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Drive File Selection

Ross Scroggs edited this page Oct 25, 2023 · 22 revisions

Drive File Selection


<DriveFileID> ::= <String><DriveFileID><DriveFileID><DriveFileID><DriveFileID>?resourcekey=<String><DriveFileID>/<String>>/document/d/<DriveFileID>/<String>>/drawings/d/<DriveFileID>/<String>>/forms/d/<DriveFileID>/<String>>/presentation/d/<DriveFileID>/<String>>/spreadsheets/d/<DriveFileID>/<String>
<DriveFileItem> ::= <DriveFileID>|<DriveFileURL>
<DriveFileList> ::= "<DriveFileItem>(,<DriveFileItem>)*"
<DriveFileIDEntity> ::=
        (<DriveFileItem>)|(id( |:)<DriveFileItem>)|(ids( |:)<DriveFileList>)
<DriveFileName> ::= <String>
<DriveFileNameEntity> ::=
        (drivefilename <DriveFileName>)|(drivefilename:<DriveFileName>)|
        (anydrivefilename <DriveFileName>)|(anydrivefilename:<DriveFileName>)
<DriveFolderID> ::= <String>
<DriveFolderIDList> ::= "<DriveFolderID>(,<DriveFolderID>)*"
<DriveFolderName> ::= <String>
<QueryDriveFile> :: = <String> See:
<DriveFileQueryEntity> ::= 
        (query <QueryDriveFile>) | (query:<QueryDriveFile>)
<DriveFileQueryShortcut> ::=
        all_files |
        all_folders |
        all_forms |
        all_google_files |
        all_non_google_files |
        all_shortcuts |
        all_3p_shortcuts |
        all_items |
        my_files |
        my_folders |
        my_forms |
        my_google_files |
        my_non_google_files |
        my_shortcuts |
        my_3p_shortcuts |
        my_items |
        my_top_files |
        my_top_folders |
        my_top_items |
        others_files |
        others_folders |
        others_forms |
        others_google_files |
        others_non_google_files |
        others_shortcuts |
        others_3p_shortcuts |
        others_items |

<SharedDriveID> ::= <String>
<SharedDriveName> ::= <String>
<SharedDriveIDEntity> ::= (teamdriveid <DriveFileItem>) | (teamdriveid:<DriveFileItem>)
<SharedDriveNameEntity> ::= (teamdrive <SharedDriveName>) | (teamdrive:<SharedDriveName>)
<SharedDriveFileNameEntity> ::= (teamdrivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (teamdrivefilename:<DriveFileName>)

<SharedDriveEntity> ::=
        <SharedDriveIDEntity> |
<SharedDriveAdminQueryEntity> ::=
        (teamdriveadminquery <QueryTeamDrive>) | (teamdriveadminquery:<QueryTeamDrive>)
<SharedDriveFileQueryEntity> ::= 
        (query <QueryDriveFile>) | (query:<QueryDriveFile>)
<SharedDriveFileQueryShortcut> ::=
        all_files | all_folders | all_google_files | all_non_google_files | all_items
<SharedDriveEntityAdmin> ::=
        <SharedDriveIDEntity> |
<DriveFileEntity> ::=
        <DriveFileIDEntity> |
        <DriveFileNameEntity> |
        <DriveFileQueryEntity> |
        <DriveFileQueryShortcut> |
        mydrive | mydriveid |
        root | rootid |
        <SharedDriveIDEntity> [<SharedDriveFileQueryShortcut>] |
        <SharedDriveNameEntity> [<SharedDriveFileQueryShortcut>] |
        <SharedDriveFileNameEntity> |
        <SharedDriveFileQueryEntity> |
        <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVSubkeySelector>) | <CSVDataSelector>)


Many Gam commands operate on Google Drive files, there are multiple ways to specify the file on which to operate. The Google Drive REST API can only manipulate files by ID; you either specify an ID or an option that will produce an ID.

Select file by ID

Select a file by giving its unique ID.

There are multiple formats for backwards compatibility with old Gam commands that used different formats to specify the same data.

<DriveFileIDEntity> ::=
        <DriveFileItem> |
        (id <DriveFileItem>) | (id:<DriveFileItem>) |
        (ids <DriveFileList>) | (ids:<DriveFileList>)


gam user testuser show fileinfo 1234ABCD
gam user testuser show fileinfo id 1234ABCD
gam user testuser show fileinfo id:1234ABCD
gam user testuser show fileinfo
gam user testuser show fileinfo ids "1234ABCD,5678EFGH"
gam user testuser show fileinfo ids:"1234ABCD,5678EFGH"

Select files by their characteristics

The print|show filetree|filelist have variety of options for choosing the files to display.

Select with Drive File API query

The Google Drive API has a query option that you can use to select files.

