𓏛 - pannous/hieros GitHub Wiki

Universal Determinant

𓐚 -𓏝 -𓏛 -𓏜 𓇩 -𓌙 ty tion -tang -𓏏𓅱𓍱

𜎅 •term' 𓏛 𓏥 terminal

𓏛 𓏥𒈨𒌍
𓏛 𓏏 𓏤 tira diri derua “book
𓏛 𓏏 𓏤𓏤 tablet text @ textile 𔕬 tú Tuch 𔕪 𔕫 𔕩 𒌆⋍𒉇 TÚG²
𓏛 𓏏 𓏤𓏤 •taxt تخت حساب taxt-e hesâb تخت و میل taxt o mil “abacus” <> count numbers 𓏛 𓏏 𓏤𓏤 •taxt ≈ 𒃻𒋃 uttuku “abacus” 𓏛 terminal symbol marking the end of a term > tum (nouns, verbs, etc)
𓏛 mater 𓇾 matter 𒈨𒌍 -mes / ism 𓏛𓏥 -us 𐍃
𓏛 𓏥 -ment ments mens <> 𒎌 mes in 𓌥 𓃀 𓅱 𓏛 𓏥 ḏbꜣwᵐ replacement (𓃀 𓅱 | place ) 𒈭𒄷𒌝 dahᵇhu-um 𓏛 µα -ma ⇔ -mek
𓏛 -trum (mantrum, centrum, …)
𓏛 -ter -er -tra
𓏛 -tion > -tum -ty
𓏛 - 𒌈 -tum 𒁴 -tim
𓏛 -tus 2 𓉔 𓊪 𓏛 habitus
𓏛 -t 𓉔 𓊪 𓏛 habit
𓏛 -τερος -teros

𓏛 𓏥 terminal 1. term 2. 𒌋𒌋 MIN₃ 𒈨𒌍 mes ⋍ moons 3. 𒌍 ☾☾☾ տարի tari 3. three

𓏛 𓏏 𓏤 | papyrus roll, book, letter, dispatch | le'ter t.𓏤 ≠ 3 !?
𓏛 𓏏 𓏤 | book | тхылъ txəł ⇔ Tuch tex text maybe? << •tergh tarkh tarp ?
𓏛 𓏏 𓏤𓏤 | book | 𒋰𒁾 διφθέρᾱ diphthérā “tablet”
𓏛 𓏏 𓏤𓏤 | book | διψάρα dipsára “writing-tablet; piece of leather” Mycenaean Greek 𐀇𐁇𐀨 di-pte-ra

𒌅 TU 𓏛 𓏮 tum tion abstract nouns suffix, exposing full sign instead of syllable

𓊵 𓏏 𓊪 𒁾 𒌅 ṭub-tu peace

𓏛 MAN ⇔ NAM 𒉆 :
𓏛 𓏏 𓏤 nwomta “book” 𓋳 ᠨᠣᠮᡠᠨ nomun ⇔ names

𓏛 -ter “-ly”, adverbial suffix) exter : extra intra contra

𓂋 𓈙 𓅱 𓂉 𓏏 𓏛 𓏥 ուրախություն uɾɑχutʰjun (joy) ⇔ rush, arise, heureux reanalysis

𓐍𓏏𓏛𓏥 Güter goods, property
𓐍𓏏𓏛𓏥 κτῆμα ktêma (property)

𓂋 comparative high => higher ≠ 𓏌𓏲 -ερός -erós

𓏛 -τερος -teros m (feminine -τέρᾱ, neuter -τερον); first/second declensio
Used on adjectives that express some notion of contrast with an antonym

𓏛 -τερος -teros
Added to many adjectives and some adverbs to form the comparative forms.
βαθύς (vathýs, “deep” + -τερος (-teros) → βαθύτερος (vathýteros, “deeper”
όμορφος (ómorfos, “beautiful” + -τερος (-teros) → ομορφότερος (omorfóteros, “more beautiful”

𓏛 -τερος -tero
Added to many adjectives and some adverbs to form the relative superlative forms.
βαθύς (vathýs, “deep” + -τερος (-teros) → ο βαθύτερος (o vathýteros, “deepest”

(e.g. 𐀀-𐀡-𐀳-𐀨 a-po-te-ra ἀμφότερος ambi!both)

Added to adjective stems to form comparative forms

Welsh -ter
From Proto-Celtic *-teros (comparative suffix[1]),[2] from Proto-Indo-European *-teros. Cognate with Cornish -ter.
-ter m (plural -terau)
forming abstract nouns, -ness, -ment
craff “observant, astute” + -ter → craffter “astuteness”
pell “far” + -ter → pellter “distance”
gwag “empty” + -ter → gwacter “emptiness”

Dictum 𓂧 𓏏 𓏜 ditum madita :

𓌃 𓂧 𓏏 𓏜 MATTER
𓌃 𓂧 𓏏 𓏜 | matter, affair |
𓌃 𓂧 𓏏 𓈓 | 𐌼𐌰𐌸𐌻𐌴𐌹𐌽 “speech,discourse” | moutheln mauscheln masln ⇔ quasseln
𓌃 𓂧 𓏏 𓏥 | speak, address (someone), speech, word, plea |

Adjectives unspecified phonetics: 𓋴 𓐍 𓎸 𓏛 | wide | ⲥⲑⲱⲛ •saçan{ik} šadanika @ Elamite √Kanne, Kanister