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Mob Action Flags

  • The following flags can be attached to mobs within the *.mob file

Method 1: ACT bitvector

  • You can attach these flags by adding up Bit Values for all the flags you want the mob to have, and including it in the ACT FLAG within the *.mob file entry

Method 2: FLAG line

  • You can attach these flags by inserting a FLAGS: line in the *.mob file entry with a comma delimited list of the Flag Names.
  • Note: This method is the only way to add some of the new special flags. Example: FLAGS: SENTINEL, MEMORY

List of ACT Flags

Flag Name Bit Value Bit # Human Readable Comments
SENTINEL 2 2 "sentinel" Mob will not wander on it's own
SCAV 4 3 "scavenger" Mob will pick up stuff lying around, fumbled weapons, etc
PRETEND IS PC 8 4 "pretend is pc" Mob will behave exactly like a pc
NICE THIEF 16 5 "nice thief" Set if a thief should NOT be killed
AGG 32 6 "aggressive" Set if automatic attack on PC's
STAY ZONE 64 7 "stay zone" MOB will not leave the zone it loads in for ANY reason
WIMPY 128 8 "wimpy" MOB Will flee when injured
AGGRESSIVE EVIL 256 9 "aggressive evil" Aggressive towards evil ALIGNMENT. See racial aggressive below.
AGGRESSIVE GOOD 512 10 "aggressive good" Aggressive towards good ALIGNMENT. See racial aggressive below.
AGGRESSIVE NEUTRAL 1024 11 "aggressive neutral" Aggressive towards neutral ALIGNMENT. See racial aggressive below.
MEMORY 2048 12 "memory" Mob will remember who attacked it. ALWAYS SET THIS
STAY SECTOR 4096 13 "stay sector" Mob will not leave the sector it was loaded in, unless hunting. (maybe combat lured too)
NPCSAVE 8192 14 "save" NPC can be saved in a stable //(works?)//
HELPER 16384 15 "helper" Mob will freely cast buffs on fellow NPC's
DELAY HUNTER 32768 16 "delay hunter" Mob will only start hunting once its been damaged approximately 10% it's hitpoints
ARCHER 65536 17 "archer" Mob will fire missiles from adjacent rooms (Assuming you load it with them!)
NO KILL 131072 18 "no kill" Mob can not attack or be attacked
HAS PSI 262144 19 "has psi" Mob has psionicist abilities
HAS CLERIC 524288 20 "has cleric" Mob has cleric abilities
HAS MAGE 1048576 21 "has mage" Mob has sorcerer abilities
HAS THIEF 2097152 22 "has thief" Mob has thief abilities
HAS WARRIOR 4194304 23 "has warrior" Mob has warrior abilities
WITNESS 16777216 25 "witness" AKA ACT_CITIZEN, mob will report you to the authorities for crimes committed. Don't use this without approval, especially not outside a hometown.
BREAK CHARM 33554432 26 "break charm" Mob will overcome charm/domination
PROTECTOR 67108864 27 "protector" Mob will come to combat from adjacent rooms & will rescue/assist mobiles depending on various factors, the biggest of all being alignment & race.
MOUNT 134217728 28 "mount" MOB is a player mount
AGGRESSIVE EVILRACE 268435456 29 "aggressive evilrace" Aggressive towards evil races
AGGRESSIVE GOODRACE 536870912 30 "aggressive goodrace" Aggressive towards good races
HUNTER 1073741824 31 "hunter" Hunt mode, disregards sentinel until target is dead or mob cant find a trace
AGGRESSIVE OUTCAST 2147483648 32 "aggressive outcast" Aggressive towards outcasts
UNDEAD 4294967296 33 "undead" Mob is Undead. This flag is set automatically to mobs with an undead race, or any mob with the keyword undead. This means you should not set it.
AUTO_HUNT 34 "auto hunt" See below.
STAY_SUBZONE 35 "stay subzone" See below.

Special Flags

Flag Name These can only be set using the method 2 detailed above
AUTO_HUNT new mob flag that will add all players inside of the mob's zone to their memory. If the mob is also flagged as a hunter, they will automatically start hunting. Note that they only add into their memory those players that they would be aggressive to according to their flags, like AGG_EVIL, AGG_GOODRACE and related flags.
STAY_SUBZONE new mob flag that will ensure the mob is confined to the subzone it's loaded in.