Commands - seurat-atreides/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki

The Sonoff-Tasmota firmware provides three powerful man machine interfaces:
MQTT, web and serial.

Sending commands with MQTT

To send commands and view responses you'll need an MQTT client.

Commands over MQTT are issued by using cmnd/%topic%/<command> <parameter>. If there is no <parameter> (an empty MQTT message/payload), a query is sent for current status of the <command>.

See MQTT wiki to find out more.

Sending commands with web requests

Commands can be executed via web (HTTP) requests, for example:


If you have set a password for web user interface access, this must be included (in plaintext) in the URL of the HTTP request, like so:


Sending commands with Console in web UI

Console menu in Web UI is a convenient place to send commands and it behaves similar to a terminal connection via serial bridge.

Sending commands over serial bridge

If you flashed the device via serial method you can connect to it with a terminal application (e.g. Termite, Arduino IDE Serial Monitor) to issue commands and follow responses. This is a practical way to do a Backlog setup of your new device.

The serial interface is set to 115200 bps except for the following:

  • Sonoff Dual and the Sonoff RF Bridge where it is set to 19200 bps.
  • Sonoff S31 where it is set to 4800 bps and the SerialLog is disabled.

Using Backlog

Backlog command allows executing up to 30 consecutive commands with a single command line. Each command is separated by a semicolon (";"). Backlog is a useful feature to avoid numerous restarts when setting up a new device. You can use it to:

Set up both Wi-Fi AP's

Backlog ssid1 myssid; password1 mypassword; ssid2 myssid2; password2 mypassword2

Configure MQTT broker address, MQTT credentials, device topic and activate a few custom options

Backlog mqtthost <yourhost>; mqttuser <user>; mqttpassword <password>; topic <customtopic>; setoption53 1; powerretain on

For specific relay control, using backlog like a script

Backlog status 1; power 2 on; delay 20; power 2 off; status 4

When using web requests (You have to encode "space" as '%20' and ";" as '%3B')


Clear Backlog queue

A Backlog command without an argument clears an possible existing Backlog queue.

E.g. in case of command Backlog Power1 OFF; Delay 600; Power1 ON the usage of an additional Backlog command without any argument within the delay time of 1 minute will delete the whole queue Power1 OFF; Delay 600; Power1 ON. Therefore Power1 ON command will not be executed and the relay would remain off.

How to Use Commands

Commands listed are available from version 6.5.0. Later introduced commands have their minimum version noted. If you're using an older Tasmota version some of the commands might not work. Note that availability of some features and their associated commands is dependent on the options selected during the firmware compilation. Please consult the builds table for a reference of which features are available for each pre-compiled firmware binary variant.

Every command used without a parameter (payload) returns the current setting.

  • Power will return the status of Relay1

Instead of 0 you can use off and instead of 1 you can use on.

  • Power ON turns Relay1 on
  • Power1 1 also turns Relay1 on

Replace <x> in a command with the appropriate index number. Leave it empty to use the first available.

  • Power1 and Power both control Relay1

In commands with x..y value parameters use a number from x to y range.

When a command mentions resetting to "firmware default" it means the setting will revert to the one in the flashed binary file. If you used user_config_override.h at compile time it will revert to those.

Note: Beside results initiated by a command (synchronous) you can get asynchronous results initiated by rule trigger, telemetry event, commands from other source or changed device values. Simply put, other messages may precede messages published as a result of your commands.

  • a tele/%topic%/STATUS message (sent every 300 seconds by default) may appear exactly after you issue Power off command and before you receive stat/%topic%/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"} message.


Command Parameters
Backlog List of commands to be executed in sequence separated by ;
See Using Backlog for examples.
BlinkCount Number of relay toggles (blinks) (does not control the status LED)
0 = blink many times before restoring power state
1..32000 = set number of blinks
BlinkTime 2..3600 set duration, in 0.1 second increments, to blink (i.e., toggle Power) for a relay (does not control the status LED)
ButtonDebounce User control over button debounce timing
40..1000 = set button debounce time in ms. Default is 40
FanSpeed Fan speed control (iFan02 module only)
0 = turn fan OFF
1..3 = set fan speed
+ = increase fan speed
- = decrease fan speed
Interlock Relay interlock mode and group selection.
0 = set self-locking mode for all relays (default)
1 = set interlock mode for selected relays
Add up to 8 relays in 1 to 4 interlock groups, each separated by a space. For example
1,2 3,4 = Group Relay1 and Relay2 in group 1 and Relay3 and Relay4 in group 2 (note the space between the two group declarations)
1,2,3 = group Relay1, Relay2 and Relay3 in a single interlock group
1 3 2,4 = Relay1 is in group 1, Relay3 in group 2, Relay2 and Relay4 in group 3
LedMask Allows setting a <bitmask> which specifies which relays control the LED indicator used to display whether a relay is latched/powered. The order of the <bitmask> is from most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB). Bit 15 (MSB) masks Relay16 through bit 0 (LSB) which masks Relay1, respectively. For each relay to be included in controlling the power LED, set its corresponding bit in the <bitmask> to 1. <bitmask> bits without corresponding configured module relays have no effect and can be ignored. Introduced in v6.5.0.7

<bitmask> = bitwise value representing each relay. Values may be entered as either hexadecimal or decimal values (e.g., 0xFFFF = 65535). 0xFFFF (= 1111 1111 1111 1111) All relays control the power LED (default)

LedState must be enabled (i.e., != 0) in order for LedMask to take effect.

  • LedMask 0xFFFD Every relay, except Relay2, controls the power LED (0xFFFD = 1111 1111 1111 1101)
  • LedMask 0x0002 Only Relay 2 controls the power LED (0x0002 = 0000 0000 0000 0010)
  • LedPower LED power state as on or off
    0 = turn LED OFF and set LedState 0
    1 = turn LED ON and set LedState 0
    2 = toggle LED and set LedState 0
    (Use Backlog LedPower 0; SetOption31 1 to disable LED even when Wi-Fi or MQTT is not connected)
    LedPower<x> LED<x> power state control. Enabled only when LedLink(i) is configured (Introduced in
    0 = turn LED OFF and set LedState 0
    1 = turn LED ON and set LedState 0
    2 = toggle LED and set LedState 0
    LedState Manage LED state
    0 = disable use of LED as much as possible
    1 = show power state on LED (LED on when power on) (default) (inverted for Sonoff Touch/T1)
    2 = show MQTT subscriptions as a LED blink
    3 = show power state and MQTT subscriptions as a LED blink
    4 = show MQTT publications as a LED blink
    5 = show power state and MQTT publications as a LED blink
    6 = show all MQTT messages as a LED blink
    7 = show power state and MQTT messages as a LED blink