<DriveFileQueryEntity> ::= 
        (query <QueryDriveFile>) | (query:<QueryDriveFile>)

The default query for selecting files is 'me' in owners; all files and folders in My Drive that the user owns. You can specify multiple query <QueryDriveFile> and query:<QueryDriveFile> options. Each one is appended to the default/existing query with and (<QueryDriveFile>).

The are several options manipulate the query.

Select file by name

If you have a file name, a search must be performed to find the ID that matches the name. Remember, searching for a file by name may return several file IDs if you have multiple files with the same name.

There are multiple formats for backwards compatibility with old Gam commands that used different formats to specify the same data. If a drive file name contains spaces or commas, it must be enclosed in quotes.

<DriveFileNameEntity> ::=
        (anyname <DriveFileName>) | (anyname:<DriveFileName>) | (anydrivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (anydrivefilename:<DriveFileName>) |
        (name <DriveFileName>) | (name:<DriveFileName>) | (drivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (drivefilename:<DriveFileName>) |
        (othername <DriveFileName>) | (othername:<DriveFileName>) | (otherdrivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (otherdrivefilename:<DriveFileName>)
  • anyname <DriveFileName> - (name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • anyname:<DriveFileName> - (name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • anydrivefilename <DriveFileName> - (name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • anydrivefilename:<DriveFileName> - (name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • name <DriveFileName> - ('me' in owners and name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • name:<DriveFileName> - ('me' in owners and name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • drivefilename <DriveFileName> - ('me' in owners and name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • drivefilename:<DriveFileName> - ('me' in owners and name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • othername <DriveFileName> - (not 'me' in owners and name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • othername:<DriveFileName> - (not 'me' in owners and name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • otherdrivefilename <DriveFileName> - (not 'me' in owners and name = '<DriveFileName>')
  • otherdrivefilename:<DriveFileName> - (not 'me' in owners and name = '<DriveFileName>')


gam user testuser show fileinfo drivefilename "Test File"
gam user testuser show fileinfo drivefilename:"Test File"
gam user testuser show fileinfo anydrivefilename "Test File"
gam user testuser show fileinfo anydrivefilename:"Test File"

Select file ownership

By default, files the user owns are sisplayed; you can select the ownership characteristic.

anyowner|(showownedby any|me|others)
  • showownedby any or anyowner - Removes 'me' in owners and not 'me' in owners from the query
  • showownedby me - Adds 'me' in owners to the query
  • showownedby others - Adds not 'me' in owners to the query

Select MIME type

By default, all types of files and folders are displayed; you can specify a list of MIME types to display or a list of MIME types to suppress.

<MimeTypeShortcut> ::=
<MimeTypeName> ::= application|audio|font|image|message|model|multipart|text|video
<MimeType> ::= <MimeTypeShortcut>|(<MimeTypeName>/<String>)
<MimeTypeList> ::= "<MimeType>(,<MimeType>)*"

This is the mapping from <MimeTypeShortcut> to MIME type.

  • gdoc|gdocument - 'application/
  • gdrawing - application/
  • gfile - application/
  • gfolder|gdirectory - application/
  • gform - application/
  • gfusion|gfusiontable - application/
  • gjam - application/
  • gmap - application/
  • gpresentation - application/
  • gscript - application/
  • gshortcut - application/
  • g3pshortcut - application/
  • gsite - application/
  • gsheet|gspreadsheet - application/

Display files and folders with specified MIME types

showmimetype <MimeTypeList>

Adds (mimeType = '<MimeType>' or mimeType = '<MimeType>' ...) to the query,

Display files and folders with MIME types other than those specified

showmimetype not <MimeTypeList>

Adds (mimeType != '<MimeType>' and mimeType != '<MimeType>' ...) to the query.

Select file ownership and MIME type

The options combine ownership and broad MIME type selections.

<DriveFileQueryShortcut> ::=
        all_files | all_folders | all_google_files | all_non_google_files | all_items |
        my_files | my_folders | my_google_files | my_non_google_files | my_items |
        my_top_files | my_top_folders | my_top_items |
        others_files | others_folders | others_google_files | others_non_google_files | others_items |
  • all_files - "mimeType != application/"
  • all_folders - "mimeType = application/"
  • all_google_files - "mimeType != application/ and mimeType contains ''"
  • all_non_google_files - "not mimeType contains ''"
  • all_items - "" (An empty query specifies all files and folders)
  • my_files - "'me' in owners and mimeType != application/"
  • my_folders - "'me' in owners and mimeType = application/"
  • my_google_files - "'me' in owners and mimeType != application/ and mimeType contains ''"
  • my_non_google_files - "'me' in owners and not mimeType contains ''"
  • my_items - "'me' in owners"
  • my_top_files - "'me' in owners and mimeType != application/ and 'root' in parents"
  • my_top_folders - "'me' in owners and mimeType = application/ and 'root' in parents"
  • my_top_items - "'me' in owners and 'root' in parents"
  • others_files - "not 'me' in owners and mimeType != application/"
  • others_folders - "not 'me' in owners and mimeType = application/"
  • others_google_files - "not 'me' in owners and mimeType != application/ and mimeType contains ''"
  • others_non_google_files - "not 'me' in owners and not mimeType contains ''"
  • others_items - "not 'me' in owners"
  • writable_files - "'me' in writers and mimeType != application/"

