Creation process - mlefevre/citizenPressAgency GitHub Wiki

Use cases representations



Create article

As a contributor, I want to create an article based on the platform's data in order to share an analysis of those data.
Who ?
Only a registered user of the platform can create an article.

What ?
To start an article, the creator must choose at least one set of data available on the platform. He must choose a title and a summary for the article.

Delete article

As an article's creator, I want to destroy one of my article in order to remove it from the platform.
Who ?
Only the creator of an article can delete this article.

What ?
After being deleted, an article cannot be seen by anyone. Not even the creator

What if the article has been purchased for publication by a corporate user ? The copy remains available for the purchaser or everything is removed from the platform ?

View article

As a platform user, I want to access the content of an article to get information.
Who ?
Anyone acceding the platform.

What ?
See the content of an article released and published.