    8 = LED on when Wi-Fi and MQTT are connected. Cannot be issued directly and is only activated when LedPower is switched from 0 to 1
    Power<x> Control Relay<x> power state and also resetting PulseTime<x>
    0 / off = turn OFF
    1 / on = turn ON
    2 / toggle = if relay is ON switch to OFF and vice versa
    3 / blink = toggle power for BlinkCount times each BlinkTime duration (at the end of blink, relay power is returned to pre-blink state)
    4 / blinkoff = stop blink sequence and return relay power to pre-blink state
    PowerOnState Control relay state after powering up the device. More information
    0 / OFF = keep relay(s) OFF after power up
    1 / ON = turn relay(s) ON after power up
    2 / TOGGLE = toggle relay(s) from last saved state
    3 = switch relay(s) to their last saved state (default)
    4 = turn relay(s) ON and disable further relay control
    5 = after a PulseTime period turn relay(s) ON (acts as inverted PulseTime mode)
    PulseTime<x> Display the amount of PulseTime remaining on Relay<x>
    <value> Set the duration to keep Relay<x> ON when Power<x> ON command is issued. After this amount of time, the relay will be turned OFF.
    0 / OFF = disable use of PulseTime for Relay<x>
    1..111 = set PulseTime for Relay<x> in 0.1 second increments
    112..64900 = set PulseTime for Relay<x>, offset by 100, in 1 second increments. Add 100 to desired interval in seconds, e.g., PulseTime 113 = 13 seconds and PulseTime 460 = 6 minutes (i.e., 360 seconds)
    SwitchDebounce User control over switch debounce timing
    40..1000 = set switch debounce time in ms. Default is 40
    SwitchMode<x> Switch mode
    0 = toggle (default)
    1 = follow (0 = off, 1 = on)
    2 = inverted follow (0 = on, 1 = off)
    3 = pushbutton (default 1, 0 = toggle)
    4 = inverted pushbutton (default 0, 1 = toggle)
    5 = pushbutton with hold (default 1, 0 = toggle, Hold = hold)
    6 = inverted pushbutton with hold (default 0, 1 = toggle, hold = hold)
    7 = pushbutton toggle (0 = toggle, 1 = toggle)
    See also SetOption11 - Swap pushbutton single and double press functionality
    SetOption13 - Allow immediate action on single button press
    SetOption26 - Use indexes even when only one relay is present
    SetOption31 - Disable Wi-Fi LED status blinking
    SetOption32 - Set hold interval before sending HOLD action


