Step 4 The browser interface - pypilot/workbook GitHub Wiki
WARNING: this information has been written in 2021, when pypilot version was 0.24 and Openplotter was 2.0. In 2023 these versions have by far been superceded and information in this chapter is most likely to be partly obsolete. Work in progress will be documented in the Workbook Release Notes.
On the openplotter pypilot User Interface screen, there are two more buttons ‘Browser Control’, and ‘Open’. 'Browser Control' is a toggle, you can switch it on, and it enables the browser interface.
When you click 'Open', it starts a browser on http://localhost:8080, which is where the browser interface sits.
Note: on Tinypilot, the interface sits at port :80
In fact, you can also open the browser interface from the machine where you are running your VNC client on. Just type and you see the browser interface.
Note: if you run pypilot_web at the prompt, for debugging purposes, it serves at port 8000 instead of 8080, so you need to type