Page Index - myTeachingURJC/2018-19-PNE GitHub Wiki
33 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Information
- Contents
- Teachers
- Students
- Authors
- Credits
- License
- Links
- Drafts
- Final project
- Final project 2
- Introduction
- Notes
- Sesion 8: Practicing with client and servers
- Session 10: Practicing with client and servers
- Session 11: HTTP protocol
- Session 12: Practicing with web servers
- Session 13: HTTP python library
- Session 14: Practicing with web servers and the http module
- Session 15: HTML forms
- Session 16: Practicing with forms
- Session 17: API REST. JSON
- Session 18: Practicing with JSON and API Rest
- Session 19: API REST
- Session 20: Finishing all the previous exercises and practices
- Session 5: Object Oriented Programing 1
- Session 6: Object Oriented Programing 2
- Session 7: Client server model
- Session 9: Client server model (II)
- Sessions 3 and 4: Practicing with the tools
- Tools I
- Tools II