    Command Parameters
    Delay 2..3600 = set delay between two backlog commands with 0.1 second increment
    Emulation 0 = disable emulation
    1 = enable Belkin WeMo emulation for Alexa
    2 = enable Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa
    Event Execute an event to trigger a rule as documented
    FriendlyName<x> 1 = Reset friendly name to firmware default
    <value> = set friendly name (32 char limit)
    Gpios Show list of available sensors and devices by name and index
    Gpio Show current GPIO usage for current module
    Gpio<x> <sensor> = configure sensor to Gpio<x>
    I2Cscan Scan I2C bus and show addresses for found devices
    LogHost 1= reset syslog host to firmware default (SYS_LOG_HOST)
    <value> = set syslog host (32 chars max)
    LogPort 1= reset syslog port to firmware default (SYS_LOG_PORT)
    2..32766 = set syslog port
    Modules Show available modules by name and index
    Module Displays active module by name and index
    <x> = switch to Module<x> and restart
    OtaUrl Display current OTA URL
    1 = Reset OtaUrl to firmware default
    url = set address for OTA (100 char limit)
    Pwm Display current PWM setting for enabled channels
    Pwm<x> 0..1023 = set PWM<x> channel to value
    PwmFrequency 1 = reset PWM frequency to 880Hz
    100..4000 = set PWM frequency (100Hz to 4kHz)
    PwmRange 1 = reset maximum PWM range to 1023
    255..1023 = set maximum PWM range
    Reset 1 = reset sonoff parameters to firmware defaults and restart
    2 = erase flash, reset sonoff parameters to firmware defaults and restart
    3 = erase flash SDK parameters and restart
    4 = reset sonoff parameters to firmware defaults but retain Wi-Fi credentials and restart
    5 = erase all flash and reset parameters to firmware defaults but keep Wi-Fi settings and restart
    6 = erase all flash and reset parameters to firmware defaults but keep Wi-Fi and MQTT settings and restart
    (Erase of flash can take a few seconds to complete and there is no output during the erase process on the serial or web console)
    Restart 1 = restart device
    99 = force restart device without configuration save
    Template Show current Template
    0 = create template from active module
    1..69 = create template from a supported module
    255 = merge current module and template settings into new template
    { ... } = store template in a JSON string
    SaveData 0 = save parameter changes only manually
    1 = save parameter changes every second (default)
    2..3600= save parameter changes every x second
    SerialLog Disable hardware serial bridge and
    0 = disable serial logging
    1 = show only error messages
    2 = show error and info messages
    3 = show error, info and debug messages
    4 = show all messages
    Sleep 0 = turn sleep off
    1..250 = set sleep duration in mSec to enable energy saving (default = 50)
    State Show current device state in %prefix%/%topic%/RESULT topic
    Status Show abbreviated status information
    0 = show all status information (1 - 11)
    1 = show device parameters information
    2 = show firmware information
    3 = show logging and telemetry information
    4 = show memory information
    5 = show network information
    6 = show MQTT information
    7 = show time information
    8 = show connected sensor information
    9 = show power thresholds (only on modules with power monitoring)
    10 = same as Status 8 (retained for backwards compatibility)
    11 = show information equal to TelePeriod state message
    SysLog 0 = disable syslog logging
    1 = show only error messages
    2 = show error and info messages
    3 = show error, info and debug messages
    4 = show all messages
    Timezone -13..13 = set timezone
    99 = use timezone configured with TimeDST and TimeSTD
    Set standard (STD) and daylight saving (DST) timezones
    0 = reset timezone parameters to firmware defaults
    H = hemisphere (0 = northern hemisphere / 1 = southern hemisphere)
    W = week (0 = last week of month, 1..4 = first .. fourth)
    M = month (1..12)
    D = day of week (1..7 1 = sunday 7 = saturday)
    h = hour (0..23)
    T = timezone (-780..780) (offset from UTC in MINUTES - 780min/60min=13hrs)
    Example: TIMEDST 1,1,10,1,2,660
    Upgrade 1 = download firmware from OtaUrl and restart
    <value> = download firmware from OtaUrl if <value> is higher than device version
    Upload 1 = download firmware from OtaUrl and restart
    <value> = download firmware from OtaUrl if <value> is higher than device version
    WebLog 0 = disable web logging
    1 = show only error messages
    2 = show error and info messages
    3 = show error, info and debug messages
    4 = show all messages
    Command Parameters
    AP 0 = switch to other Wi-Fi Access Point
    1= select Wi-Fi Access Point 1
    2= select Wi-Fi Access Point 2
    Hostname 1 = reset hostname to MQTT_TOPIC-<4digits> and restart
    <value> = set hostname (32 char limit) and restart. If hostname contains % it will be reset to the default instead.
    IPAddress1 = use dynamic IP address (DHCP)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX = set static IP address
    IPAddress2 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX = set gateway IP address
    IPAddress3 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX = set subnet mask
    IPAddress4 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX = set DNS server IP address
    follow IPAddress commands with restart 1 to apply changes
    NtpServer<x> NTP server setup (x= 1..3)
    0 = clear NtpServer<x> settings
    1 = reset NtpServer<x> settings to firmware defaults
    <value> = set NtpServer<x> host or IP address (32 char limit)
    Password<x> 1 = reset AP<x> Wi-Fi password to firmware default (STA_PASS1) and restart
    <value>= set AP<x> Wi-Fi password (64 char limit, do not use special characters or white spaces in the password) and restart. Note that Password and Password1 are equivalent commands.
    Ssid<x> 1 = reset AP<x> Wi-Fi SSID to firmware default (STA_SSID1 or STA_SSID2) and restart
    <value>= set AP<x> Wi-Fi SSID (32 char limit, do not use special characters or white spaces in the SSID) and restart
    WebPassword Show current web server password
    0 = disable use of password for WebUI
    1 = reset password to firmware default (WEB_PASSWORD)
    <value> = set WebUI password for user WEB_USERNAME (32 char limit)
    Default WEB_USERNAME is admin.
    WebSend Send a command to Tasmota host. If a command starts with a \ it will be used as a link.
    [<host>:<port>,<user>:<password>] <command>
    <host> = hostname or IP address.
    <port> = port for the device if not the default 80
    <user> = enter username of the device you're sending the command to
    <password> = enter password of the device you're sending the command to
    <command> = command and payload
    example: [sonoff] POWER1 ON sends http://sonoff/cm?cmnd=POWER1 ON
    WebServer 0 = stop web server
    1 = start web server in user mode
    2 = start web server in admin mode
    WebRefresh Web page refresh
    1000..10000 = set refresh time in ms. Default is 2345
    WebColor<x> Web GUI colors (introduced in
    #RRGGBB = Set web GUI color (x = 1..18):
    1 = Global text (Black)
    2 = Global background (White)
    3 = Form background (Greyish)
