Builds - seurat-atreides/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki

There are many available features programmed into Tasmota. Not all devices need all of the available features. ESP based devices have a limited amount of memory available. To ensure that there is enough memory available to flash the firmware, it is best to keep the total size as small as possible, and definitely under 625K total to ensure OTA updates are possible. For this reason, Tasmota makes available the ability to create different firmware binary files to suit each particular device's requirements (e.g., sensors) and each application's needs (e.g., Rules, Timers, etc.). Once features such as support for sensors, rules, timers, etc. is compiled into the firmware binary, the features themselves can be configured at run-time, or, for some features, configured at compile time as well.

Many times one just needs to download a pre-compiled binary and perform the necessary run-time configuration. It is not necessary to compile your own binary if these pre-compiled builds meet your needs. These available files provide a simpler approach to get up and going with Tasmota quickly.

The binary files available on GitHub are for the current master release version only. These master release binaries are also available from the OTA server. However, the latest development branch code binaries are only available from the OTA server.

Features that are not available in any release build have to be enabled in source code and compiled yourself. If you opt to self-compile your own binary file(s), you must ensure that the appropriate feature DEFINE variable is defined in user_config_override.h in order for that code to be compiled into your binary.

Feature or Sensor minimal basic classic sonoff knx sensors display
LANGUAGE en-GB x x x x x x x
WPS - - x - - - -
SMARTCONFIG - - x - - - -
ARDUINO_OTA - - - - - - -
DOMOTICZ - - x x x x -
HOME_ASSISTANT - - - x x x -
MQTT_TLS - - - - - - -
KNX - - - - x - -
WEBSERVER x x x x x x x
EMULATION - x x x - x -
DISCOVERY - - x x x x x
MQTT_DISCOVERY - - x x x x x
TIMERS - x - x x x x
TIMERS_WEB - x - x x x x
SUNRISE - x - x x x x
RULES - x - x x x x
EXPRESSION - - - - - - -
Feature or Sensor minimal basic classic sonoff knx sensors display
ADC_VCC x x x x x - x
DS18B20 - - - - - - -
DS18x20 - - x x x x x
DS18x20_LEGACY - - - - - - -
I2C - - - x x x x
SHT - - - x x x x
HTU - - - x x x x
BMP - - - x x x x
BME680 - - - - - x -
BH1750 - - - x x x x
VEML6070 - - - - - x -
ADS1115 - - - - - x -
ADS1115_I2CDEV - - - - - - -
INA219 - - - - - x -
SHT3X - - - x x x x
TSL2561 - - - - - x -
MGS - - - - - x -
SGP30 - - - x x x x
SI1145 - - - - - - -
Feature or Sensor minimal basic classic sonoff knx sensors display
LM75AD - - - x x x x
APDS9960 - - - - - - -
MCP230xx - - - - - - -
PCA9685 - - - - - - -
MPR121 - - - - - - -
CCS811 - - - - - - -
MPU6050 - - - - - - -
DS3231 - - - - - - -
MGC3130 - - - - - - -
MAX44009 - - - - - - -
SCD30 - - - - - x -
SPI - - - - - - x
MHZ19 - - - x x x x
SENSEAIR - - - x x x x
PMS5003 - - - x x x x
NOVA_SDS - - - x x x x
ENERGY_SENSOR - x x x x x -
PZEM004T - - - x x x -
PZEM_AC - - - x x x -
Feature or Sensor minimal basic classic sonoff knx sensors display
PZEM_DC - - - x x x -
MCP39F501 - x - x x x -
SERIAL_BRIDGE - - - x x x x
SDM120 - - - - - x -
SDM630 - - - - - x -
MP3_PLAYER - - - - - x -
TUYA_DIMMER - x - x x x x
PS_16_DZ - x - x x x x
AZ7798 - - - - - - -
PN532_HSU - - - - - x -
IR_REMOTE - - - x x x x
IR_HVAC - - - - - x -
IR_RECEIVE - - - x x x x
WS2812 - - x x x x x
WS2812_DMA - - - - - - -
ARILUX_RF - - - x x x -
SR04 - - - x x x x
TM1638 - - - - - x -
Feature or Sensor minimal basic classic sonoff knx sensors display
HX711 - - - x x x x
RF_FLASH - - - x x x -
TX20_WIND_SENSOR - - - x x x x
RC_SWITCH - - - x x x x
RF_SENSOR - - - - - x -
SM16716 - x x x x x x
DISPLAY - - - - - - x
DISPLAY_LCD - - - - - - x
DISPLAY_SSD1306 - - - - - - x
DISPLAY_MATRIX - - - - - - x
DISPLAY_ILI9341 - - - - - - x
DISPLAY_EPAPER_29 - - - - - - x