Coastal game - tangible-landscape/grass-tangible-landscape GitHub Wiki

This is a coastal game description with focus on BHIC. Note that if you already did the software settings, some of the values will be already set.

  1. Turn on projector and computer.
  2. Run GRASS GIS (top green-white icon at the top of the side menu bar).
  3. Select BH_Island as location and coastal_game as mapset.
  4. Use menu (File > Workspace > Open) or Ctrl+O to open a workspace.
  5. Open Tangible > TL_analysis > coastal_game.gxw
  6. Optional (depending on workspace settings): Right click anywhere on map (in Map Display window) and select Hide toolbar and again Hide statusbar.
  7. Move and scale Map Display window to match the model if needed (in theory, the workspace (the .gxw file) should have the position in it already).
  8. In the Layer Manager window, go to Console tab and type g.gui.tangible to the white empty area. Press Enter.
  9. In Analysis tab, select file - Tangible > TL_analysis > coastal_game.gxw.
  10. In Flooding tab, press Reset, then press Breach, and then uncheck and check any layers in the Layer Manager you want to refresh (the text layer and breach layer usually need refreshing).
  11. Press Run to run the flooding.

Dimensions of the setup

These are the sweet spots to place individual components. It is enough to set the setup approximately. The values to which you need to get with your own setup are approximate, usually +- 5cm.

Test setup in lab at NCSU

distance cm measured
table-projector 152 vertically
stand-projector 57 horizontally
table-scanner 80 vertically
stand-scanner 36 horizontally
stand-table 16 horizontally
stand-model close edge 15.5 horizontally
stand-model far edge 68.5 horizontally
table 60.5 horizontally
model 43 horizontally
table height 73 vertically
whole setup height 227 vertically