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title: Computer Chess Compendium

Home * Recommended Reading * Computer Chess Compendium

Computer Chess Compendium Computer Chess Compendium

edited by David Levy

B.T. Batsford Ltd

London, U.K.

  1. 440 pages

ISBN 0-7134-4914-4


| | Preface | page | | --- | --- | --- | | 1 | Introduction | 1 | | 1.1 | Programming a Computer for Playing Chess | Claude Shannon | 2 | | 1.2 | Chess | Alan Turing | 14 | | 1.3 | The Chess Machine:An Example of Dealing with a Complex Task by Adaptation | Allen Newell | 18 | | 2 | Famous Chess Programs | 28 | | 2.1 | Chess Playing Programs and the Problem of Complexity(excerpt) | Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, Herbert Simon | 29 | | 2.2 | Computer v Chess Player | Alex Bernstein, Michael de V. Roberts | 43 | | 2.3 | A Chess Playing Program for the IBM 7090 | Alan Kotok | 48 | | 2.4 | The Greenblatt Chess Program | Richard Greenblatt, Donald Eastlake, Stephen D. Crocker | 56 | | 2.5 | The Technology Chess Program | James Gillogly | 67 | | 2.6 | CHESS 4.5 - The Northwestern University Chess Program | Larry Atkin, David Slate | 80 | | 2.7 | Cray Blitz | Robert Hyatt, Albert Gower, Harry Nelson | 104 | | 3 | Position Evaluation | 112 | | 3.1 | Statistics for the Chess Computer and the Factor of Mobility | Eliot Slater | 113 | | 3.2 | A Five-Year Plan for Automatic Chess (excerpt) | Jack Good | 118 | | 4 | Tree Searching Techniques | 122 | | 4.1 | Tree-Searching and Tree-Pruning Techniques | John Birmingham, Peter Kent | 123 | | 4.2 | Some Methods of Controlling the Tree Searchin Chess Programs | Georgy Adelson-Velsky, Vladimir Arlazarov,Mikhail Donskoy | 129 | | 4.3 | The Heuristic Search and the Game of Chess.A Study of Quiescence, Sacrifices and Plan Oriented Play | Larry Harris | 136 | | 4.4 | A Theory of EvaluativeComments in Chess with a Note on Minimaxing | Donald Michie | 143 | | 5 | Analysis | 156 | | 5.1 | The Sequence of Phases | Adriaan de Groot | 157 | | 5.2 | Skill in Chess | Herbert Simon, William Chase | 175 | | 5.3 | Decision Making and Computers | Mikhail Botvinnik | 189 | | 5.4 | A Chess Mating Combinations Program | George Baylor, Herbert Simon | 196 | | 5.5 | Robot Chess | Dietrich Prinz | 213 | | 6 | Writing a Chess Program | 220 | | 6.1 | A Computer Chess Tutorial | Norman Whaland | 221 | | 6.2 | Using Patterns and Plans in Chess | David Wilkins | 233 | | 6.3 | Mate at a Glance | John Birmingham, Peter Kent | 258 | | 7 | Special Purpose Software and Hardware | 266 | | 7.1 | Some Ideas for a Chess Compiler | Mike Clarke | 267 | | 7.2 | Robots | Henri Vigneron | 273 | | 7.3 | CHEOPS: A Chess-orientated Processing System | John Moussouris, Jack Holloway,Richard Greenblatt | 279 | | 7.4 | BELLE: Chess Hardware | Joe Condon, Ken Thompson | 286 | | 8 | The Endgame | 293 | | 8.1 | Co-ordinate Squares:A Solution to Many Chess Pawn Endgames | Kenneth W. Church | 295 | | 8.2 | Goal-Directed Search in Chess Endgames | Jaap van den Herik | 316 | | 8.3 | Computer Analysis of a Rook End-Game | Vladimir Arlazarov, Aaron L. Futer | 330 | | 9 | Games Played by Chess Programs | 337 | | 9.1 | Games from the ACM Tournaments | 338 | | 9.2 | Games from the World Computer Championships | 382 | | 9.3 | Blitz Games between Computers and Human Players | 408 | | 9.4 | Simultaneous Games between Computer Programs and Human Players | 410 | | 9.5 | Games Played by Computer Programs in Human Tournaments | 411 | | 9.6 | Miscellaneous Games played by Computer Programs | 418 | | 9.7 | The World Microcomputer Championships | 419 | | | Bibliography | 421 |

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