Community management - mlefevre/citizenPressAgency GitHub Wiki


To describe how the community of contributors will be managed.


The different roles that a contributor may have in the community and its interactions with other members.

  • Creator
    He is the one who have created an article. This role can be endorsed freely by any contributor simply by starting a new article
  • Editor
    He is the one designed by the creator of an article to help him improving the quality of the article. The user must have a certain (TBD) accreditation to be eligible for this role.
  • Reviewer
    He is the one randomly designed by the platform to review an article proposed for publication. This role must be accepted first. The user must have a certain (TBD) accreditation to be eligible for this role.
  • Tutor (= Mentor)
    He is the one chosen by a new contributor to help him in the whole article creation process. The user must accept the role. The user must have a certain (TBD) accreditation to be eligible for this role.


(Also calls levels)
The different levels a user may have and what roles it allows (in importance order from lower to highest)

  1. Local
  2. People
  3. Sport
  4. Economy
  5. International
    As you may have guess, those are inspired by various press thema. Of course they are arbitrarily ordered and I'm willing to change this order if someone feels it's wrong ;)

Reputation management


How the reputation of a user may improve.

  • write an article which is validated (released)
  • write an article which is bought by corporate user for publication.
  • accept a reviewer role and assuming it
  • accept a tutor role and assuming it
  • ...

The amount of gained reputation must still be defined for those actions


  • Not answering a review request.