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title: Cliff Shaw

Home * People * Cliff Shaw

Cliff Shaw [1] John Clifford (Cliff ) Shaw, (1922–1991) [2]

was an American mathematician and pioneer in computer programming languages, artificial intelligence, and the development of on-line, interactive, time-sharing computers. He worked for the RAND Corporation, 1950-1971, where he completed his most significant work.


In the 1950s, he collaborated with the Carnegie Mellon University researchers Herbert Simon and Allen Newell on developing computer programs that attempted to simulate human decision-making. Shaw wrote the programming language known as Information Processing Language (IPL) for the Chess program NSS (and other programs) for a Johnniac computer.

Selected Publications

External Links


  1. November 7, 1960 - RAND's JOSS Operating System Begins from This Day in History of The Computer History Museum
  2. Cliff Shaw from Wikipedia
  3. General Problem Solver from Wikipedia

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