    4 = Input text (Black)
    5 = Input background (White)
    6 = Console text (Black)
    7 = Console background (White)
    8 = Warning text (Red)
    9 = Success text (Green)
    10 = Button text (White)
    11 = Button (Blueish)
    12 = Button hovered over (Darker blueish)
    13 = Restart/Reset/Delete button (Redish)
    14 = Restart/Reset/Delete button hover (Darker reddish)
    15 = Save button (Greenish)
    16 = Save button hover (Darker greenish)
    17 = Config timer tab text (White)
    18 = Config timer tab background (Light grey)
    WifiConfig 0 - disable Wi-Fi config but restart (used with alternate AP)
    1 = start smart config for 1 minute and set as current config tool
    2 = start Wi-Fi manager (web server at and set as current config tool
    3 = start WPS config for 1 minute and set as current config tool
    4 = disable Wi-Fi config but retry other AP without restart
    5 = disable Wi-Fi config but retry same AP without restart and flash writes
    7 = start restricted Wi-Fi manager (web server at with only option to reset device settings) and set as current config tool. This setting is recommended for devices without an external control/reset button.
    See also SetOption55 - mDNS service control
    SetOption56 - Wi-Fi network scan to select strongest signal on restart
    SetOption57 - Wi-Fi network re-scan every 44 minutes with switch to +10dB stronger signal if detected
    Command Parameters
    ButtonRetain 0 = disable use of MQTT retain flag (default)
    1 = enable MQTT retain flag on button press
    ButtonTopic <value> = set MQTT button topic (32 chars max)
    0 = disable use of MQTT button topic
    1 = set MQTT button topic to device %topic%
    2 = reset MQTT button topic to firmware default (MQTT_BUTTON_TOPIC) (default = 0)
    FullTopic 1 = reset MQTT fulltopic to firmware default (MQTT_FULLTOPIC) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT fulltopic (100 chars max) using optional %topic% and %prefix% and restart
    GroupTopic 1 = reset MQTT group topic to firmware default (MQTT_GRPTOPIC) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT group topic (32 chars max) and restart
    MqttClient 1 = reset MQTT client to firmware config (MQTT_CLIENT_ID) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT client (32 chars max) and restart.
    You can use wildcard %06X to replace with last six characters of MAC address.
    MqttFingerprint TLS needs to be enabled in firmware for this command
    <value> = set current fingerprint as 20 space separated bytes (59 chars max)
    MqttHost 0 = clear MQTT host field and allow mDNS to find MQTT host
    1 = reset MQTT host to firmware default (MQTT_HOST) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT host (32 chars max) and restart
    MqttPassword 0 = clear MQTT password
    1 = reset MQTT password to firmware default (MQTT_PASS) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT password (32 chars max) and restart
    MqttPort 1 = reset MQTT port to firmware default (MQTT_PORT) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT port between 2 and 32766 and restart
    MqttRetry 10..32000 = set MQTT connection retry timer in seconds (default = 10)
    MqttUser 0 = clear MQTT user name
    1 = reset MQTT user name to firmware default (MQTT_USER) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT user name (32 chars max) and restart
    PowerRetain MQTT power retain state
    0 / off = disable MQTT power retain on status update (default)
    1 / on = enable MQTT power retain on status update
    Prefix1 1 = reset MQTT command subscription prefix to firmware default (SUB_PREFIX) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT command subscription prefix (10 chars max) and restart
    Prefix2 1 = reset MQTT status prefix to firmware default (PUB_PREFIX) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT status prefix (10 chars max) and restart
    Prefix3 1 = Reset MQTT telemetry prefix to firmware default (PUB_PREFIX2) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT telemetry prefix (10 chars max) and restart
    Publish <topic> <payload> = MQTT publish any topic and optional payload
    Publish2 <topic> <payload> = MQTT publish any topic and optional payload with retain flag
    SensorRetain 0 = disable use of sensor MQTT retain flag (default)
    1 = enable MQTT retain flag on message tele/%topic%/SENSOR
    StateText1 <value> = set OFF state text (10 chars max)
    StateText2 <value> = set ON state text (10 chars max)
    StateText3 <value> = set TOGGLE state text (10 chars max)
    StateText4 <value> = set HOLD state text (10 chars max)
    SwitchRetain 0 = disable use of MQTT retain flag (default)
    1 = enable MQTT retain flag on switch press
    SwitchTopic <value> = set MQTT switch topic (32 chars max)
    0 = disable use of MQTT switch topic
    1 = set MQTT switch topic to device %topic%
    2 = reset MQTT switch topic to firmware default (MQTT_SWITCH_TOPIC) (default = 0)
    Read more about this
    TelePeriod 0 = disable telemetry messages
    1 = reset telemetry period to firmware default (TELE_PERIOD)
    10..3600 = set telemetry period in seconds (default = 300)
    Topic 1 = reset MQTT topic to firmware default (MQTT_TOPIC) and restart
    <value> = set MQTT topic (32 chars max) and ButtonTopic and restart
    See also SetOption2 - Add units to status messages
    SetOption4 - Return MQTT response as RESULT or %COMMAND% topic
    SetOption10 - Main topic change behaviour
    Command Parameters
    Rule<x> There are 3 separate rule sets, each with a 511 character limit. Each rule set can contain multiple rules. Each of the rule sets can be enabled or disabled individually (x = 1..3)
    0 = disable Rule<x>
    1 = enable Rule<x>
    2 = toggle Rule<x>
    4 = disable one-shot detection (perform commands as long as trigger is met)
    5 = enable one-shot (e.g., sometimes used for slow changing sensors like temperature) detection
    6 = toggle one-shot detection
    8 = disable stop-on-error after exception restart
    9 = enable stop-on-error after exception restart
    10 = toggle stop-on-error after exception restart
    <value> = define Rule<x>
    +<value> = append to Rule<x>
    "" = clear Rule<x>
    RuleTimer<x> Up to eight timers to be used as countdown event (x = 1..8)
    0..32766 = set countdown rule timer in seconds
    Mem<x> Manage up to 5 variables stored on flash (x = 1..5)
    <value> = store a string value in a variable
    " = clear stored value in Mem<x>
    Var<x> Manage up to 5 variables stored in memory (x = 1..5)
    <string> = store a string value in a variable
    " = clear stored value in Var<x>
    Add<x> <value> = add value to Var<x>
    Sub<x> <value> = subtract value to Var<x>
    Mult<x> <value> = multiply value to Var<x>
    Scale<x> Scale value from a low and high limit to another low and high limits and save in Var<x>
    v = value: the number to scale
    fl = fromLow: the lower bound of the value’s current range
    fh = fromHigh: the upper bound of the value’s current range
    tl = toLow: the lower bound of the value’s target range
    th = toHigh: the upper bound of the value’s target range
    CalcRes Current calculation resolution
    0..7 = set number of decimal places to be used in Add, Sub, Mult and Scale


