Page Index - pypilot/workbook GitHub Wiki
44 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Pypilot Workbook
- Autopilot Route Plugin
- Data connections
- debian under the hood
- Feedback
- Finally
- gains
- hat interface
- Install pypilot
- installing the arduino
- opencpn pypilot plugin
- Openplotter Details
- parameters
- Pypilot functions
- setting up data connections
- signalk connections
- Step 1 Install Openplotter Headless
- Step 10 Installing Tinypilot
- Step 11 Tinypilot under the hood
- Step 12 Using openplotter tools remotely
- Step 13 SignalK connections
- Step 14 The Pypilot Motor Controller
- Step 15 Understanding motor.ino
- Step 2 Install pypilot
- Step 3 The openplotter user interface
- Step 4 The browser interface
- Step 5 The HAT interface
- Step 6 The Arduino controller
- Step 7 OpenCPN Pypilot Plugin
- Step 8 Looking under the hood of openplotter
- Step 9 Wiring up the Nano
- The hardware component
- The software component
- The Steps
- The User Interface component
- tinypilot under the hood
- updating pypilot debian
- updating pypilot tinypilot
- Watchdog
- web interface
- What is pypilot
- wiring the arduino
- Workbook Release Notes