Functional analysis - mlefevre/citizenPressAgency GitHub Wiki
Functional analysis
This should contains the functional aspect analysis. As such, no technical or implementation aspects will be considered.
Each page should contains a single use case. If in the process of describing a user story, it appears that there are too many different scenarios or that the main scenario is too complex, it may imply that the user story must be divided in different use cases.
It should be possible to sum up/describe every use case in the following way :
As someone
I want to do something
In order to achieve a goal
If it can not fit in this sort of scenario, it may be an hint that it should be split in different use cases.
This project may be described in 3 different modules which may used (and therefor developed) separately.
The data source
There will be gathered the available data source used by the platform. Those data are either hosted by the platform itself or referenced and hosted somewhere else. In both cases, the platform (and the community forming it) trust those data source. Which means that before being hosted or referenced, those sources should go through a validation process.
The articles
The articles will redacted on the platform and be accessible through it. Those article are based on the data trusted by the platform. Besides, as they are on the platform, they will be de facto considered as relevant. To achieve this thrust level they will also (like the data) have to go through a validation process.
The community
Somehow, this will be the core of the platform. The users of the platform will form this community.