15: Damage dice 2d6+1 Hitpoints (npc level)d25+(npc level × 2.5)
    • For levels 16-20: Damage dice 2d6+2 Hitpoints (npc level)d30+(npc level × 5)
    • For levels 21-25: Damage dice 3d6+3 Hitpoints (npc level)d40+(npc level × 7.5)
    • For levels 26-30: Damage dice 3d6+4 Hitpoints (npc level)d55+(npc level × 10)
    • For levels 31-35: Damage dice 4d6+7 Hitpoints (npc level)d70+(npc level × 15)
    • For levels 36-40: Damage dice 4d6+10 Hitpoints (npc level)d80+(npc level × 20)
    • For levels 41-45: Damage dice 6d6+12 Hitpoints (npc level)d90+(npc level × 40)
    • For levels 46-50: Damage dice 6d6+25 Hitpoints (npc level)d100+(npc level × 50)
    • For levels 51-55: Damage dice 7d6+30 Hitpoints (npc level)d110+(npc level × 80)
    • For levels 56-59: Damage dice 7d6+35 Hitpoints (npc level)d120+(npc level × 100)
    • Racial Adjustments:
      • For dragons HPA = HPA + (50 × npc level)
      • For giants HPA = HPA + (5 × npc level)
      • For angels, devils and demons HPA = HPA + (20 × npc level)
      • For ghosts, spirits, fire and air elementals, the hitpoint dice size and HPA are halved.
  • The standard AC values for mobs are the following:

    • Base ac:
      • For Levels 01-40: ac = (Mob_Level × -3) + 100 <-- this is the base formula.
      • For Levels 41-50: ac -= -20 <-- this means subtract that extra amount from the base
      • For Levels 51-57: ac -= -30
      • For Levels 58-59: ac -= -35
    • Racial Extras:
      • Anything that's not a Fire Ele: ac -= 10 <-- this should include air elementals, but currently doesn't
      • For Angels Demons and Devils: ac -= 15
      • For Dragons: ac -= 20
      • For Dragonkin: ac -= 10
      • For Elves and Drow: ac -= 5
      • For Golems Kirin and Possessed: ac -= 15
  • Coins are defined by the total value in coppers. The game then converts this into the appropriate coin types.

    • If you want your mob to have 0 coins make sure you mark that: Example
  • The standard experience values for npcs are as follow:

    • for mob levels 01 to 10: Level x100
    • for mob levels 11 to 20: Level x400
    • for mob levels 21 to 30: Level x750
    • for mob levels 31 to 40: Level x1000
    • for mob levels 41 to 50: Level x2500
    • for mob levels 51 to 59: Level x5000


Loading Position is whether it comes into the game standing/resting/sleeping/etc.

Default Position is the position that the mob tries to return to, and will be the position that shows the mob's long description.

  • The most common position is 131 for standing/normal.

  • Add together a Position Value and a Status Value from the table below to get your sum:

Position Status
Prone 0 Dying 8
Kneeling 1 Incapacitated 16
Sitting 2 Sleeping 32
Standing 3 Resting 64
Normal 128


Gender value
Neuter 0
Male 1
Female 2


You can set one class in this field.

Class Value Class Value
  • The classes marked by a strikeout are old classes that generally are not supported anymore, most of their skills have been removed from the game. DO NOT USE.

  • NOTE: In addition, you can also set general classes in the Action Flags. (Mage/Cleric/Warrior/Thief/Psi)

Magic Resistance

You can set magic resistance in this field. This is very powerful and should be used sparingly.

  • NOTE: Many races have a magic resistance value built into their race, and adding it here will stack.


The amount of prestige that killing this monster will grant a PC.

  • NOTE: Since prestige is an unused stat at the moment, you shouldn't really use this without approval from an appropriate staff member.

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