Troubleshooting - tangible-landscape/grass-tangible-landscape GitHub Wiki

Various DEM reconstruction issues

Use binning rather than interpolation to debug scanning problems.

No data in low lying areas of the model

no data in the low lying areas of the model

This is likely caused by trimmed scan. Increase the Trim vertically, B value by couple centimeters.

There is noise scanned outside of the model

noise around the model

You are probably scanning the table or any objects around the model. Use Trim tolerance (0.5 is good start) to automatically trim the noise. Alternatively, lower the Trim vertically, B value to move the scanning boundary higher, or lower the Trim horizontally values to trim the sides of scanning bounding box.

The scan is rotated

rotated model

Either rotate the sensor or change the rotation value in Rotation angle field.

There are too many holes in the scan

too much no data model

In this scan, the smaller holes are due to too high resolution. Change the resolution (meaning, increase the value) in Resolution field. Alternatively, use interpolation. The bigger holes are there because the sensor doesn't register any valid measurements, either because it doesn't see there due to complex topography or there were invalid points. You can also increase the Number of scans, however that will slow down the processing.

Cannot create a KDTree message in the terminal

If you see the following message about KDTree and an empty input cloud, check what you can see with the Protonect application and set trim values to include maximum area and vertical space to ensure you are not trimming too much.

[pcl::KdTreeFLANN::setInputCloud] Cannot create a KDTree with an empty input cloud!

See Calibration for more details about Protonect application and setting trim values.

Sometimes scanner does not scan

  • In the terminal it may show no device connected or some other message
    • Unplug scanner from power to reboot
    • Use the scanner's electric cable to disconnect.

Scanning doesn't finish

  • Tangible Landscape window is all grayed out.
  • Output in the terminal is one line over and over again.
    • On Ubuntu, go to Dash or Launcher and start System Monitor
    • Find process called
    • Right click on its line and select Kill.

See also