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title: Vladimir Arlazarov

Home * People * Vladimir Arlazarov

Vladimir Arlazarov [1] [2] Vladimir L’vovich Arlazarov,

a Russian mathematician, computer scientist, computer chess pioneer, and CEO of the private company Cognitive Technologies [3] [4] [5] founded in 1993, located in the building of the Institute of Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow [6] [7]. Since 2007, Vladimir Arlazarov is member of the European Academy of Sciences [8].

In 1963 [9] at Alexander Kronrod’s laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP), Vladimir Arlazarov co-developed the ITEP Chess Program, along with Georgy Adelson-Velsky, Anatoly Uskov and Alexander Zhivotovsky, advised by Russian chess master Alexander Bitman and three-time world champion Mikhail Botvinnik [10]. At the end of 1966 a four game match began between the Kotok-McCarthy-Program, running on a IBM 7090 computer, and the ITEP Chess Program on a Soviet M-20 computer. The match played over nine months was won 3-1 by the The ITEP program, despite playing on slower hardware. By 1971, Mikhail Donskoy joined with Arlazarov and Uskov to program its successor on an ICL System 4/70 at the Institute of Control Sciences, called Kaissa, which became the first World Computer Chess Champion in 1974 in Stockholm.

ITEP Chess Program

Vladimir Arlazarov, Alexander Bitman and Alexander Zhivotovsky, ITEP, November 24, 1967 [11]


Kaissa on an ICL 4/70 operated by Vladimir Arlazarov during the WCCC 1974 [12]

Thompson and Donskoy

Vladimir Arlazarov, Ken Thompson and Mikhail Donskoy, 1992 [13]

Selected Publications

[14] [15] [16] [17]


1970 ...

1975 ...

1980 ...

2000 ...

2010 ...

See also

Forum Posts

External Links


  1. Tony Marsland, Monty Newborn (1981). A brighter future for Soviet computer chess? ICCA Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 1, pdf
  2. Arlazarov in Moscow 1980, Photo by Monroe Newborn from The Computer History Museum
  3. Vladimir Arlazarov at Cognitive Technologies
  4. Cognitive Technologies: Main
  5. Interview for PC Magazine
  6. Welcome to the ISA RAS website!
  7. Vladimir Arlazarov at the ISA RAS website
  8. Cognitive Technologies: News and events 2013
  9. "Каисса" - Историю программы рассказывает один из ее создателей Михаил Донской - Kaissa by Mikhail Donskoy, translated by Google Translate
  10. International Grandmaster and World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik in Moscow, 1980, Gift of Monroe Newborn, "Botvinnik served as a consultant to Soviet computer chess developers who developed an early program at ITEP which won a correspondence chess match against a Stanford University chess program led by John McCarthy in 1967. Later he advised the team that created the chess program Kaissa at Moscow’s Institute for Control Science"
  11. ↑ Image captured from the Video В шахматы "играет" ЭВМ. Телевизионные новости. Эфир 24.11.1967 ca. 0:58
  12. Kaissa World Champion from Памяти Г. М. Адельсон-Вельского | Facebook (cropped), Image from display case TASS, 1974
  13. Photo by Monroe Newborn from History of Computer Chess from The Computer History Museum. Perhaps the photo was taken much earlier than 1992. See, for comparison, a photo of Arlazarov in 1993 in this blog post
  14. zbMATH - Arlazarov, V. L.
  15. Arlazarov Vladimir L'vovich from Math-Net.Ru
  16. ICGA Reference Database
  17. dblp: Vladimir L. Arlazarov
  18. Method of Four Russians from Wikipedia
  19. Yefim Dinitz (2006). Dinitz' Algorithm: The Original Version and Even's Version. Theoretical Computer Science, Springer, pdf
  20. Dinic's algorithm from Wikipedia
  21. Method of Analogies?? by Bruce Cleaver, CCC, May 29, 1998

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