Using the system - tangible-landscape/grass-tangible-landscape GitHub Wiki

Starting the system

  1. Start the projector (you might need to use the power button on the remote control if the projector is too high).
  2. Start the computer.
  3. Start GRASS GIS. The icon is green and white. GRASS GIS icon
  4. Select appropriate GRASS Database directory, Location and Mapset in the dialog. This should be data you already prepared ahead.
    • TIP: If you ran it previously, it will remember the selected mapset from last time.
  5. Press Start GRASS session.
  6. Go to Console in Layer Manager, type g.gui.tangible and press Enter.
    • TIP: If you already did that before, press just arrow up in the Console which will show the previous command - it should be g.gui.tangible; press Enter.
  7. Do the Calibration if you haven't done that previously. If you did that already, the values in the Scanning tab are the ones previously entered. If the model's position changed do the second part of the calibration procedure.
  8. Press Scan once to make sure it works and to get a fresh scan.
    • The dark terminal window will show messages about Kinect (scanner) device connected and working.
    • Add the raster layer called scan to see what is scanned (eye icon in Output tab).
  9. In the Analysis tab, check that there is file a Python file (.py) which you want to use to run your analysis, or that you have defined Activities, see Running analyses and developing workflows.
  10. If you have saved workspace from last time, open it from menu File > Workspace > Open and find your workspace file (it has .gxw extension). Skip the next step.
    • TIP: Use Ctrl+O shortcut to open existing workspace.
    • Map Display window with the map should start placed on the model and Layer Manager on the laptop screen.
  11. Add the desired raster and vector map layers to the Map Display using toolbar buttons in the Layer Manager (alternatively use main menu File > Map display > Add raster or Add vector).
    • TIP: You can show and hide individual layers using checking and unchecking the checkbox on the left from layer name. Order of the layers influences which are at the top and thus visible.
    • TIP: Once you set your layers and sizes of the windows, you may want to save them as a workspace. Use Ctrl+S shortcut or File > Workspace > Save.
  12. Align Map Display with the model.
    1. First hide Map Display toolbar and statusbar. Right click on the window and select Hide statusbar and then also Hide toolbar. This reduces the visual clutter and provides more space. If you loaded it from the workspace, it might be already hidden.
    2. You need to grab one side of the window and move it so that the map covers the whole model.
  13. Press Start to start continuous scanning and computation.

Turning off the system

When you want to turn off the computer:

  1. Stop scanning with Stop button and press Close in Tangible Landscape plugin.
  2. Close the GRASS window from the Layer Manager.
    • It asks if you want to close GUI or quit GRASS GIS, select Quit GRASS GIS.
    • Depending on your settings, it may also ask about saving the workspace.
    • TIP: If you want to change this behavior, in Layer Manager go to Settings > Preferences > General check or uncheck Ask when quitting wxGUI or closing display, click Save.
  3. Turn off the computer.
    • On Ubuntu, use the power symbol in the upper right corner of the screen. It will asks you for confirmation.
  4. Turn off the projector.
    • Note that with most devices, you will need to click the power button twice to confirm turning off.
    • If you want to unplug the electricity, let the projector cool down first there is usually a indicator of the cooling at the projector itself. After few minutes after shutting it down, it should save to unplug it.

When you want to suspend the computer:

  1. On Ubuntu, use the power symbol in the upper right corner of the screen. It will asks you for confirmation.
  2. Turn off the projector after suspending the computer.
  3. Next time, you will wake the computer from suspend, start the projector first, then you should have all the windows in the position you left them in.

If you need to move with the model when the system is off but you plan to put it back, mark the position for the model on the table with a pencil or tape.

See also