Page Index - tomaskovacik/audi_concert1_chorus1_volume_fix GitHub Wiki
16 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Assemble guide
- comunication between front panel and main MCU
- comunication between main MCU and slave MCU
- comunication between main MCU and sound processor TDA7342
- How to upgrade firmware
- how to upload bootloader to empty stm32 chip using openOCD
- HW notest
- Identification of the module version
- Instalation of Arduino and support for stm32 (stm32duino)
- Installation
- Modify boards for low power
- Modifyig firmware and upload using Arduino IDE
- Problem of Some AUDI Chorus and AUDI Concert Autoradio Models, or "Delayed Action Mine" from Blaupunkt Company
- Upload firmware using USB cable
- uploading using serial