    To control a device locally 16 timers are programmable. They can be configured with the Timer<x> command following by a JSON string with optional parameters. For example:

    Timer 1 will ENABLE output of POWER1 at exactly 2:23 every Tue/Wed and Sat

    Timer1 {"Arm":1,"Time":"02:23","Window":0,"Days":"--TW--S","Repeat":1,"Output":1,"Action":1}

    Timer 4 will TOGGLE output of POWER2 within a 30 minute window centered around 16:23 each Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday and will disable (disarm) after executing.

    Timer4 {"Arm":1,"Time":"16:23","Window":15,"Days":"SM00TF0","Repeat":0,"Output":2,"Action":2}

    When Mode 1 or Mode 2 is used, Latitude and Longitude become available. In that case the Time value is always used as an offset so make sure to set it to 00:00 if no offset is wanted.

    Timer1 {"Arm":1,"Mode":2,"Time":"-2:23","Window":0,"Days":"11TW11S","Repeat":1,"Output":1,"Action":1}
    Command Parameters
    Latitude <value> = set latitude
    Longitude <value> = set longitude
    Timers Timers control
    0 = disable all timers
    1 = enable all timers
    2 = toggle all timers
    Timer<x> Parameters for Timer<x> where x = 1..16
    0 = clear parameters for Timer<x>
    1..16 = copy Timer<y> parameters to Timer<x>
    { "name":value ; .. } = set all or individual parameters using JSON string with names and values from the below table of data pairs
    JSON Name JSON Value
    Arm 0 = disarm or disable timer
    1 = arm or enable timer
    Mode 0 = use clock time
    1 = Use local sunrise time using Longitude, Latitude and Time offset
    2 = use local sunset time using Longitude, Latitude and Time offset
    Time hh:mm = set time in hours 0 .. 23 and minutes 0 .. 59
    -hh:mm = set time in offset hours -11 .. 12 and minutes 0 .. 59 (used with Mode 1 and Mode 2)
    Window 0..15 = add or substract a random number of minutes to Time
    Days SMTWTFS = set day of weeks mask where 0 or - = OFF and any different character = ON
    Repeat 0 = allow timer only once
    1 = repear timer execution
    Output 1..16 = select an output to be used if no rule is enabled
    Action 0 = turn output OFF
    1 = turn output ON
    2 = TOGGLE output
    3 = If the Tasmota Rules feature has been activated by compiling the code (activated by default in all pre-compiled Tasmota binaries), a rule with Clock#Timer=<timer> will be triggered if written and turned on by the user. If Rules are not compiled, BLINK output using BlinkCount parameters.

