ANSI - torilmud/docs GitHub Wiki

Colors on TorilMUD

Basic ANSI Colors (16 Colors)

To add color to text, using the following codes will colorize all the text that follows:

Color Name Normal Code Bold Code
White &cw &cW
Red &cr &cR
Yellow &cy &cY
Green &cg &cG
Cyan &cc &cC
Blue &cb &cB
Magenta &cm &cM
Black &cl &cL
Normalize &N &N
  • Capitalization: Notice the capital versions of letters are for bold colors and lowercase versions of for regular, or dark, colors.

  • Normalize: This means the default color, which is usually white but may be different depending on the player's client. The main function of this is you should always end lines with &N so that your ANSI wont bleed into the game text that follows.

  • Dull Black: &cl will blend into the MUD's background so it should not be used.

  • Blinking Text: Replacing the initial c in the ansi code with =L will make it blinking text. (Example: &=Lr Will make blinking dull red) This is not normally used!

Extended ANSI Colors (256 Colors)

  • Use the following syntax: &f000, &b000, and &u000, Where 000 is the three-digit code found on the table below:

  • The &b000 and &f000 formats are for background and foreground coloring. If you use them both together, be sure the &b000 is before the &f000. The &u000 format is for underline. It does not work on most clients, so isn't recommended to be used.

Extended ANSI Defaults

  • Not all MUD Clients currently support 256 colors unfortunately, below is a chart of the base color that a player will see instead of the 256 color you may have used.

Race ANSI Reference

  • The following are the colors used for the player races.
&f056Drow Elf
&f117Moon Elf
&f226Shield Dwarf
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