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Race Codes

All races are medium sized except where otherwise noted.

You may avoid the converter-applied flags by setting all your mob's fields, especially their damage dice.

# Race Abbreviation Size(Base) Converter-Applied Flags Notes
1 Human PH
2 Barbarian PB
3 DrowElf PL
4 MoonElf PE
5 ShieldDwarf PM
6 DuergarDwarf PD
7 Halfling PF Small
8 Gnome PG Small
9 Ogre PO Large
10 Troll PT
11 Half-Elf P2
12 Illithid PI
13 Yuan-Ti PY
14 Lich PZ
15 Myconid PS
16 Orc PR
17 Half-Orc PC
19 Possessed OP Hunter
20 Raptor BR
21 HighUndead UH Hunter
22 Canine AD Small Hunter
23 Feline AF Small Hunter
24 Angel Z Hunter
25 Githyanki HY Hunter
26 Sessile OU Large
27 Spirit US
28 HybridAnimal AY
29 Slime OS Small
30 FireElemental EF AFF_FIRESHIELD
31 AirElemental EA AFF_INVISIBLE
32 WaterElemental EW
33 EarthElemental EE
34 Tanar'ri X Massive Hunter
35 Baatezu Y Massive Hunter
36 Undead U
37 Vampire UV Hunter
38 Ghost UG
39 Lycanthrope L Hunter
40 Giant G Massive
41 Kobold HK Small
42 Orc HO
43 Goblin HG
44 Half-Orc H2
45 Golem OG Large Hunter
46 Faerie HF Small
47 Dragon D Gargantuan* Hunter
48 Dragonkin DK Large Hunter
49 Reptile R currently might not work, defaults to snake
50 Snake RS Small
51 Insect I Fine
52 Arachnid AS Fine
53 Fish F Fine
54 Bird B Tiny currently might not work, defaults to raptor
55 Horse AE Large
56 Primate AA
57 Humanoid H
58 Animal A currently might not work, defaults to canine
59 Tree VT Huge
60 Herbivore AH Large
61 Carnivore AC Hunter
62 Parasite AP Fine
63 Reptoid RH Hunter
64 Kuo-Toa RT
65 HybridHuman HH
66 Centaur HC Large
67 Naga HS Large Hunter
68 HumanoidOther OH
69 Kirin K Hunter
70 Efreeti E1 Large PFL PFF HASTE
71 Djinni E2 Large PFL PFF HASTE
72 Beholder OB
73 Bear AB
74 Manscorpion MS Large
75 Ixzan IX
76 UmberHulk MH Large
77 Phaerimm PA
78 Hellhound HD
79 Aboleth LT Large
80 Cloaker CK Large
81 SmallGolem GS Medium
82 GreatWyrm DW Colossal
83 Remorhaz RZ Huge
84 RustMonster RM Large
85 WildElf WE
86 Manticore ME Large
87 Object IO
88 CarrionCrawler CC Large
93 FireGiant GF Massive
94 Minotaur MT Large
95 FaangOgre FO Large
96 DarktreeElf DE
97 Tiefling TF
98 Aasimar AM
99 Phoenix PX Huge
100 IceElemental EI Large
101 Svirfneblin SV Small
102 Thrikreen TH

Race Details


Just your run of the mill animals. This is the only race that can be set to not remember who attacks it, by not setting the ACT_MEMORY flag.

Carrion Crawler

A monstrous centipede with tentacles.

  • Size: Large
  • Melee: Lashes
  • Tentacles: Minor paralysis


A monster that disguises itself as a cloak, but has a fanged mouth within its folds.

  • Size: Large
  • Melee: Bites
  • Wailing Keen: feeblemind


DK - Dragonkin

These are the weak cousins to true dragons.

  • Size: Large
  • Level: Affects their hp and combat stats.
  • Special Attacks: Have access to a wide array of special attacks that make their combat routines unique, as well as dragon scales which reduce the physical damage they take.
  • Breath weapons: No breath weapon, unlike real dragons.
  • Spells: Normally cannot use magic, unlike real dragons.
  • Magic Resistance: All dragonkin have natural magic resistance based on their level (You can override this in the mob file's MR setting)
  • Special Flags: Dragonkin automatically are set with PFF PFC PFA PFL and PFG, as well as Detect Invisible and Haste.

D - Dragon

A typical dragon.

  • Size: Gargantuan
  • Level: Strongly affects hp and combat stats.
  • Special Attacks: Have access to a wide array of special attacks that make their combat routines unique, as well as dragon scales which reduce the physical damage they take.
  • Breath weapons: Based on which of the keywords from the chart you use in the mob entry, if no keyword is specified then it will cycle through fire, frost, gas and lightning.
  • Spells: Can use certain spells automatically. A combination of basic dragon spells and the class they receive from the keyword selected from the chart below.
  • Magic Resistance: All dragons have natural magic resistance based on their level (You can override this in the mob file's MR setting)
  • Special Flags: Dragons automatically are set with PFF PFC PFA PFL and PFG, as well as Detect Invisible and Haste.