Select based on file size

For these filters, GAM processes then after the list of files is downloaded. You can combine these options query <QueryDriveFile> to minimize the number of files downloaded but they also work with other file selection options.

Limit the display to files with binary content of size greater than or equal to a number of bytes.

minimumfilesize <Integer>`

Select based on file name

The Google Drive API has limited name matching in the query; Limit the display to files whose name matches <RegularExpression>.

filenamematchpattern <RegularExpression>`

Select based on permission matching

Use Permission matches to limit the display to files with matching permissions.


gam user testuser show fileinfo query "name='Test File'"
gam user testuser show fileinfo query:"name='Test Folder' and mimeType=application/"
gam user testuser print filelist my_non_google_files

Select root folder



gam user testuser show fileinfo root

Select a list of file IDs

You can select a list of file IDs by referencing files that contain file IDs.

<DriveFileEntity> ::=
        <FileSelector> | <CSVFileSelector> | <CSVkmdSelector> | <CSVSubkeySelector>) | <CSVDataSelector>)

Select Shared Drive file by ID

Select a Shared Drive file by giving its unique ID.

<SharedDriveIDEntity> ::=
        <DriveFileItem> |
        (teamdriveid <DriveFileItem>) | (teamdriveid:<DriveFileItem>)


gam user testuser show fileinfo 1234ABCD
gam user testuser show fileinfo id 1234ABCD
gam user testuser show fileinfo teamdriveid 1234ABCD

Select Shared Drive file by name

If you have the name, a search must be performed to find the ID that matches the name. You must specify the Shared Drive, either by ID or name, and the name of the file.

Remember, searching for a file by name may return several file IDs if you have multiple files with the same name.

<SharedDriveIDEntity> ::=
        (teamdriveid <DriveFileItem>) | (teamdriveid:<DriveFileItem>)
<SharedDriveNameEntity> ::=
        (teamdrive <SharedDriveName>) | (teamdrive:<SharedDriveName>)
<SharedDriveFileNameEntity> ::=
        (teamdrivefilename <DriveFileName>) | (teamdrivefilename:<DriveFileName>)


gam user testuser show fileinfo teamdriveid 1234ABCD teamdrivefilename  "Test File"
gam user testuser show fileinfo teamdrive "Shared Drive 1"  teamdrivefilename "Test File"

Select Shared Drive file by query

You can use a query to find a file ID. You perform the query on all Shared Drives or a specific Shared Drive.

See: Drive Query

<SharedDriveFileQueryEntity> ::=
        (teamdrivequery <QueryDriveFile>) | (teamdrivequery:<QueryDriveFile>)
<SharedDriveFileQueryShortcut> ::=
        all_files | all_folders | all_google_files | all_non_google_files | all_items

Keyword to query mappings for <DriveFileQueryShortcut>:

  • all_files - "mimeType != application/"
  • all_folders - "mimeType = application/"
  • all_google_files - "mimeType != application/ and mimeType contains ''"
  • all_non_google_files - "not mimeType contains ''"
  • all_items - "" (An empty query specifies all files and folders)


gam user testuser show fileinfo teamdrivequery "name='Test File'"
gam user testuser show fileinfo teamdriveid 1234ABCD teamdrivequery "name='Test File'"
gam user testuser show fileinfo teamdrive teamdrive "Shared Drive 1" teamdrivequery "name='Test File'"
gam user testuser show fileinfo teamdriveid 1234ABCD all_non_google_files

Select root folder of a Shared Drive by ID

The root folder of a Shared Drive is a folder, you select it by giving its unique ID.

<SharedDriveIDEntity> ::=
        <DriveFileItem> |
        (teamdriveid <DriveFileItem>) | (teamdriveid:<DriveFileItem>)


gam user testuser show fileinfo 1234ABCD
gam user testuser show fileinfo teamdriveid 1234ABCD

Select root folder of a Shared Drive by name

If you have a Shared Drive name, a search must be performed to find the ID that matches the name.

<SharedDriveNameEntity> ::=
        (teamdrive <SharedDriveName>) | (teamdrive:<SharedDriveName>)


gam user testuser show fileinfo teamdrive "Shared Drive 1"

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