Session 6: Object Oriented Programing 2 - myTeachingURJC/2018-19-PNE GitHub Wiki
- Goals:
- Practicing with Object oriented programming
- Duration: 2h
- Date: Week 3: Wednesday, Feb-6th-2019
Practice 1
- Place all the files in your P1 Folder in your 2018-19-PNE repo in github
- Create the Seq class for working with sequences. It should be stored in the file
- The Seq class should implement the following methods:
- Class initialization: The string with the sequence is passed when creating the object (as we have seen in the examples)
- len(): It returns the length of the sequence
- complement(): It returns a new sequence, that is the complement of the object's sequence (Tip: Calculate first the complement string and then return a object created from this string. Use a diccionary calculating the complement
- reverse(): Return a new sequence that is the reverse of the current sequence
- count(base): Return the number of times the base "base" appears in the sequence
- perc(base): Return the percentage of the base "base" over the total bases
- The Seq class should implement the attribute strbase, with the sequence as a string (the same that is shown in the examples)
- The main program is located in the file:
- The main program should create 4 sequences. The first two are created directly my invoking the Seq method with their string sequence
- The sequence 3 is created by invoking the complement() method in the sequence 1
- The sequence 4 is created by invoking the reverse() method in the sequence 3
- The main program should print the following information for every sequence:
- The sequence string
- The total length
- The number of bases of every type
- The percentage of bases of every type
- This is an example of the output:
Length: 11
Bases count: A:3, T:3, C:2, G:3
Bases percentage: A:27.3%, T:27.3%, C:18.2%, G:27.3%
Sequence 2: CGTAAC
Length: 6
Bases count: A:2, T:1, C:2, G:1
Bases percentage: A:33.3%, T:16.7%, C:33.3%, G:16.7%
Length: 11
Bases count: A:3, T:3, C:3, G:2
Bases percentage: A:27.3%, T:27.3%, C:27.3%, G:18.2%
Length: 11
Bases count: A:3, T:3, C:3, G:2
Bases percentage: A:27.3%, T:27.3%, C:27.3%, G:18.2%
Juan González-Gómez (Obijuan)
- Alvaro del Castillo. He designed and created the original content of this subject. Thanks a lot :-)