DW - Great Wyrm

Biggest, baddest dragons, they have access to attack types in addition to the standard dragon attacks (Ex: Single target breath weapons). Should never be lower than 50th level. Should be given proper dragon names.

  • Size: Colossal
  • HP Boost: Automatically have +50% hitpoints
  • Special Attacks: Dragons have access to a wide array of special attacks that make their combat routines unique, as well as dragon scales which reduce the physical damage they take.
  • Breath weapons: based on which of the keywords from the chart you use in the mob entry, if no keyword is specified then it will cycle through fire, frost, gas and lightning.
  • Spells: Can use certain spells automatically. A combination of basic dragon spells and the class they receive from the keyword selected from the chart below.
  • Magic Resistance: All dragons have natural magic resistance based on their level (You can override this in the mob file's MR setting)
  • Special Flags: Great Wyrms automatically are set with PFF PFC PFA PFL and PFG, as well as Detect Invisible and Haste.

Dragon Specials

  • This chart shows the level that each dragon race receives certain special attacks.
Attack Drake Dragon Wyrm
BITE 1 1 1
CLAW 1 1 1
WINGSLAP 50 40 40
WINGSPIKE 50 50 50
TAILSLAP 50 50 50
TAILSWEEP 35 35 35
CRUSH 1 54 50


  • EQ Burn: Certain breaths can destroy equipment on a character not protected by the appropriate protection spell.
    • Fire, Cold, Acid
  • Keyword: Adding a color in the mob's keyword list will grant a breath weapon and a caster class:
  • Chart Notes:
    • Slashes / on the chart means they may breathe either/or.
    • Plus + on the chart means their breath has a status effect in addition to the damage.
    • Parenthesis ( ) denote a status change that happens without damage.
Keyword Breath Weapon Class
*** Chromatic Dragons (Evil) ***
red fire elementalist
blue lightning elementalist
white frost elementalist
black acid necromancer
green gas elementalist
*** Metallic Dragons (Good) ***
gold fire / weakening gas (random stat drain) enchanter
brass fire / tranquilizing gas (sleep) enchanter
bronze lightning / noxious gas (forces flee) enchanter
silver frost / immobilizing gas (major paralysis) enchanter
copper acid / sickly yellow gas (slow) enchanter
*** Gem Dragons (Neutral) ***
amethyst force disc + bash illusionist
crystal crystal shards + blind illusionist
emerald sonic force + stun illusionist
sapphire ultrasonic disruption (fear) illusionist
topaz Blistering heat + ray of enfeeblement illusionist
*** Other Dragons ***
faerie euphoria gas (feeblemind) illusionist
cloud glacial air + bash elementalist
deep dragon corrosive gas + enervate (con drain) elementalist
shadow energy drain + blind illusionist
dracolich Random at boot choice (except faerie, cloud, deep, shadow, or topaz) necromancer


Overgrown canines the size of horses and spitting fire.

  • Size: Medium
  • Melee: Bites
  • Breath Weapon: Fire
  • Immunity: Fire
  • Weakness: Cold


Giant psionic monstrous catfish. Trust me, its scary. Normally they are powerful spellcasters, but you have to give them a casting class since its not hardcoded.

  • Size: Large
  • Melee: Smashes
  • Charm: Can affect any player in the room. Makes them follow the aboleth and removes their free will!


The body of a red lion with a thickly maned human head that has three rows of sharp teeth.

  • Size: Large
  • Melee: Claws
  • Searches: If you flag the mob with SENSE_LIFE then it will automatically search out hidden players.
  • Tail Spikes: Flings a volley of 1-6 poisoned spikes that can cause major paralysis.
  • Instant Kill: If a victim has been paralyzed by tail spikes and the manticore isn't fighting anyone else, they get eaten.


Subterranean creatures.

  • Size: Large

  • Melee: Claws

  • Confusion Gaze: Stun, forget spells

  • Pincers: Extra attack?

  • Note: If you give this mob a weapon, then they will lose their procs.


A human torso with a giant scorpion body instead of legs.

  • Size: Large
  • Melee: Stings
  • No-Bash: Using their tail they maintain their balance and cannot be bashed.
  • Tail Sting: (Not default) Inflicts venom on the victim.
    • NOTE: The tail sting proc must be attached by a coder to each mob. They will need the following syntax:
      • ms_venom_light
      • ms_venom_medium
      • ms_venom_heavy


An underdark creature with a conical body, its mouth is the widest part. Its spike covered body tapers down its tail ending in a stinger. Its mouth is surrounded by four spindly arms ending in sharp four-fingered claws. It has no eyes, ears, or nose. Often are spellcasters.

