Project 2 - ncbi/workshop-asm-ngs-2022 GitHub Wiki

Project 2: Generate tree of KPC alleles to examine evolution of size variants

Some background

blaKPC genes are beta-lactamases that can hydrolize cabapenems, which are last-line beta-lactam drugs. Though very closely related there are functional differences in substrate specificity and avibactam resistance.

KPC structure/function


Instructions on setting up a VM for this and Project 2 are in Setup.

Step 1: Download FASTA file of all blaKPC alleles from the Reference Gene Catalog

For this project we're going to be working in the web console we already opened. If you have closed it you need to click the 'SSH' link next to the listing for your VM in the Compute Engine VM instances list.

Step 1a: Make a working directory

mkdir -p ~/project2
cd ~/project2

Step 1b: Download the reference coding sequence from the AMRFinderPlus database

The AMRFinderPlus database contains a specially formatted FASTA file that includes the coding sequence for all the genes in the Reference Gene Catalog. You can also download the coding sequence from the Reference Gene Catalog web interface.


Step 2: Filter for sequences less than 297 amino-acids in length

There are a few KPC alleles with large insertions that we will exclude in this analysis to simplify demonstrationa and analysis.

Step 2a: Download the Reference Gene Catalog table

The data behind the Reference Gene Catalog is available on our FTP site at We have documentation for the files in the AMRFinderPlus database on the AMRFinderPlus wiki


Step 2b: Get a list of blaKPC genes < 297 amino-acids in length

We'll use awk to calculate the length of each element in nucleotide space and filter for those less than 297 amino acids (genbank_stop - genbank_start + 1 < 297). For those lines that match we'll print out the refseq_accession, allele, and the length in amino-acids.

awk -F'\t' '$2 == "blaKPC" && ($20-$19+1)/3 < 297 { print $11"\t"$1"\t"($20-$19+1)/3-1 }' ReferenceGeneCatalog.txt > is in the format accession <tab> allele <tab> length

Step 2c: Filter and reformat the FASTA

Filter the FASTA file for the sequences we're interested in and make convenient phylip-compatible names for visualizing on a phylogenetic tree.

time while read -u 10 accession allele length
    seqkit grep -r -p "$accession" AMR_CDS | 
        sed "s/^>.*/>${accession}_${allele}_${length}/"
done 10< > kpc_to_analyze.fna

Step 3: Align the sequences with Muscle

muscle -align kpc_to_analyze.fna -output kpc_to_analyze.aln.fna

This step should take a couple of minutes.

muscle -align kpc_to_analyze.fna -output kpc_to_analyze.aln.fna

muscle 5.1.linux64 [12f0e2]  32.9Gb RAM, 8 cores
Built Jan 13 2022 23:17:13
(C) Copyright 2004-2021 Robert C. Edgar.

Input: 100 seqs, avg length 882, max 888

00:00 4.6Mb  CPU has 8 cores, running 8 threads
01:57 541Mb   100.0% Calc posteriors
01:59 554Mb   100.0% Consistency (1/2)
02:01 554Mb   100.0% Consistency (2/2)
02:01 554Mb   100.0% UPGMA5
02:03 565Mb   100.0% Refining

Step 4: Infer the tree using RAxML

raxml-ng --search --msa kpc_to_analyze.aln.fna --model GTR+I+G --seed 1 --redo

The end of the output from RAxML-NG run should look something like this:

Best ML tree with collapsed near-zero branches saved to: /home/aprasad/project2/kpc_to_analyze.aln.fna.raxml.bestTreeCollapsed
Best ML tree saved to: /home/aprasad/project2/kpc_to_analyze.aln.fna.raxml.bestTree
All ML trees saved to: /home/aprasad/project2/kpc_to_analyze.aln.fna.raxml.mlTrees
Optimized model saved to: /home/aprasad/project2/kpc_to_analyze.aln.fna.raxml.bestModel

Execution log saved to: /home/aprasad/project2/kpc_to_analyze.aln.fna.raxml.log

Analysis started: 21-Sep-2022 18:02:17 / finished: 21-Sep-2022 18:02:56

Elapsed time: 39.329 seconds

Step 5: Visualize the tree in iTOL

We're using the web-based software iTOL for this exercise, an alternative to using iTOL to visualize the tree is NCBI's desktop GUI software Genome Workbench.

Step 5a: Copy and paste into iTOL

cat kpc_to_analyze.aln.fna.raxml.bestTree

Copy the text of the tree.

Your tree should look like, if you don't use or change the --seed option above the tree might vary because of differences in the random numbers used by RAxML-NG:


Go go iTOL at and copy and paste your tree into the upload box.

You can see your tree, but we'll add an annotation file to color branches so we can see the length variation more easily.

Step 5b: Download and add iTOL annotation files.

There are two annotation files we used to add color and phenotype information to the tree at iTOL. Documentation for the annotation file formats at iTOL is here.

Here are the two annotation files we've already generated. Right click each of them and save them for upload to iTOL.

To save time we've run them already and link to them here, but the following commands will generate them live from your data. You can also take a look at the two quick-and-dirty scripts to generate the annotation files: and

perl > tree_colors.txt
perl ReferenceGeneCatalog.txt > phenotype_annotation.txt

Step 5c: Upload the annotation file to color the taxon names

Click the "Datasets" tab in iTOL and then the "Upload annotation files" button. Datasets - Upload annotation files

Select the tree_colors.txt and phenotype_annotation.txt files you already downloaded and click upload.


KPC tree

Three conclusions:

  1. "Star topology" indicates a recent radiation from ancestor sequence with little resolution in the tree. Little data to verify exact branching pattern.
  2. Likely multiple independent mutational events leading to size differences.
  3. Some phenotypes have not been assessed experimentally and that could be a source of inconsistency.

End of Project 2

Continue on to Project 3

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