    Note: Information on sensors documented below is transmitted in the Tasmota telemetry message

    Command Parameters
    AdcParam ADC0 analog input parameters for NTC (Temperature) or LDR (Light)
    2..3 = Set default parameters based on current ADC type
    2,32000,10000,3350 = Set Steinhart-Hart formula NTC parameters for Bridge Resistance, NTC Resistance, and Beta Coefficient
    3,10000,12518931,-1.405 = Set parameters for Bridge Resistance, Lux Scalar, and Lux Exponent
    Altitude -30000..30000 - altitude in meters
    AmpRes Current sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    Counter<x> 0 = reset Counter<x>
    1..64900 = preset Counter<x>
    -1..-64900 = decrease Counter<x>
    +1..+64900 = increase Counter<x>
    In order to define and use a Counter, you must configure one of the free device GPIO as 'Counter'
    CounterDebounce 0 = turn off counter debounce
    1..3200 = set counter debounce time in msec
    CounterType<x> 0 = set Counter<x> as pulse Counter
    1 = set Counter<x> as pulse Timer
    EnergyRes Energy sensor resolution
    0..5 = maximum number of decimal places
    HumRes Humidity sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    PressRes Pressure sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    Sensor13 INA219 low voltage current sensor calibration mode
    0 = set INA219 calibration to max 32V and 2A
    1 = set INA219 calibration to max 32V and 1A
    2 = set INA219 calibration to max 16V and 0.4A
    Sensor15 Automatic Baseline Correction for MH-Z19B CO2 sensor
    0 = disabled
    1 = enabled (default)
    2 = disable and start manual calibration from 400 ppm of CO2
    9 = reset sensor to factory defaults
    1000 = sets measurement range to 1000ppm CO2
    2000 = sets measurement range to 2000ppm CO2
    3000 = sets measurement range to 3000ppm CO2
    5000 = sets measurement range to 5000ppm CO2
    Sensor20 Nova Fitness SDS011 dust sensor. Introduced in
    1..255 = change working period in minutes
    Sensor27 APDS-9960 sensor commands
    0 = enable light level and proximity sensor / disable gestures (default)
    1 = enable gesture mode/ disable light level and proximity sensor
    2 = enable gestures with half gain / disable light and proximity sensor
    3..255 = Set ATIME register for different integration times
    Sensor34 HX711 load cell sensor calibration
    1 = reset display to 0
    2 = start calibration
    2 <value> = set reference weight in grams and start calibration
    3 = show reference weight in grams
    3 <value> = set reference weight in grams
    4 = show calibrated scale value
    4 <value> = set calibrated scale value
    5 = show max weight in gram
    5 <value> = set max weight in grams
    6 = show single item weight in grams
    6 <value> = set single item weight in grams. Once the item weight is set, when items are added to the scale, the telemetry message will report Count as the number of items on the scale.
    TempRes Temperature sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    VoltRes Voltage sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    WattRes Power sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    WeightRes Load cell sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    See also SetOption8 - Show temperature in Celsius (default) or Fahrenheit
    SetOption18 - Set status of signal light paired with CO2 sensor
    SetOption24 - Set pressure units
    Command Parameters
    AmpRes Current sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    CurrentHigh 0 = disable current high threshold (default)
    <value> = set current high threshold value in miliamps
    CurrentLow 0 = disable current low threshold (default)
    <value> = set current low threshold value in miliamps
    CurrentSet <value> = calibrate current to target value in mA
    EnergyRes Energy sensor resolution
    0..5 = maximum number of decimal places
    EnergyReset Show Energy Total, Yesterday and Today
    EnergyReset1 0..42500 = ((p)re)set Energy Today in Wh
    EnergyReset2 0..42500 = ((p)re)set Energy Yesterday in Wh
    EnergyReset3 0..42500000 = ((p)re)set Energy Total in Wh
    FreqRes Frequency sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    FrequencySet <value> = calibrate frequency to a target value in Hz
    MaxPower 0 - disable use maximum power monitoring
    <value> = set maximum allowed power in W
    MaxPowerHold 1 = set default time to 10 seconds to stay over MaxPower before power off
    <value> = set time in seconds to stay over MaxPower before power off
    MaxPowerWindow 1 = set default time to 30 seconds to stay power off before re-applying power up to 5 times
    <value> = set time in seconds to stay power off before re-applying power up to 5 times
    PowerDelta 0 = disable reporting on power change
    <value> = set reporting on percentage power change to send an MQTT telemetry message
    PowerHigh 0 = disable power high threshold (default)
    <value> = set power high threshold value in W to send an MQTT telemetry message
    PowerLow 0 = disable power low threshold (default)
    <value> = set power low threshold value in W to send an MQTT telemetry message
    PowerSet <value> = calibrate power to a target value in W
    Status 8 = show power usage
    9 = show power thresholds
    VoltageHigh 0 = disable voltage high threshold (default)
    <value> = set voltage high threshold value in V
    VoltageLow 0 = disable voltage low threshold (default)
    <value> = set voltage low threshold value in V
    VoltageSet <value> = calibrate voltage to a target value in V
    VoltRes Voltage sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    WattRes Power sensor resolution
    0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
    See Also SetOption21 - Energy monitoring when power is off
    SetOption33 - Configure power monitoring Max_Power_Retry count number
    Command Parameters
    Channel<x> 0..100 = set PWM channel dimmer value from 0 to 100%
    Color Show color setting (hex or decimal depending on SetOption17)
    r,g,b = set color by decimal value (0..255)
    #CWWW = set hex color value for CT lights
    #RRGGBB = set hex color value for RGB lights
    #RRGGBBWW = set hex color value for RGBW lights
    #RRGGBBCWWW = set hex color value for RGBCCT lights (5 PWM channels)
    Set color to
    1 = red
    2 = green
    3 = blue
    4 = orange
    5 = light green
    6 = light blue
    7 = amber
    8 = cyan
    9 = purple
    10 = yellow
    11 = pink
    12 = white (using RGB channels)
    + = next color
    - = previous color
    Color2 Same as Color but adjust to current Dimmer value
    Color3 #RRGGBB = set seconds clock hand hex color value (only in Scheme 5)
    Color4 #RRGGBB = set minutes clock hand hex color value (only in Scheme 5)
    Color5 #RRGGBB = set hour clock hand hex color value (only in Scheme 5)
    Color6 #RRGGBB = set clock hour marker hex color value (only in Scheme 5)
    CT 153..500 = set color temperature from 153 (cold) to 500 (warm) for CT lights
    + = increase CT value by 10
    - = decrease CT value by 10
    Dimmer 0..100 = set dimmer value from 0 to 100%
    + = increase by 10
    - = decrease by 10
    Fade 0 = do not use fade (default)
    1 = use fade
    HsbColor <hue>,<sat>,<bri> = set color by hue, saturation and brightness
    HsbColor1 0..360 = set hue
    HsbColor2 0..100 = set saturation
    HsbColor3 0..100 = set brightness
    Led<x> #RRGGBB = set Led<x> hex color value where <x> is the pixel number (aplies only to addressable LEDs)
    LedTable 0 = do not use LED gamma correction (default up to
    1 = use gamma correction (default since
    Pixels 1..512 = set amount of pixels in strip or ring and reset Rotation (applies only to addressable LEDs)
    Rotation <value> = set amount of pixels to rotate (up to Pixels value) (applies only to addressable LEDs)
    Scheme Light effects
    + = next scheme
    - = previous scheme
    0 = single color for LED light (default)
    1 = start wake up sequence (same as Wakeup)
    2 = cycle up through colors using Speed option
    3 = cycle down through colors using Speed option
    4 = random cycle through colors using Speed and Fade
    The following schemes are usable only with addressable LEDs, e.g. WS281X, Neopixel
    5 = clock mode (example)
    6 = candlelight pattern
    7 = RGB pattern
    8 = Christmas pattern
    9 = Hannukah pattern
    10 = Kwanzaa pattern
    11 = rainbow pattern
    12 = fire pattern
    Speed 1..20 = set fade speed from fast 1 to very slow 20
    + = increase speed
    + = decrease speed
    Wakeup Start wake up sequence from OFF to stored Dimmer value
    0..100 = Start wake up sequence from OFF to provided Dimmer value
    WakeupDuration 1..3600 = set wake up duration in seconds
    White 1..100 = set white channel brightness in single white channel lights (single W or RGBW lights)
    Width1 0..4 = set LED group width (only in Scheme 6 - 12)
    Width2 0..30 = set width of the seconds clock hand (only in Scheme 5)
    Width3 0..30 = set width of the minutes clock hand (only in Scheme 5)
    Width4 0..30 = set width of the hour clock hand (only in Scheme 5)
    See also SetOption15 - Set PWM control
    SetOption16 - Reverse Clock Scheme direction
    SetOption17 - Show Color string as hex or decimal
    SetOption20 - Update of Dimmer/Color/CT without turning power on
    SetOption37 - Color remapping for led channels
    Command Parameters
    RfCode Show last sent 24-bit user code
    1..8388607 = send 24-bit user code
    #1..#7FFFFF = send 24-bit hexadecimal user code using RfSync, RfLow and RfHigh timing
    RfHigh 1 = reset high pulse time to 840 microseconds
    2..32767 = set high pulse time in microseconds
    #2..#7FFF = set high pulse time in hexadecimal microseconds
    RfHost Show 16-bit host part of user code
    1 = reset 16-bit host part of user code to 11802 (#2E1A)
    2..32767 = set 16-bit host part of user code
    #2..7FFF = set 16-bit host part of user code in hexadecimal
    RfKey<x> Send learned or default RF data for RfKey<x> (x = 1 – 16)
    1 = send default RF data for RfKey<x> using RfSync, RfLow, RfHigh and RfHost parameters
    2 = learn RF data for RfKey<x>
    3 = unlearn RF data for RfKey<x>
    4 = save RF data using RfSync, RfLow, RfHigh and last RfCode parameters
    5 = show default or learned RF data
    RfLow 1 = reset low pulse time to 270 microseconds
    2..32767 = set low pulse time in microseconds
    #2..#7FFF = set low pulse time in hexadecimal microseconds
    RfRaw This command only works when the firmware has been updated with Portisch firmware. Refer to the Portisch wiki for details.
    0 = Set iTead default firmware support and messages (default on restart)
    1 = set Portisch firmware support and messages
    166 or AAA655 = start sniffing/reading RF signals disabling iTead default RF handling
    167 or AAA755 = stop sniffing/reading RF signals enabling iTead default RF handling
    168 or AAA855 = transmiting iTead default RF protocols
    169 or AAA955 = start sniffing and learning predefined protocols
    176 or AAB055 = bucket Transmitting using command 0xB0
    177 or AAB155 = start Bucket sniffing using command 0xB1
    192 or AAC000C055 = beep (00C0 is the length of the sound)
    255 or AAFF55 = show Rf firmware version
    <value> = hexadecimal data to be sent to RF chip
    RfSync 1 = reset start sync pulse time to 8470 microseconds
    2..32767 = set start sync pulse time in microseconds
    #2..#7FFF = set start sync pulse time in hexadecimal microseconds
    See also SetOption28 - Set RF received data format


