Review process - mlefevre/citizenPressAgency GitHub Wiki
User story description
Once a creator is happy with his article, he can propose it for reviewing.
A set (number to be fixed, let say N) of users is then randomly chosen among the set of potential reviewers to review the article. The selected users must accept being a reviewer for this article. They can also decline the task. If they don't take any decision within T days, it is considered that they have declined the task. As long there aren't N reviewer having accepted their task, new random user are proposed to fulfill the task.
Once they have accepted, they can access the article, comment it, ask for edition and validate it.
The review process end if the creator cancel it or if at least N/2 users of the designated reviewers validate it.
values to set:
- N the number of required reviewers
- T the time to accept/decline the review task
Use cases
Propose for review
As an article creator, I want to propose my article for review in order to make it accessible for the public.
Who ?
The article creator.
What ?
The article is proposed for being reviewed by the community. Once a majority of the reviewers agreed on it, the article is released (i.e. is accessible for contributors and corporate users) before being published to the public.
Cancel a review
As an article creator I want stop a review process in order to make deep change in my article (maybe deleting it)
Who ?
The article creator.
What ?
This terminate the review process. The article won't be released and the designed reviewers are relieved from their task.
Accept a review task
As a user selected as reviewer I want to accept a review task in order to be able to fulfill it.
Who ?
A user selected as reviewer.
What ?
The user accept the task of reviewer of a specific article. As such he gains access to the article. He can
- view it
- comment it
- ask for an edition on it
- validate it
Decline a review task
As a user selected as reviewer I want to refuse a review task in order to spare time and let someone else do the job.
Who ?
A user selected as reviewer.
What ?
The user decline the task of reviewer and is removed of the potential reviewers for this article. A new user must be randomly selected among potential reviewers.
Access the article
cf. Creation process
Comment the article
As a reviewer I want to let a comment on the article in order to give opinion about the article or an other reviewer action or ask a question to the creator.
Who ?
A reviewer.
What ?
Write a comment concerning the article. The comment can be seen by the creator and the other reviewers. The comment can also be a response to an other reviewer's action comment or edition's request
Ask for edition
As a reviewer I want to ask the creator to edit his article in order to improve it.
Who ?
A reviewer.
What ?
This is a specific sort of comment requiring an action from the creator. The action taken can either be an edition of the article or an explanation.
Closing an edition request
nota : maybe this UC must be split in Closing/Refusing an edition request
Who ?
A reviewer or the creator.
What ?
Set the edition request as close. This can result of either the fulfillment of the reviewer's request or the refusal of such request by the author.
Validate the article
As a reviewer I want to validate the article in order to make it publishable.
Who ?
A reviewer.
What ?
The reviewer validate the article as good for publication in his opinion. The reviewer keep his right on the article plus he has now the opportunity to in-validate the article
In-validate the article
As a reviewer I want to remove my validation on the article in order to avoid it to be published as-is
Who ?
A reviewer who have already validate the article.
What ?
The reviewer remove his approval of the article. (The reviewer who have validate the article can change his mind following some article's editions)