  • Size: Medium
  • Melee: Bite
  • Stinger: Can paralyze or poison the victim at random.

Rust Monster

A weird beetle-like underground creature that eats equipment! MWAHAHA!

  • Gear Destruction:
    • Target items with keywords: steel, iron, metal, copper, bronze, adamantite, adamantium, mithril.
    • If the item is magical it will receive a save, if the save fails or the item is non-magical then it is destroyed.
    • This will not target items of type CONTAINER.


  • Size: Huge
  • Melee: Bites
  • Fireshield: Automatic permanent fireshield
  • Swallow: Can swallow players whole, instant death!


  • Size: Medium
  • Melee: Drains
  • Invisibility: If you give the mob the INVIS affect flag, its invisibility won't fade even when engaged in combat.
  • Age: Able to age people in the room 10 years. No longer works?
  • Special Ghosts will not leave corpses behind, all their inventory will fall to the ground upon death.


  • Size: Medium
  • Melee: Drains (hp drain)
  • Bites: Lags victim

Wild Elf

  • Size: Medium
  • Specials: Wild Elves always have AFF_SNEAK set.

Tanar'ri (Demon)

A chaotic race of evil planar beings.

  • Automatically have PR-FIRE, PR-COLD, PR-LIGHT, PR-GAS and INFRA.
  • Size: Massive
  • Magic Resistance: All tanar'ri have natural magic resistance (You can override this in the mob file's MR setting).
  • Gate: Some demons can gate in pets during combat, dependent on which keyword from the following table the mob has.
  • Generic: If you do not give the mob any of the following keywords, then it will be able to gate as the "generic" entry.
  • Nogate: If you wish to disallow gating in while still retaining the special abilities of any given type, add the keyword nogate.
  • Tiers:
    • Least: dretch, manes & rutterkin
    • Lesser: Alu-fiend, bar-lgura, cambion & succubus
    • Greater: Babau, Chasme & Nabassu
    • True: Balors, Glabrezu, Hezrou, Mariliths, Nalfeshnees & Vrocks
Demon Keyword Recharge Gated Pets Special Abilities
generic ? 40% 1d3 dretch
Least Demons *** *** ***
dretch 1/day 50% to get 1d3 dretches unable to flee
manes - - On death, will become an acidic vapor that will damage players.
rutterkin 1/day 50% 1d3 least
Lesser Demons *** *** ***
bar-lgura 1/day 36% to get 1d3 bar-lgura has thief abilities and hides in the shadows
alu-fiend - -
cambion - - has thief abilities and sneak
succubus 1/2hours 40% 1 balor Will charm male victims and, after some time, deliver a kiss of death.
Greater Demons *** *** ***
babau 1/day 40% to get 1 babau or 1d3 cambions
chasme 1/2hours 40% to get 1d4 manes, 1d2 cambion, or 1 chasme Will put a random victim to sleep
nabassu 1/2hours 46% 1 nabassu, 1d3 cambions, or 1d4 manes
True Demons *** *** ***
balor 2/hour 100% to get 1 true or 2 greater 1d3 lesser or 1d4 least A balor's nastiness lies in it's weapons: 1.) if loaded with balor's whip 93227 it will burn the victims. 2.) if loaded with balor's sword 93228 it will cause damage as well as reduce con + str on a successful proc. Gated in balors come loaded up with these already.
glabrezu 1/day 50% to get 1 greater Grabs victim with pincers, acts as para for several rounds. Small chance to kill the victim.
hezrou 2/hour 20% 1 true, 50% to get 1d4 least, 1d2 lesser, or 1 greater
marilith 2/hour 36% 1 true, 1d2 greater, 1d3 lesser or 1d4 least Grabs a victim with her tail and acts as paralysis for several rounds. Small chance to kill the victim.
vrock 1/day 50% 1 nalfeshnee, 1d3 bar-lgura, or 1d4 manes A vrock will produce an area stun effect, damage victims with spores or, if 5 vrocks are present, perform the dance of ruin to release a massive energy blast
nalfeshnee 1/2hours 50% 1 cambion or 1d3 babau
Other Demons *** *** ***
molydeus 2/hour 36% 1 molydeus, 1d2 chasme, or 1d3 babau
incubus 1/2hours 40% 1 balor Not sure if it works, but should do the same as succubus for females
wastrilith - -

Baatezu (Devil)

A lawful race of evil planar beings.