    See Linux Infrared Remote Control (LIRC) for more information.

    Command Parameters
    IRsend Send an IR remote control code as a decimal or hexadecimal string in a JSON payload. In order to send IR data, you must configure one of the free device GPIO as 'IRsend (8)'.


    "Bits":1..32 = required number of data bits
        for PANASONIC protocol this parameter is the the address, not the number of bits

    "Data":1..(2^32)-1 = data frame as 32 bit decimal.
        e.g., IRsend {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":2170978686}
    "Data":0x1..0xFFFFFFFF = data frame as 32 bit hexadecimal.
        e.g., IRsend {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":0x8166817E}

    Alternatively, you can send IR remote control codes using RAW command encoding.

    Information on Receiving Infrared Data
    IRhvac Send HVAC IR remote control code as JSON string
    {"Vendor":"<value>","Power":<value>,"Mode":”<value>”, "FanSpeed":”<value>”,"Temp":<value>}
    See also SetOption29 - Set IR received data format
    SetOption38 - Set IR received protocol sensitivity
    SetOption58 - IR Raw data in JSON message

    SetOption overview

    Command Parameters
    SetOption0 Save power state and use after restart (=SaveState)
    0 = disable
    1 = enable (default)
    SetOption1 Set button multipress mode to
    0 = allow all button actions (default)
    1 = restrict to single, double and hold actions (i.e., disable inadvertent reset due to long press)
    SetOption2 Add units to status messages
    0 = disabled (default)
    1 = enabled
    SetOption3 MQTT
    0 = disable MQTT
    1 = enable MQTT (default)
    SetOption4 Return MQTT response as
    0 = RESULT topic (default)
    1 = %COMMAND% topic
    SetOption8 Show temperature in
    0= Celsius (default)
    1 = Fahrenheit
    SetOption10 When the device MQTT topic changes
    0 = remove retained message on old topic LWT (default)
    1 = send "Offline" to old topic LWT
    SetOption11 Swap button single and double press functionality
    0 = disabled (default)
    1 = enabled
    SetOption12 Configuration saving to flash option
    0 = allow dynamic flash save slot rotation (default)
    1 = use fixed eeprom flash slot
    SetOption13 Allow immediate action on single button press
    0 = single, multi-press and hold button actions (default)
    1 = only single press action for immediate response (i.e., disable multipress detection). Disable by holding for 4 x button hold time (see SetOption32).
    SetOption15 Set PWM control for LED lights
    0 = basic PWM control
    1 = control with Color or Dimmer commands
    SetOption16 Set addressable LED Clock scheme parameter
    0 = clock-wise mode (default)
    1 = counter-clock-wise mode
    SetOption17 Show Color string as
    0 = hex string (default)
    1 = comma-separated decimal string
    SetOption18 Set status of signal light paired with CO2 sensor
    0 = disable light (default)
    1 = enable light
    SetOption19 Home Assistant automatic discovery.
    WARNING On version 6.4.1.x enabling may cause a watchdog reset if used on a device with a configured sensor
    0 = disabled (default)
    1 = enabled and also sets SetOption59= 1
    If you enable and then disable SetOption19, doing so does not set SetOption59= 0 and does not revert to default %prefix%/%topic%/ FullTopic
    SetOption20 Update of Dimmer/Color/CT without turning power on
    0 = disabled (default)
    1 = enabled
    SetOption21 Energy monitoring when power is off
    0 = disabled (default)
    1 = enabled
    SetOption24 Set pressure units in
    0 = hPa (default)
    1 = mmHg
    SetOption26 Use indexes even when only one relay is present
    0 = messages use POWER (default)
    1 = messages use POWER1
    SetOption28 RF received data format
    0 = hex (default)
    1 = decimal
    SetOption29 IR received data format
    0 = hex (default)
    1 = decimal
    SetOption30 Enforce Home Assistant autodiscovery as light
    0 = relays are announced as a switch and PWM as a light (default)
    1 = both relays and PWM are announced as light
    SetOption31 Disable status LED blinking during Wi-Fi and MQTT connection problems.LedPower must be set to 0 for this feature to work.
    0 = LED blinking enabled (default)
    1 = LED blinking disabled
    SetOption32 Number of 0.1 seconds to hold button before sending HOLD action message.
    1..100 to set button hold time (default =40). This option also affects the time required to perform a firmware defaults reset (10x HOLD action time)
    SetOption33 Max power limit can be exceeded by number of seconds before the relay is turned off
    1..250 = set number of seconds (default = 5)
    SetOption34 Set Tuya dimmer device id
    0..255 = device id
    SetOption36 Boot loop defaults restoration control.
    0 = disable boot loop control
    1..200 = set number of boot loops (a restart caused by any exception or watchdog timer within less than BOOT_LOOP_TIME (default 10) seconds) before beginning to restore settings (default = 1). Once this number is reached, subsequent restarts will:
    • 1st restart: disable ESP8285 generic GPIOs interfering with flash SPI
    • 2nd restart: disable rules causing boot loop
    • 3rd restart: disable all rules
    • 4th restart: reset user defined GPIOs to disable any attached peripherals
    • 5th restart: reset module to Sonoff Basic (1)
    SetOption37 Color remapping for led channels, also provides an option for allowing independent handling of RGB and white channels.
    0 = disabled
    1..119 = according to this table
    120..127 = invalid (results in same as 0)
    128..255 = same as 0..127 but with independent channel handling enabled
    SetOption38 6..255 = set IRReceive protocol detection sensitivity minimizing UNKNOWN protocols
    Introduced in
    SetOption39 Control handling of invalid power measurements. Power monitoring chips like the HLW8032 (Blitzwolf SHP5) and CSE7766 (Sonoff S31, Sonoff POW R2) occasionally report invalid power measurements for load values below 5W. In these cases, it sometimes reports a valid load.
    0 = reset to default on next restart.
    1..255 = number of invalid power readings before reporting that there is no load (default =128). For example, to discard all loads below 6W, set to 1. Tasmota will report no load if the power draw is below 6W.
    Introduced in
    SetOption51 View extra pins for ESP8285 in Module Config
    WARNING Do not use on ESP8266 devices!!!
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption52 Control display of optional time offset from UTC in JSON messages
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption53 Display hostname and IP address in GUI
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption54 Apply SetOption20 settings to commands from Tuya device
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption55 mDNS service
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption56 Wi-Fi network scan to select strongest signal on restart (network has to be visible)
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption57 Wi-Fi network re-scan every 44 minutes with switch to +10dB stronger signal if detected (only visible networks)
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption58 IR Raw data in JSON message
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption59 Send tele/%topic%/STATE in addition to stat/%topic%/RESULT for commands: State, Power and any command causing a light to be turned on.
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption60 Enable normal sleep instead of dynamic sleep
    0 = dynamic sleep (default)
    1 = sleep
    SetOption61 Force local operation when ButtonTopic or SwitchTopic is set.
    0 = disable (default)
    1 = enable
    SetOption62 0 = disable (default)
    1 = don't use retain flag on HOLD messages
    SetOption63 Introduced in
    0 = Scan relay power feedback state at restart (default)
    1 = Disable relay power feedback state scanning at restart
    SetOption64 Introduced in
    0 = sensor name index separator is "-" (hyphen) (default)
    1 = sensor name index separator is "_" (underscore)
    Affects sensor names in tele messages
    SetOption65 Introduced in
    0 = disable dimmer slider control
    1 = enable dimmer slider control (default)

    Serial Bridge

    Both Hardware and Software Serial Bridge are supported.

    Hardware Serial Bridge uses GPIO1 (Tx) and GPIO3 (Rx) pins of your device. Software Serial Bridge can use any other GPIO to be selected with command GPIO<x> 67, GPIO<x> 68 or in Module options by setting GPIOs to SerBr Tx and SerBr Rx. Expect possible communication errors when additional sensors are configured.

    Command Parameters
    Baudrate 1 = set hardware serial bridge to default baudrate of 115200 bps
    <value> = set baudrate
    SBaudrate 1 = set software serial bridge to default baudrate of 9600 bps
    <value> = set baudrate
    SerialDelimiter Show current serial delimiter
    SerialDelimiter <value> = set serial delimiter to escape character code or ASCII character 1..127 = set serial delimiter to decimal ASCII
    128 = only allow ASCII characters 32 to 127 in response text
    129..255 = disable serial delimiter
    SerialSend <value> = disable serial logging and send text to serial port ending with \n
    SerialSend2 <value> = disable serial logging and send text to serial port
    SerialSend3 <value> = disable serial logging, replace escape characters and send text to serial port
    SerialSend4 <value> = disable serial logging and send binary data to serial port. Data in serial response messages is encoded as hex strings.
    SerialSend5 <value> = disable serial logging and send hex text to serial port. Data in serial response messages is encoded as hex strings.
    SSerialSend <value> = send text to software serial port ending with \n
    SSerialSend2 <value> = send text to software serial port
    SSerialSend3 <value> = replace escape characters and send text to software serial port
    SSerialSend4 <value> = send binary data to software serial port. Data in serial response messages is encoded as hex strings.
    SSerialSend5 <value> = send hex text to software serial port. Data in serial response messages is encoded as hex strings.

    MP3 Player

    The MP3 Player driver is based on the one from DF Robot. They named it DFPlayer mini. All MP3 Players with the identical Serial Control Command structure can be used.

    Command Parameters
    MP3DAC 0 = DAC on (default)
    1 = DAC off
    MP3Device Specify playback device
    1 = USB
    2 = SD Card (default (also defaults on reset or power cycle))
    MP3EQ Set equalizer mode:
    0 = normal
    1 = pop
    2 = rock
    3 = jazz
    4 = classic
    5 = bass)
    MP3Pause Pause
    MP3Play Play, works as a normal play on a real MP3 Player, starts at first mp3 file
    MP3Reset Reset the mp3 player to defaults
    MP3Stop Stop
    MP3Track x = play track <x>
    MP3Volume 0..100 = set Volume
    Command Parameters
    DomoticzIdx<x> Show Domoticz Relay idx <x> (x = 1..4)
    0 = disable use of Relay idx <x> (default)
    <value> = Show Relay idx <x>
    DomoticzKeyIdx<x> Show Domoticz Key idx <x> (x = 1..4)
    0 = disable use of Key idx <x> (default)
    <value> = Show Key idx <x> (to use enable ButtonTopic)
    DomoticzSensorIdx<x> Show Domoticz Sensor idx <x> (x = 1..5)
    0 = disable use of Sensor idx <x> (default)
    <value> = Show Sensor idx <x>
    DomoticzSwitchIdx<x> Show Domoticz Switch idx <x> (x = 1..4)
    0 = disable use of Switch idx <x> (default)
    <value> = Show Switch idx <x> (to use enable SwitchTopic)
    DomoticzUpdateTimer Show current update timer value in seconds
    0 = disable sending interrim Domoticz status (default)
    1..3600 = send status to Domoticz in defined intervals
    Command Parameters
    KnxTx_Cmnd<x> 0 or 1 = send command using slot <x> set in KNX Menu at KNX_TX
    KnxTx_Val<x> <value> = send float value using slot <x> set in KNX Menu at KNX_TX
    KNX_ENABLED Status of KNX Communications
    0 = set to Disable
    1 = set to Enable
    KNX_ENHANCED Status of Enhanced mode for KNX Communications
    0 = set to Disable
    1 = set to Enable
    KNX_PA KNX Physical Address
    0.0.0 = address not set
    x.x.x = set the device address (example 1.1.0)
    KNX_GA Return the amount of Group Address to Send Data/Commands configured
    KNX_GA<x> Setup Group Address to Send Data/Commands (<x> = KNX Group Address number)
    1 = return configuration of GA<x>
    <option>, <area>, <line>, <member> to set configuration of GA<x>
         <option> = see table below for OPTION list
         <area>, <line>, <member> = KNX Address to Send Data/Commands
    KNX_CB Return the amount of Group Address to Receive Data/Commands configured
    KNX_CB<x> Setup Group Address to Receive Data/Commands
    1 = return configuration of CB<x>
    <option>, <area>, <line>, <member> to set configuration of CB<x>
         <option> = see table below for OPTION list
         <area>, <line>, <member> = KNX Address to Receive Data/Commands
    1 Relay 1 17 TEMPERATURE
    2 Relay 2 18 HUMIDITY
    3 Relay 3 19 ENERGY_VOLTAGE
    4 Relay 4 20 ENERGY_CURRENT
    5 Relay 5 21 ENERGY_POWER
    7 Relay 7 23 ENERGY_DAILY
    8 Relay 8 24 ENERGY_START
    9 Button 1 25 ENERGY_TOTAL
    10 Button 2 26 KNX_SLOT1
    11 Button 3 27 KNX_SLOT2
    12 Button 4 28 KNX_SLOT3
    13 Button 5 29 KNX_SLOT4
    14 Button 6 30 KNX_SLOT5
    15 Button 7 255 EMPTY
    16 Button 8
    Command Parameters
    Display Show current display setting as JSON string
    DisplayAddress 0..255 = set display module address
    DisplayDimmer 0 = switch the display off
    1..100 = switch the display on
    0..100 = set display luminosity (only on 8x8 Dot-Matrix displays)
    DisplayMode 0..5 = set to display predefined content according to display type
    DisplayModel Set model of your display:
    1 = I2C LCD Display (default addresses 0x27, 0x3F)
    2 = SSD1306 OLED 128x32/128x64 (default addresses 0x3C, 0x3D)
    3 = HT16K33 8x8 Dot-Matrix
    4 = ILI9341 TFT LCD
    5 = 2.9inch E-Paper Display
    DisplayRefresh 1..7 = set time in seconds to update predefined content when using DisplayMode0
    DisplaySize 1..4 = set display scale-up size (only for DisplayModel 2 (SSD1306 OLED) and DisplayModel 4 (ILI9341 TFT LCD))
    DisplayRotate Set rotation angle
    0 = 0°
    1 = 90°
    2 = 180°
    3 = 270°
    DisplayText <value> = for a full guide see DisplayText use
    DisplayCols 1..44 = set number of display columns
    DisplayRows 1..32 = set number of display rows
    DisplayFont (reserved command, currently unsupported)

    DisplayMode Parameters

    The display driver is able to display predefined setups of text or user defined text. To display text using DisplayText set DisplayMode to 0 (also 1 for DisplayModel 3 (Dot-Matrix)).

    Parameter LCD Display OLED Display TFT Display
    0 DisplayText DisplayText DisplayText
    1 Time/Date Time/Date Time/Date
    2 Local sensors Local sensors Local sensors
    3 MQTT and Time/Date Local sensors and Time/Date Local sensors and Time/Date
    4 Local sensors MQTT and local sensors MQTT and local sensors
    5 MQTT and Time/Date MQTT, local sensors and Time/Date MQTT, local sensors and Time/Date
    ⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️