  • Automatically have PR-FIRE, PR-COLD, PR-GAS and INFRA.
  • Size: Massive
  • Magic Resistance: All baatezu have natural magic resistance (You can override this in the mob file's MR setting).
  • Gate: Some demons can gate in pets during combat, dependent on which keyword from the following table the mob has.
  • Generic: If you do not give the mob any of the following keywords, then it will be able to gate as the "generic" entry.
  • Nogate: If you wish to disallow gating in while still retaining the special abilities of any given type, add the keyword nogate.
  • Tiers:
    • Least: Nupperibo, Spinagon
    • Lesser: Abishai, Barbazu, Erinyes, Hamatula & Osyluth
    • Greater: Pit Fiend, Amnizu, Cornugon & Gelugon
Devil Keyword Recharge Gated Pets Special Abilities
generic ? 40% 1d3 spinagons
Least Devils *** *** ***
nupperibo - - Breaks charm effects
spinagon 1/day 36% 1d3 spinagons Shoots flaming spikes at attackers
Lesser Devils *** *** ***
abishai 1/day 60% 1d3 lemures OR 30% 1d2 abishai
barbazu 1/day 50% 1d3 abishai OR 36% 1d2 barbazu
erinyes 1/day 50% 1d4 spinagons OR 36% 1d2 barbazu
hamatula 1/day 50% 1d3 abishai OR 36% 1d2 hamatula
lemure - - Breaks charm effects
osyluth 1/day 50% 1d4 nupperibo OR 36% 1d2 osyluth
Greater Devils *** *** ***
cornugon 1/day 50% 1d2 barbazu AND 36% 1d3 abishai AND 20% 1 cornugon
amnizu 1/day 50% 1d3 abishai OR 30% 1d2 erinyes
gelugon 1/day 50% 1d3 barbazu AND20% 1d2 gelugon
pit fiend 2/hour 100% 1 Greater OR 100% 2 Lesser Grabs a victim with it's tail and acts as paralysis for several rounds. Small chance to kill the victim. Will also bite players, inflicting damage and possibly venom too.


Floating eyes with multiple eye tentacles granting them powerful rays and beams.

  • Depending on which of the following keywords you give your beholder, it will get different powers.
  • Some of the beholder types were not fully developed as they were intended, listed below are only the actual powers that are functioning in game.
Keyword Description Powers
tyrant A generic beholder. 1) Anti Magic 2) Charm 3) Sleep 4) Major Para 5) Slow 6) Ray of Enfeeb 7) Death 8) Harm 9) Force Missiles 10) Stun 11) Telekinesis
deathkiss Tentacles grab its victim and drains their blood (hp drain) No eyes.
deeptyrant "Eye of the Deep" Underwater beholders. 1) Major Para 2) Blazing Beam
gauth Feeds on magic. 1) Major Para 2) Harm 3) Cone of Cold 4) Lightning 5) Magic Drain 6) Repulsion
hivemother Has a swallow proc. 1) Anti Magic 2) Charm 3) Sleep 4) Major Para 5) Slow 6) Ray of Enfeeb 7) Death 8) Harm 9) Force Missiles 10) Stun 11) Telekinesis
director Only takes half damage from melee? 1) Slow 2) Needle Swarm 3) Enervate 4) Minute Meteors
examiner 1) Magic Reflection
lensman 1) Breach 2) Heal
overseer Resembles a fleshy tree. 1) Major Para 2) Cone of Cold 3) Breach 4) Chain Lightning 5) Mass Suggestion 6) Magic Reflection 7) Telekinesis 8) Mass Charm 9) Emotion
beholdermage Standard beholder without anti-magic ray. 1) Charm 2) Sleep 3) Major Para 4) Slow 5) Ray of Enfeeb 6) Death 7) Harm 8) Force Missiles 9) Stun 10) Telekinesis
gorbel Explodes when attacked. No eyes.
deathtyrant Undead beholder uses the same eyes it had in life. 1) Anti Magic 2) Sleep 3) Major Para 4) Slow 5) Ray of Enfeeb 6) Death 7) Harm 8) Force Missiles 9) Stun
orbus 1) Anti-Magic
astereater No eyes.
elderorb Ancient, powerful, kickass beholders. 1) Major Para 2) Death 3) Harm 4) Force Missiles 5) Stun 6) Magic Drain 7) Breach 8) Heal 9) Chain Lightning 10) Telekinesis 11) Mass Charm 12) Emotion 13) Repulsion 14) Baleful Polymorph

Notes on Procs

For demons & devils & in the future for yugoloths, only the gate proc is assigned by default, if you want your mobs to use their other combat procs, make sure you note this and ask a staff member to assign them to your mobs. The above also applies to the manscorpion venom procs.